Walker’s Weekly

Week’s Recap

We had another wonderful week in Ms. Walker and Ms. Brenda’s preschool class. This week, we worked hard on learning our colors and practiced finding the colors on “color hunts” around our room.

Thank you to everyone who was able to contribute fruit for our color celebration with fruit salad on Friday. The children loved it. Please be sure that all forms from the Code of Conduct have been filled out and returned to school, as well as any data forms that may have been sent back home.

Next Week

Next week, we will be working on shapes in math. The four shapes we will be learning are circle, square, rectangle, and triangle. Please try to review these shapes with your student in everyday life at home, be it by the shape of their food, toy, or any other item around your house. We will continue to work on learning colors, as well as, continue working on counting from 1 to 5. As you go through the evenings and weekends, please help to encourage your child to count and identify colors.


Each Friday, students will be able to purchase ice cream. In order for your child to purchase ice cream, their lunch account must have money available to pay for their ice cream. Please let me know if you do not wish for your child to purchase ice cream on Fridays.

Blankets, pillows, and stuffed animals that each child uses on their cot during rest time were sent home today. Please be sure to remember to return these items to school in their bookbag on Monday so they can have it the following week to rest comfortably.

Friday folders have important information, student work, and other materials sent home in them weekly. Please take a look at any forms that are on the left side of the folder titled “Return Back,” so that these items can be returned to school.

Our school is collecting Sunny D labels and Box Tops again this year. Please send them in with your child if, and whenever you have any.

Resource Schedule

Monday, our resource schedule will begin with day 2. This week’s resource schedule will be as follows:

Monday- Music

Tuesday- P.E.

Wednesday- Art

Thursday- Computer

Friday- Music


Please look around your house to help your child find items that are circles, triangles, squares or rectangles. Once these shapes are found, please help your child pick one small item to bring into class on Friday, September 19 to share with the class.

Important Dates

10/2 Back to School Night

10/10 Pastries for Parents 8:00-8:30

11/3 Early Dismissal

11/4 School Closed