WELCOME: Stacy Bagley, President, called the meeting to order at 7pm.
ATTENDEES: Angie Levy, Stacy Bagley, Angie Brogden, Tony Brogden, Lee Perry, Athletic Director Deran Coe, Kim McLean, Tony Pearson, Lyn Pearce and Trish Deluke.
SECRETARY: November 2012 minutes were presented to membership for approval. Motion presented by Lee Perry and seconded by Trish Deluke.
TREASURER: The financial report with transaction details and balances with YTD balances in detail were presented by Treasurer,Trish Deluke. Treasurer stated two business sponsorship payments had been received in December (OSNC and Mellow Mushroom).
VICE PRESIDENT: Tony Pearson led discussion under Corporate BusinessSponsorship item below as the chairperson and VP.
ATHLETIC DIRECTOR: Athletic Director gave a summary of where the winter sport teams were in the conference. Wrestling and Swimming were seeing successes and Cheerleading was preparing for February County Cheer Competition. Lee Perry commented that at the last basketball varsity game where the game partnered with the DECA Club with a shootout was fun as the crowd liked it and she felt everyone enjoyed it. A couple of suggestions were comments. AD Coe stated that future ticket to play dates for spring sports are planned for February 11, 12 and tryouts 13th. He discussed how it would work for the student athletes that had participated in an earlier season sport. AD Coe also stated that Cougar fans could tune into 99.9 FM and 620AM next week to catch WFR on the CAP 8 minute series. It would be aired during commercial breaks at various times in the week. Capital Broadcasting is the official medial provider of the Cap 8 Conference.
Season Passes: President discussed when to do the next reduction of season passes for adults and students. AD Coe commented that there would be time for another ABC meeting in February before the spring sport kickoff and the last season pass reduction for sports. Donna Iapalucci was unable to make the meeting.
Banquet: Lee Perry reported that the winter banquet was set for March 21. The event would need volunteers. President discussed the food choices.
Website: No report from Ron Shaw, Chairperson.
Membership: Angie Levy commented that currently there were 50members to date with ABC. She reported that last year there were 101 and gathered that the difference was that season passes offered membership that was included in price the school year before.
Athletic Program Book: President talked about senior picture schedule by Three Oaks Photography for winter sports.
Fundraiser Activity: President discussed that teams were coming to close with fundraising. She stated that basketball had sold KrisbyKreme Doughnuts, etc. Lee Perry commented that the teams may have more fundraising activity if it was posted on the school site of what sport teams where selling in their fundraising campaigns with a parent contact for those interested in buying who are not directly involved in the sport, but would like to purchase and support the WFR Teams. Membership also commented to AD Deran Coe that maybe the team could sell them in the concessions or lobby of gym before the sporting event to help raise additional funds. AD Coe commented that it is up to the initiative of the coach and team to think of creative ways to raise monies in fundraising for their sport.
Corporate Sponsors: Tony Pearson discussed with the group that receipts for sponsorship levels were at 50 percent received from business pledges. President stated several were making quarter payments to ABC. Mellow Mushroom and OSNC were working to fulfill their full sponsorship to the Club. Tony noted to the group that he would contact the remaining businesses or get out invoices to the businesses for their final commitment to ABC.
Volunteers: President and group discussed that the sign-up genius was working and helped the sport teams with volunteers.
Concessions: No report from Kim McLean, Chairperson. President commented that she and Kim trade off games as applicable and that Angie Brogen was thanked for helping in concessions at the games as well!
Angie Levy, Secretary mentioned to President that at next meeting the Club needs to compose its nomination committee for gathering the slate of officers for 2013-14. Critical vacancy will be the office of President Elect. ABC would like to thank current President, Stacy Bagley, for her untiring support and hard work!!! President Bagley and Secretary, Angie Levy will send a blast out to membership for interest in the coming weeks before the February regular meeting.
- President presented before the membership that Athletics was in need of new Tennis Nets and presented the proposal quote for vote. Lee Perry motioned for ABC to pay for four new nets to be purchased and installed at the cost of $1090. Trish Deluke seconded and the membership present carried unanimously.
- President discussed with membership the opportunity for ABC to assist in with the school administration and academics in selling breakfast food (biscuits) during the proposed new “Cougar Time” on Wednesday mornings only for those qualified students above a D average in all classes. AD Deran Coe commented that Athletics would be able to arrange and transport the “biscuits” or breakfast item to concessions. The food profits would be given to ABC. President noted that Athletics would need one to two ABC parents for an estimated 16 weeks total for an estimated one hour only during school day as the school implements the proposed academic remediation to help those failing students and other students make up work, get tutoring and/or take missed tests. The school effort is to mainly help low performing students do better as this was an academic option being discussed by school administration and teachers. It would replace “smart lunch”. Angie Levy motioned the support of ABC in using sign up genius to get parent volunteers to help sell food (biscuits) during the hour of “Cougar Time” on Wednesday mornings around 9-10am timeframe to support the school and students for the remediation trial. Members present had discussion of details and purpose with AD Deran Coe. Trish Deluke seconded the motion. Motion carried as ABC would partner with its parent volunteer support group since help would be for the remaining weeks of the school yearas a trial period. Angie Levy commented she would draft a sign up genius for parent volunteers to register to help on Wednesdays for an hour nearing the February timeframe rollout of the proposed academic remediation program for students.
NEXT BOOSTER MEETING is Monday, February 11that 7pminside theWFRHS Athletic Sports Building behind the Lindsey Gym!!!
Meetings are always held on second Monday of Month. Respectfully submitted by: Angie Levy, Secretary, WFRHS ABC