Wachusett Greenways Trail Patrol Guide

Welcome. Thank you for your service in keeping the Wachusett Greenways trails in great condition.

Patrol duties are:

  • Walk a section of the trail "regularly" to identify fallen branches, debris blocking or threatening drainage ditches, and litter.
  • Check parking lots weekly and remove all litter.
  • Remove litter from trail.
  • Remove sticks and clogging leaves from drainage.
  • Remove fallen branches from the trail and scatter them in the woods away from drainage ditches.
  • Trim branches from the trail as needed.
  • Check and clear the trail after storm events.
  • Inform Colleen or Paul if you are willing to blow leaves and pine needles off the trail on a seasonal basis.
  • Answer questions asked by trail users who might like to learn more about the Mass Central Rail Trail and Wachusett Greenways. Offer membership information. Our web site is and new members and volunteers are always welcome. (Carry a few rail trail maps and Greenways membership envelopes)
  • Occasionally assist a trail user who wants directions on the trail or has a flat bicycle tire or other need for help.
  • Required: If you are using a chain saw or weed whacker, work ONLY when wearing personal protective equipmentand with another person present. Please read attached chain saw safety information. Notify Colleen in advance whenever you are doing trail work with power equipment.
  • Winter activity: check and remove snow piled at trailheads or street crossings which impede access; remove snow at portable toilet doors; check parking lots for snow plowing; remove snow from bench tops.
  • Notify Colleen Abrams 508-829-3954 or Paul Hennessey 508-886-6317 if there are trees down or other large maintenance problems with which you need help. Please e-mail Colleen and Paul seasonal reports describing activity on your trail section. A note of any maintenance issues, blowdowns, beaver activity, motorized trail use, graffiti, parking lot litter or other issues will help us keep the MCRT well cared for.
  • If you are unable to patrol your trail section for a period of time or wish to end your service, inform Paul or Colleen.

Wachusett Greenways has hand tools including gloves, loppers, saws, hoes and rakes as well as leafblowers and mowers. Also we have maps and membership envelopes, Contact Colleen at 508-479-2123 or to access these items.

NEW: Please e-mail or phone a monthly report on your patrolling to Colleen and Paul including: any trail issues, comments from trail users, work accomplished, animal encounters .

Thank you!