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Wackenhut corporation tied to the PROMIS software scam
Submission to the Electoral Funding and Disclosure Inquiry, by Marshall Wilson
The BCCI Affair, A Report to the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, by Senator John Kerry and Senator Hank Brown, December 1992
The Crimes of Mena, by Sally Denton and Roger Morris, Penthouse, 7/95
The Inslaw Octopus, by Richard L. Fricker
The Last Circle, by Carol Marshall
The Last Days of Danny Casolaro, by James Ridgeway and Doug Vaughan
The Mysterious Death of Danny Casolaro, by David MacMichael
The Napa Sentinel Table of Contents
The Octopus, by Karen Bixman
Vince Foster Table of Contents
Virginia McCullough Interview, by Paul DeRienzo
Wackenhut Corrections Corporation, by Wackenhutcorrections.com
Wackenhut Corporation, by Wackenhut.com
Wackenhut Corporation -- A Patriot or a Partner in Executive Crime?, by Armen Victorian
Wackenhut Corporation Namebase Search Results by pir.org
When Osama Bin Laden was Tim Osman, by J. Orlin Grabbe
Whitewater Table of Contents
by Marshall Wilson
Unit 5/108 Days
RoadGrange 4051
11th July 2001
Ms Bev Forbes
Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600
Dear Ms Forbes
Submission to the Electoral Funding and Disclosure Inquiry
I refer to your advertisement inviting submissions to the Inquiry into the Electoral Funding of Political Parties, with a closing date of 3rd August 2001.
This submission outlines information relating to allegations of major impropriety involving electoral funding and disclosure. The key allegation is that in 1987 a US $6million donation was made to the Labor Party by a company controlled by the CIA. The donation allegedly was in return for the use of Australian soil to illegally transfer arms from the US to Iran as part of what became known as the `Iran-Contra Affair'.
I believe that there is adequate evidence to warrant close scrutiny of whether this donation was made and what the circumstances surrounding it were. If such a large foreign donation can be made for allegedly corrupt purposes and remain undisclosed and undetected, then this exposes a major defect in Australia's political donations disclosure laws and their enforcement.
In short, the Australian Government at that time is alleged to have assisted the US Government in actions that were found to be illegal in the USA, and a payoff for that assistance allegedly went to the political party that then formed government. If the donation was an inducement or a reward for the Government's complicity in illegal arms trading, then serious questions arise as to the adequacy of the auditing regime governing political donations.
Ari Ben-Menashe
These allegations originated from claims made by Ari Ben-Menashe. Ben-Menashe is a former Israeli military intelligence officer. I have flown to Canada to interview Mr. Ben-Menashe on behalf of my newspaper and have several tapes recording his allegations. He remains available to discuss his experiences. In his book Profits of War (see Appendices), he claims:
"In February 1987 a "contribution" was made to the West Australian Labor Party by our US counterparts in the CIA. In gratitude for the use of Australian soil for the transfer of arms to Iran, Richard Babayan, a contract operative for the CIA, received a cheque for $6 million US from Earl Brian, who was acting on behalf of Hadron, a CIA "cut-out". Babayan traveled to Perth and stayed at the home of Yosef Goldberg, an Australian businessman of Israeli origin who was well connected to Israeli intelligence and to the local Labor Party headed by Brian Burke, then premier of Western Australia. Babayan handed the cheque to Goldberg, who in turn gave it to Alan Bond in his role as the guardian of the John Curtin Foundation funds. This money was passed on by one of Robert Maxwell's companies in Australia to be held by the Pergamon Press Trust Fund in Moscow. Babayan later corroborated the details of this operation in a sworn affidavit."
The publishers of Ben-Menashe's book have confirmed that they hold an affidavit from Babyan supporting Ben-Menashe's account of his role in the making of the donation.
In my taped interview with Ben-Menashe he elaborates on the detail of these events. He is adamant that senior members of the ALP at that time knew about this payment. He claims that Prime Minister Hawke was aware of it, but was at pains to say that Treasurer Keating did not. No mention was made about whether or not the Ministerfor Defence, Mr. Beazley, knew of the payment.
Ben-Menashe also suggests that a bribe was involved.
It is a fact that arms were transferred through concealed routes from the USA to Iran. As a close ally of the USA, it is quite plausible that Australia was part of one of those routes. Ben-Menashe claims that payoffs and bribes were a routine part of these illegal arms deals throughout the world, and in that respect there was nothing unique about the payment to the Labor Party.
US$ 6 million from the CIA to the ALP
*Hadron Inc is a US company with ties to the CIA.
*Hadron Inc's Earl Brian gives $6 million cheque to Richard Babayan, a contract operative for the CIA.
*Babayan gives cheque to Yosef Goldberg, an Australian businessman of Israeli origin well connected to Israeli intelligence and the ALP.
*Goldberg gives cheque to Alan Bond in his capacity as guardian of the ALP's John Curtin Foundation fund-raising entity.
The Credibility of Ari Ben-Menashe
Given the seriousness of Ben-Menashe's allegations, it would be in the interests of those affected to attack his credibility. Many claim that he was simply a low-level translator.
Attached to this submission are four letters of reference regarding Ben-Menashe from officials in the Israel Defence Forces, including Colonel Arieh Shur, then Chief of External Relations. These letters confirm that Ben-Menashe occupied `key positions' in the Israel Defence Forces External Relations Department.
When Ben-Menashe applied for asylum in Australia, the Department of Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic Affairs ("DILGEA") was provided with an affidavit, sworn before a US attorney on May 24 1991, which detailed his intelligence record.
Ben-Menashe was subpoenaed by the US Congress to give evidence against CIA Director Bush and President Reagan over the Iran Contra affair. I have spoken to the Special Prosecutor who took Ben-Menashe's claims very seriously. More recently Ben-Menashe has given evidence to the United Kingdom Parliament.
I spent some time with Ben-Menashe and taped several interviews with him. He has detailed knowledge regarding the illegal shipment of arms to Iran. In many cases I have independently obtained information that is consistent with information he has provided. It leads me to the conclusion he is both truthful and credible.
Further Lines of Inquiry
As a starting point, there are several people from whom the Committee may wish to seek further information.
Ari Ben Menashe is still available and willing to talk to an inquiry.
Andrew Palmer and Chris Rowe, lawyers in Perth, were investigators for the WA Royal Commission into the Commercial Activities of Government and Other Matters and may be able to offer some assistance. They interviewed Ben-Menashe and undertook some preliminary investigations but were later instructed that the matter was not within their terms of reference and were ordered to discontinue the line of inquiry. Documents obtained under FOI show that DILGEA was aware of Ben-Menashe's desire to appear before the Royal Commission. He was forced to leave the country before he was able to do so. I would be happy to elaborate on the questionable circumstances surrounding his removal if the Committee so desires.
The investigators prepared a report for the WA Department of Public Prosecutions, in which Ben-Menashe was mentioned. It is suggested that the Committee request the West Australian Director of Public Prosecutions to provide this document (or relevant extracts) to the Committee.
The Committee may also seek further information from those allegedly involved in the making of the donation:
Richard Babayan, the CIA operative (now living in Paris), has already sworn an affidavit supporting Ben-Menashe's account and confirming his own role in making the donation.
Yosef Goldberg (believed to be in Sydney), Earl Brian (in jail for fraud) and Alan Bond (now in London) were also alleged to be involved in the transaction.
Ben-Menashe also claims that Bob Hawke knew of the donation.
Darryn Jenkins was at the time the Collector of Customs for WA. He was interviewed as part of the attached Sydney Morning Herald article and conceded it would be possible for arms to be brought into Western Australia under a false description. I have located Mr. Jenkins in Zambia, but he is reluctant to discuss anything to do with alleged arms shipments through Western Australia.
Finally, I have considerable information relating to this affair and would be happy to assist the Committee in any way possible.
The allegations outlined in this submission are of the most serious nature. It is alleged that a major political party accepted a very considerable sum of money either in return for or in appreciation of the participation by the Australian Government in illegal arms trading.
If true these allegations demonstrate the need to ensure that an effective accountability regime is in place regarding political donations, particularly those from foreign shores. The Parliament must ensure that no organisation or foreign government can influence our government's policies by corrupting our political parties.
Yours sincerely
Marshall Wilson
The BCCI Affair
A Report to the Committee on Foreign Relations
United States Senate
Senator John Kerry and Senator Hank Brown
December 1992
102d Congress 2d Session Senate Print 102-140
Table of Contents:
Introduction and Summary of Investigation
The Origin and Early Years of BCCI
BCCI's Criminality
BCCI's Relationship with Foreign Governments, Central Banks, and International Organizations
BCCI in the United States - Initial Entry and FGB and NBG Takeovers
BCCI in the United States - Part Two: Acquisition, Consolidation, and Consequences
BCCI and Law Enforcement - The Justice Deparment and the US Customs Service
BCCI and Law Enforcement - District Attorney of New York
BCCI and Its Accountants
BCCI, The CIA and Foreign Intelligence
The Regulators
Clark Clifford and Robert Altman
Abu Dhabi: BCCI's Founding and Majority Stockholders
Mohammed Hammoud: BCCI's Flexible Frontman
BCCI And Georgia Politicians
BCCI's Lawyers and Lobbyists
Hill and Knowlton and BCCI's PR Campaign
Ed Rogers and Kamal Adham
BCCI and Kissinger Associates
Capcom: A Case Study of Money Laundering
Legislative and Policy Recommendations
Appendix - Matters For Further Investigation, Witnesses and Writs
BCCI's unique criminal structure -- an elaborate corporate spider-web with BCCI's founder, Agha Hasan Abedi and his assistant, Swaleh Naqvi, in the middle -- was an essential component of its spectacular growth, and a guarantee of its eventual collapse. The structure was conceived by Abedi and managed by Naqvi for the specific purpose of evading regulation or control by governments. It functioned to frustrate the full understanding of BCCI's operations by anyone.
Unlike any ordinary bank, BCCI was from its earliest days made up of multiplying layers of entities, related to one another through an impenetrable series of holding companies, affiliates, subsidiaries, banks-within-banks, insider dealings and nominee relationships. By fracturing corporate structure, record keeping, regulatory review, and audits, the complex BCCI family of entities created by Abedi was able to evade ordinary legal restrictions on the movement of capital and goods as a matter of daily practice and routine. In creating BCCI as a vehicle fundamentally free of government control, Abedi developed in BCCI an ideal mechanism for facilitating illicit activity by others, including such activity by officials of many of the governments whose laws BCCI was breaking.
BCCI's criminality included fraud by BCCI and BCCI customers involving billions of dollars; money laundering in Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas; BCCI's bribery of officials in most of those locations; support of terrorism, arms trafficking, and the sale of nuclear technologies; management of prostitution; the commission and facilitation of income tax evasion, smuggling, and illegal immigration; illicit purchases of banks and real estate; and a panoply of financial crimes limited only by the imagination of its officers and customers.
Among BCCI's principal mechanisms for committing crimes were its use of shell corporations and bank confidentiality and secrecy havens; layering of its corporate structure; its use of front-men and nominees, guarantees and buy-back arrangements; back-to-back financial documentation among BCCI controlled entities, kick-backs and bribes, the intimidation of witnesses, and the retention of well-placed insiders to discourage governmental action.
BCCI systematically relied on relationships with, and as necessary, payments to, prominent political figures in most of the 73 countries in which BCCI operated. BCCI records and testimony from former BCCI officials together document BCCI's systematic securing of Central Bank deposits of Third World countries; its provision of favors to political figures; and its reliance on those figures to provide BCCI itself with favors in times of need.
These relationships were systematically turned to BCCI's use to generate cash needed to prop up its books. BCCI would obtain an important figure's agreement to give BCCI deposits from a country's Central Bank, exclusive handling of a country's use of U.S. commodity credits, preferential treatment on the processing of money coming in and out of the country where monetary controls were in place, the right to own a bank, secretly if necessary, in countries where foreign banks were not legal, or other questionable means of securing assets or profits. In return, BCCI would pay bribes to the figure, or otherwise give him other things he wanted in a simple quid-pro-quo.
The result was that BCCI had relationships that ranged from the questionable, to the improper, to the fully corrupt with officials from countries all over the world, including Argentina, Bangladesh, Botswana, Brazil, Cameroon, China, Colombia, the Congo, Ghana, Guatemala, the Ivory Coast, India, Jamaica, Kuwait, Lebanon, Mauritius, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Suriname, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates, the United States, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
In 1977, BCCI developed a plan to infiltrate the U.S. market through secretly purchasing U.S. banks while opening branch offices of BCCI throughout the U.S., and eventually merging the institutions. BCCI had significant difficulties implementing this strategy due to regulatory barriers in the United States designed to insure accountability. Despite these barriers, which delayed BCCI's entry, BCCI was ultimately successful in acquiring four banks, operating in seven states and the District of Colombia, with no jurisdiction successfully preventing BCCI from infiltrating it.
The techniques used by BCCI in the United States had been previously perfected by BCCI, and were used in BCCI's acquisitions of banks in a number of Third World countries and in Europe. These included purchasing banks through nominees, and arranging to have its activities shielded by prestigious lawyers, accountants, and public relations firms on the one hand, and politically-well connected agents on the other. These techniques were essential to BCCI's success in the United States, because without them, BCCI would have been stopped by regulators from gaining an interest in any U.S. bank. As it was, regulatory suspicion towards BCCI required the bank to deceive regulators in collusion with nominees including the heads of state of several foreign emirates, key political and intelligence figures from the Middle East, and entities controlled by the most important bank and banker in the Middle East.
Equally important to BCCI's successful secret acquisitions of U.S. banks in the face of regulatory suspicion was its aggressive use of a series of prominent Americans, beginning with Bert Lance, and continuing with former Defense Secretary Clark Clifford, former U.S. Senator Stuart Symington, well-connected former federal bank regulators, and former and current local, state and federal legislators. Wittingly or not, these individuals provided essential assistance to BCCI through lending their names and their reputations to BCCI at critical moments. Thus, it was not merely BCCI's deceptions that permitted it to infiltrate the United States and its banking system. Also essential were BCCI's use of political influence peddling and the revolving door in Washington.