Waikoloa Elementary and Middle School PTSA Approved minutes
Meeting Date: August 6, 2015 (8:05am–9:00 am)
Present: Kim Castro (President), Tanya Dean (Secretary), Kris Kosa-Correia (Principal), Lyn Campogan (Staff - PCNC),, Nicole Koranda (parent), Mary Smithson (parent), Cielito Rooney (parent), Robin Riedel (parent), Kate Kasameyer (parent), Mary Puerchger (parent), Lauren Manuel (parent), Nelson Ramos ( parent), Stephanie Landers (parent).
1. Introductions and Administrative Matters:
Introductions – Welcome to new parent
There is now a PTSA storage shelf in the room beside the library.
2. School Support and Fundraising Efforts
- Back To School Bash -- It went well. Entertainment was terrific. The downpour ended things early. Next year recommendation: Make it from 10 :00 – 1:00 (instead of 2:00).
- Pueo’s Fundraiser: It will be in September from now on. Since we had it already in 2015, we will wait to have it in Sept. 2016. Planning will start in January 2016. More volunteer help is needed.
- The Solar Lanterns -- Went very well in the spring. About $1200 came to the PTSA. Recommended to continue it this school year.
- December 2015 proposal -Mary proposed a fundraising online where kids could sell items to family members and friends not in Waikoloa. The idea is to broaden our base of support and acknowledge that Waikoloa families are asked over and over to support local causes. There was favorable interest in the idea.
- School Garden -- There are four more planters installed now thanks to an addditional $2000 grant that Ms. Reabald spearheaded. The timers and sprinklers are working well and plants are growing! Ideas for the future include a little farmer’s market selling kids’ starter plants.
- Kindergarten Playground -- Monica Baron (sp?) is the DOE personnel in charge of playgrounds. She says it will take 2 years to move on redo-ing the playground. PTSA expressed interest in helping with the design and installation to get it done hopefully by the end of this academic year. Principal Kris will connect Kim with Monica. There is available funding from the DOE available , but none from the school budget.
- Swings -- Monica Baron has told Kris it will take four weeks for the parts to arrive. Kris commented that these swings are grandfathered in, but now swings are not allowed on DOE playgrounds.
- Book Faire -- during the October 26-30th Parent-Teacher week. Books arrive and set up on Monday. Faire is T, W, Th, and tear down is on Fri. A new librarian will be in place. Our former librarian had a chance to spend an additional $1,000 on books for the library before leaving.
Mary will appreciate a lot of volunteer help. More info coming next PTSA meeting.
3. School Updates:
- School is doing a Big Island Candy bar sale --end of Aug to September 25th pick up.
- J-Building for the Middle School -- Design needs to be done by Dec. Then, the bid will happen and the DOE will go to the legislature to get the $million+ needed. If it gets funded in the Spring 2016, it will be built in the following year. Kris’s ideas to spread support for the project :
- A campaign to get the parents and community writing to the legislature.
- Selling Waikoloa Pride bumper stickers
- School Community Council -- Need one more parent and a new community rep since Frank retired off the Council. Meetings are the 2nd Monday after school. Kate Kaysamer is interested in putting her name on the ballot as a parent rep.
- Accreditation -- WASC awarded a full 6-year accreditation.
- After School -- Applied last year for a REACH grant that is available for only MS with funding from legislature and received $25,000. Eg., cross country, robotics, Asian-Pacific group, etc The school applied for more funds for this year. Flyers and sign-ups will be coming.Kris will be inviting the elementary teachers to participate in offering a class one day a week after school.
- Kona Ice will be selling every Wed after school and 30% will go to robotics.
- Picture Day – Monday, Aug 24 and Aug 25. – Kim and Kate are checking if they can volunteer.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 am.
Next meeting is on Sept. 3rd.