Wake Forest Board of Commissioners
March 15, 2011
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Wake Forest Board of Commissioners
Meeting Minutes
March 15, 2011
7:00 pm
Mayor Jones calledthe meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.
Council Members Present / Staff PresentMayor Vivian Jones / Mark Williams, Town Manager
Commissioner Frank Drake / Roe O’Donnell, Deputy Town Manager
Commissioner Anne Hines / Eric Keravuori, Director of Engineering
Commissioner Chris Kaeberlein / Chip Russell, Planning Director
Commissioner Margaret Stinnett / Mike Barton, Public Works Director
Commissioner Pete Thibodeau / Aileen Staples, Finance Director
Deeda Harris, Town Clerk
Holly Spring, Town Engineer
Scott Miles, Town Engineer
Charlie Yokley, Senior Planner
Pledge of Allegiance.
- Approval of Agenda.
The Board approved Item 7C to be postponed to the April 19th meeting. The applicant asked for it to be continued. There were changes to the plan they wished to present to the neighbors. Item 5A was removed because information had not been received from Wake Co.and Item 11A was moved to the Consent Agenda as Item 5C.
ACTION: made a motion to approve the amended agenda.
seconded the motion, which carried (5,0).
2.Approval of minutes.
- Meetingsheld February 1, 2011 (Work Session), meeting held February 15, 2011 (Regular Board of Commissioners Meeting).
ACTION: made a motion to approve the minutes.
seconded the motion, which carried (5,0).
- Presentation to Ms. Nancy Lilly upon her retirement.
ACTION: made a motion to approve the resolution of appreciation for the service of Ms. Nancy Lilly.
seconded the motion, which carried (5,0).
Nancy E. Lilly
(A full copy of the Resolution filed in Resolution Book No. 26.)
- Proclamation Recognizing April 2010 as Fair Housing Month.
Meredith Brown, Chair of the Human Relations Council accepted the proclamation. Mayor Jones presented it to her and read the proclamation.And thanked her on behalf of the town for accepting it.
(A full copy of the Resolution filed in the Book of Proclamations.)
- Proclamation Recognizing Volunteer Week (April 10-16, 2011).
Michealle Barton Volunteer Coordinator accepted on behalf of the town.Volunteers for the town that were present were asked to stand to be recognized.
(A full copy of the Resolution filed in the Book of Proclamations.)
- Introduction of Advisory Board Candidate.
Mr. Thomas Bracacchiowas introduced himself to the Board of Commissioners.
4.Public hearings / Public Comment.
- Public Hearing to receive public comment on the proposed five (5) year Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) updated for FY 2011 – 2016.
Mayor Jones asked for comments on the Capital Improvements Plan.
Ms. Louise Howard 238 N. Main Street spoke on behalf of the Historic Preservation Commissioner. She brought to their attentionthe street lighting on N. Main Street. It did not meet DOT standards. She stated N. Main Street was never without traffic and people jogging. It was the town’s responsibility to provide safety.The HRC was suggesting budgetingfor improved lighting, underground lighting, decorative poles and correct lightingfor that area.
Mr. Neal Newhouse, 328 N. Main St.shared an incident where his property was vandalized and a birdhouse was taken.The responding Officer stated better lighting may have deterred the person.
Ms. Debbie Ludas, residence at 231 S. Main Street and member of the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC). She shared her grandkids liked to go on night walks.She asked that it be put on the budget and grant money or if there were anywayHPC could be apart they would to incorporate into the historic area.
No others, public hearing was closed.
ACTION: made a motion to approve the proposed Five (5)-year Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) Updated for FY 2011 – 2016.
seconded the motion, which carried (5,0).
- Public Hearing to receive public input for the FY 2011-2012 Budget.
There was no one in attendance to speak.
- Public Comment: If anyone would like to address the Board of Commissioners on an item other than a public hearing item or an item on the agenda during the time of public comment, please sign up with the Town Clerk prior to the meeting. Each speaker is asked to limit comments to 5 minutes. Please provide the clerk with copies of any handouts you have for the Board. Although the Board is interested in hearing your concerns, speakers should not expect Board action or deliberation on subject
matter brought up during the Public Comment segment. Topics requiring further investigation will be referred to the appropriate Town Staff and may be scheduled for a future agenda. Thank you for your consideration of the Board of Commissioners, staff and other speakers.
Marla Aldrige, Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce stated she was excited that Uptone Pictures would be taping movies last week of April and month of May. They had extensive meetings with police dept. What they were doing did not require any street closure. She wanted to share they did have an economic impact. They had been in business in Wake Forest for two years. The film would be shot April 18 to May 30th. Big scenes would be the filmed during the Meet in the Street; that would be the opening. They had hired 14 full-time staff and 2-3 others. They estimated that would grow to about 45 and adding 26 speaking roles. There were actors from LA but mostly from NC. She also mentioned catering was to be through NC companies. The title was Destiny Roads. It was a family film and would not have a negative tone. There would be an announcement to promote it. They would provide a detailed list to the Police Department of when shooting and in what area.
Besty Saint Sing Executive Director of 1in9 Foundation addressed the Board. They were a non-profit offering support and services to breast cancer patients. They partnered with the NC Comprehensive Cancer Center. They identified those in need and paid for things the patient could not afford themselves. They also help with transportation, food, lodging and anything unexpected. One of the way they raised money was through the sales of the pink trash can. They were standard size and industry quality as other rolling carts. The concern of Public Works was who would take responsibility if the can was damaged. She wanted the Board’s approval they would allow the sale in the Town of Wake Forest and allow to be picked up by Republic Services. If Board approved and if one was damaged 1in9 would replace. They would take the responsibility. There had been alot of interest and some were waiting to get approval before making their purchase. 1in9 did not make any money; 100 percent of money went to the ladies at Chapel Hill. They did not benefit.
Director of Public Works Barton told them the carts could be use for yard waste without approval. People contacted wanted to use them as their trash can.ONe can was 69.99 for 96 gallons 59.99 for the smaller one. Citizen would pay for the can and use it instead of the one provided by the Town. They could use both, but would have to pay an additional fee to use both.
Commissioner Stinnett ask MS asked Director of Public Works Barton if purchase can how would his staff know if a person was using 2 carts. He suggested to put stipulation that if someone buys one, representatives from 1and 9 notify who bought take brown cart away or the town resident could pay for 2. Republic has said they would pick it up; however, the language in their contract stated the use of the trash can had to be approved by the Board.
Mayor stated other groups may be thinking of doing the same, so the Town could have different color trash cans around. 1in0 could pass along to the customer that they needed to follow through with the Public Works Department. They could take action and make it Item 9A under Public Services.
5.Consent Agenda.
(A Consent Agenda is a group of items passed with a single motion and vote. These matters are of a generally routine nature. No debate is allowable on any item included on the Consent Agenda. If a Commissioner or any citizen of Wake Forest or its ETJ wants separate consideration of any item, it may be removed from the Consent Agenda by request.)
A.Approval of Tax Releases. (Removed)
B.Approval of the Temporary Closing of Owen and White Streets for the Annual Meet In The Street to be heldon Saturday, May 7, 2011.
C.Consideration of the Granting of a Powerline Easement to Wake EMC to provide electric service to the Wake Forest Firing Range.
ACTION: made a motion to approve the Temporary Closing of Owen and White Streets for the Annual Meet In The Street to be heldon Saturday, May 7, 2011 and the Granting of a Powerline Easement to Wake EMC to provide electric service to the Wake Forest Firing Range.
seconded the motion, which carried (5,0).
6.Legislative Items.
A. Appointment of Candidates for Advisory Board Positions
The Commissioner voted on candidates. Town Manager Williams stated they needed an approval of waiver to allow Mr. Lang and Parker to serve on two advisor boards.
ACTION:Commissioner Drake made a motion to waive the term limit and allow Mr. Lang and Mr. Parker to serve on the board if appointed.
Commissioner Thibodeau seconded the motion, which carried (5,0).
ACTION: made a motion to approve the appointment of those elected to fill the Advisory Board Positions.
seconded the motion, which carried (4,0).
(A full copy of the Resolution filed in Resolution Book No. 26.)
7.Planning Items.
A.[Move to April 2011] Consideration of Endorsement of the Franklin County Comprehensive Transportation Plan.
B.Consideration of Approval ofCase SU-11-01: A Special Use Permit request filed by Mark Hildebrandt & Rita Davis for a Garden Center on the property located at 839 South Main Street, being Wake Co. Tax Pin Number: 1840-38-2234.
Mayor Jones stated the Planning Board at their meeting voted 9,0 to recommend approval.
ACTION: made a motion to approve Case SU-11-01: A Special Use Permit request filed by Mark Hildebrandt & Rita Davis for a Garden Center on the property located at 839 South Main Street, being Wake Co. Tax Pin Number: 1840-38-2234 according to the finding of facts.
seconded the motion, which carried (5,0).
(A full copy of the Resolution filed in Resolution Book No. 26.)
C.[Move to April 2011] Consideration of Approval of Case RZ-10-03: A request to rezone 19.44 acres for the property located at the intersection of Gateway Commons Circle and Friendship Chapel Road from C.U. HB, Conditional Use Highway Business District to C.U. MF, Conditional Use Multi-Family District, being Wake Co. Tax Pin Number : 1840-97-7144.
8.Administration and Financial Items.
A.Consideration of Reimbursement for Fees Associated with Wheelchair Ramp Being Built for Mrs. Ella Hartsfield.
Mayor Jones stated Stony Hill Church had paid permit fee and revised plan review and was building the ramp as a charitable project. Mayor Jones asked if the Board had done this before. Deputy Town Manager stated they had waived in the past.
ACTION: made a motion to approve the Reimbursement for Fees Associated with Wheelchair Ramp Being Built for Mrs. Ella Hartsfield.
seconded the motion, which carried (5,0).
(A full copy of the Resolution filed in Resolution Book No. 26.)
9.Public Services Items.
10.Parks and Recreation Items.
11.Public Safety Items.
12.Other Business.
A.Consideration of approval of use of trash cans purchased from 1in9 to be used in the Town of Wake Forest and for 1in9 to notify Public Works Staff of those that had purchased.
ACTION: made a motion to approve the use of trash cans purchased from 1in9 to be used in the Town of Wake Forest and for 1in9 to notify Public Works Staff of those that had purchased.
seconded the motion, which carried (5,0).
ACTION: made a motion to adjourn at 7:58 p.m.
seconded the motion, which carried (5,0).
Town Clerk