The City of Wabasso

Regular Meeting

Monday, February 12, 2018

6:30 pm

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited to open the meeting.

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Carol Atkins with Council Members Steve Burns, Dean Fischer, Rachel Ingebretson and Carole Remiger in attendance.

Also present were Pat Eichten, Clete Guetter, Dave Remiger, Chad Olson, Mike Remiger, Paul Plaetz and Mary Smith.

The agenda was approved on a motion by Ingebretson, seconded by Burns.

Atkins-yes, Burns-yes, Fischer-yes, Ingebretson-yes, Remiger-yes.

Dave Remiger and Clete Guetter appeared before the council to ask if the Lions could take the two storage rooms one off the senior kitchen and one from the senior dining room and open them up to allow room for the rack of round tables currently stored in the hallway off the bar. The tables currently partially block access to one exit. The council examined the store rooms and will give a decision later.

Pat Eichten presented an update on the EDA. The Wabasso Locker situation has become more complicated as a result of the fire. Karl Guetter and Bolton & Menk will be asked to work on platting the rest of May Street. There is one lot on the south side of North Street next to highway 6 that may not sell very readily. The EDA will explore putting a small park in this area.

The Street Report was presented by Mike Remiger. The snow removal has been going okay. The new backpack blower works well for removing a small amount of light snow from the sidewalks. The steel siding from the sewer plant was put on the utility shed as it was getting in bad shape. The street light across from the Roadhouse will need to be fixed in the spring or summer.

Paul Plaetz presented the Water/Wastewater Report. A new controller had to be installed at the sewer plant. There also needs to have a junction box and control switch installed. That will be done at the time they are out to do other work to save a little on mileage. The wells were checked. Both need to be pulled and gone through. Council agreed he should get this done.

The following items on the consent agenda were approved on a motion by Fischer, seconded by Remiger:

  1. Minutes of the January 8 meeting
  2. Beer in the Community Center
  3. Commercial ClubFebruary 16
  4. Lions Club February 20 & 23

Atkins-yes, Burns-yes, Fischer-yes, Ingebretson-yes, Remiger-yes.

The position for an Athletic Field Supervisor was discussed. It was determined that the members of the council walked away from the last meeting with different ideas of what would happen next. The advertisement was placed in an effort to determine if anyone was even interested in the position with the hope someone could be in place by the start of the spring sports season which begins in March. Items that some of the council members feel should not be included in the job duties are snow removal or mowing at the school. A meeting will be set up on either Tuesday the 20th or Thursday the 22nd to discuss the job and any concerns about the athletic field lease with representatives from the school. The clerk was instructed she could continue to give out applications.

The request to place a tree as a memorial at the new baseball field will be forwarded to Tom Franta. There is a landscaping plan for the field and Tom Franta has been working with this for the Wabasso Area Baseball Association.

There is a need for a new backstop at the athletic field. Mike Remiger volunteered to make a portable one to be used there.

The council approved a memo of understanding with the Wabasso Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center for off-site care on a motion by Ingebretson, seconded by Remiger.

Atkins-yes, Burns-yes, Fischer-yes, Ingebretson-yes, Remiger-yes.

The Plum Creek Service Agreement was approved on a motion by Remiger, seconded by Burns.

Atkins-yes, Burns-yes, Fischer-yes, Ingebretson-yes, Remiger-yes.

The Board of Appeal and Equalization will be held on Tuesday, April 17 at 5:30 pm.

The clerk brought up a shredder that would be better for the non-public information that needs to be dealt with in the city office. Rachel Ingebretson suggested a secure cart from the recycling center instead as it will cost just $25.00 per dump.

The City Clerk is taking February 14, 15 and 16 off. Julie Rothmeier will work from 8 am to noon on those days. The office will be closed Monday February 19 in honor of Presidents Day.

The correspondence was reviewed.

Bills in the amount of $43,483.86 were approved for payment on a motion by Fischer, seconded by Ingebretson.

Atkins-yes, Burns-yes, Fischer-yes, Ingebretson-yes, Remiger-yes.

The Clerk was asked about getting the part-time hours cut back now that she is trained in. This is to be done as soon as possible. The clerk also will no longer open any mail that has Mike Remiger’s name on it no matter what it is.

Mike Remiger brought up the electric heaters in the restrooms in the front of the community center. They need to be replaced. This should be done.

Carole Remiger asked about replacing tables and chairs in the community center. It was tabled until the March meeting.

The conversion of the two storage rooms into one to accommodate the one rack of round tables was approved.

The meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm.