The Wahpeton Planning & Zoning Commission met in regular session on Tuesday, December 12, 2017 beginning at 4:00 p.m. Present were Commission members Mark Foss, Tom Hart, Fran Parrish, and Ann Meyer. Chairman Donna Harris was on speaker phone. City Administrator Bonnie Tielbur and Zoning Administrator Jess Radcliffe were also present.

Chairman Harris called the meeting to order with the adoption of the agenda. Foss moved and Hart seconded to adopt the agenda as presented. All ayes – motion carried. Meyer moved and Hart seconded to approve the minutes of November 14, 2017. All ayes – motion carried.

This was a Public hearing but there were no citizens present or no correspondence received concerning the changes to the Wahpeton Zoning Regulations. Chairman Harris read through the proposed changes and asked if any commission members had any questions or comments. With no further discussion or concerns, Parrish moved and Hart seconded, to recommend the following proposed changes to the City Council requesting they adopt the changes to the Wahpeton Zoning Regulations as presented:

Page 5: BUILDING HEIGHT: In the definition take out “from the average finished ground grade” and add “excluding chimneys”. So the definition should read, “The vertical distance as determined from the lowest ground grade at the building foot print to the highest point of the roofline excluding chimneys”. .

Page 5: CERTIFIED SURVEY: – be changed to “IOWA REGISTERED SURVEY”. In the definition take out “sketch” and add “showing existing structures”. So it would be listed as “IOWA REGISTERED SURVEY” and the definition should read: “A plan, map, or other exhibit showing existing structures bearing a written statement of accuracy or conformity to specified standards that is signed and sealed by an Iowa Registered Surveyor.

Page 7: IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: The commission discussed changing the definition to “Impervious surfaces are mainly constructed surfaces (including but not limited to) rooftops, sidewalks, driveways, roads, and parking lots covered by impenetrable materials such as asphalt, concrete, brick, stone and gravel. These materials seal surfaces, repel water, and prevent precipitation and melt water from infiltrating soils.

Page 86: Section 4. APPLICATION FOR ZONING PERMIT. The commission would like to add at the beginning: “The property owner is required to apply and sign for the zoning permit.

Roll Call Vote: Hart – aye, Foss – aye, Meyer – aye, Harris – aye, Parrish – aye. All ayes – motion carried.

Mark Foss presented Tom Hart with a plaque for his 16 years of service on the Planning and Zoning Commission. Chairman Harris, members of the Commission and employees thanked him for his service and wished him well.

With no further business, Harris adjourned the meeting at 4:10 p.m. All ayes – motion carried.



Donna Harris, ChairmanBonnie R. Tielbur, City Clerk/Administrator

**Minutes are available for review on-line at: