Wales in Bloom
Marking Sheet 2017
Name of Entry: Abergavenny in Bloom / Judging Date:Thursday 13th July 2017Category: Class 4 Town / Judge: John Woods
It was a great pleasure to return to Abergavenny and to see the progress that you have made. The businesses are to be congratulated on their support for the floral displays which in turn help to ensure that both local people and visitors alike enjoy both working and visiting the town. The small band of volunteers in Linda Vista Gardens too have made great strides, and I do hope that further help and support will materialise for them. The volunteers are engaged in restoring a garden that contains a number of horticultural jewels, and they do deserve more recognition for their ongoing effort.
Once again this year this was an extremely competitive class, but I am delighted to award the Wales In Bloom Town Class 2nd Prize to Abergavenny. Many congratulations! Llongyfarchiadau lu!
SECTION A – Horticultural Achievement
Assessing year-round horticultural achievement including conservation and natural areas.
A1. / Impact – design, colours, appropriate choice of plants, special features, presentation, innovation / 20 / 17
A2. / Horticultural practice – cultivation and maintenance, quality of plants, sustainability, new planting / 20 / 18
A3. / Residential and Community Gardening – residential, communal areas, allotments, public buildings (grounds of churches, schools etc.), car parks / 20 / 17
A4. / Business Areas and Premises – retail and shopping areas, leisure sites, transport terminals, car parks, farms, rural businesses, pubs, post offices, tourist areas/attractions, offices, estate agents etc. / 20 / 17
A5. / Green Spaces – verges, parks and open public spaces / 20 / 16
50% of maximum points / 100 / 85
Areas of Achievement:
- The Community Orchard. This is developing exceptionally well.
- The ongoing restoration and maintenance of Linda Vista Gardens by the small band of volunteers.
- The floral displays in the Cibi Walk Shopping Centre – and the support from both the landlord and tenants of the retail units. Superb!
- The sustainable plantings at Abergavenny Castle.
- The redevelopment of the streetscape at Post Office Square. The use of semi-mature trees here has brought the landscape architect’s vision to life instantly! Impressive.
- The hanging baskets and/or window boxes on a number of business premises in Neville Street including Parry’s Estate Agents, Gartsides, Cooks Gallery, H Shackleton, Wetherspoon’s Abergavenny Coliseum, and WH Smith.
- The floral displays on Robert Price builders’ merchants and the Conservative Club.
- The Civic Society Beds
- The Library Square raised bed maintained by volunteers.
- The Abergavenny Community Enterprise Partnership Incredible Edibles Project.
Areas for Improvement:
- Whilst the plant choices in the square planters in and around the bus station were good – some planters lacked height. Similar to a plain cake without icing or other decoration…
SECTION B – Environmental Responsibility
Assessing year-round activities improving environmental responsibility.
B1. / Conservation and biodiversity – areas ofnatural habitat, wildlife and conservation sites / 10 / 7
B2. / Resource management – recycling, minimising demand placed on natural resources and any harmful impact on the environment / 10 / 7
B3. / Local heritage –management and development of local heritage and/or identity, inclusive of natural heritage / 10 / 7
B4. / Local environmental quality – management of vacant premises and plots, litter, graffiti, fly-posting, dog fouling etc. / 10 / 8
B5. / Pride of place – management of street furniture, signage, art in the landscape and hard landscaping / 10 / 8
25% of maximum points / 50 / 37
Areas of Achievement:
- The vision of the volunteers engaged in restoring Linda Vista Gardens including the new arboretum, bog garden, bug hotels, and composting facilities.
- The Bee Friendly boxes.
- The bespoke benches and interpretation panels at Abergavenny Castle.
- The use of peat free compost products for plant production.
Areas for Improvement:
- Weeds in the pavement outside Boots the Chemist in Frogmore Street.
- A small amount of dog dirt seen on pavements.
- The rough grass area outside the former court building in Baker Street.
SECTION C – Community Participation
Assessing year-round community participation
C1. / Development and continuity - Development and sustainability of the local Bloom initiative and evidence of ongoing projects / 10 / 7
C2. / Communication and education – community awareness and understanding, engagement with schools and young people and/or other community groups, press coverage, publicity materials / 10 / 6
C3. / Community participation – engaging a wide range of people across all areas of the community / 10 / 7
C4. / Year-round involvement – schedules of events and supporting evidence of year-round activity (primary evidence to be presented in 15 minute presentation) / 10 / 5
C5. / Funding and Support – initiatives to secure ongoing support for the local Bloom campaign including local business support / 10 / 6
25% of maximum points / 50 / 31
Areas of Achievement:
- The partnership working with Monmouthshire County Council, Friends of Linda Vista Gardens, The Civic Society, Community Orchard Group, Incredible Edibles, and ACE Community Enterprise Partnership.
Areas for Improvement:
- Have you tried using social media to attract the interest of more volunteers to help with the restoration of Linda Vista Gardens?
- Apart from Ysgol Gymraeg Y Fenni are there any other opportunities to involve young people?
(max.) / 153