Monday 17 October 2016
Professor Robyn Young, Flinders University.
- The Changing Face of Autism Spectrum Disorder
Robyn Young is a Professor at Flinders University who also works in private practice. The story underpinning her PhD, and the savants studied, formed the subject of a one hour documentary, “Uncommon Genius”, in which she recreated the journey of her PhD across the US. Given the prevalence of savant syndrome within persons with autism, it is not surprising her interests turned to Autism Spectrum Disorder. Her initial research addressed the undesirable lag time between symptoms and diagnosis (Young et al, 2003) and led to the development of a screening tool (Autism Detection in Early Childhood; ADEC, Young 2007) which, in turn, paved the way for the development of a curriculum targeting these early deficits and an intervention manual (Structured Program for Early Childhood Therapists working with Autism; SPECTRA; Young et al 2009). Young has published more than 30 peer reviewed publications with colleagues More recently, through monitoring the development and longitudinal outcomes of participants, her research focus has turned to young adults on the spectrum and their interaction with the criminal justice system. The result of this was a book published in 2015 with co-author Neil Brewer; Crime and Autism Spectrum Disorder; Myths and Mechanisms.
Associate Professor Carmela Pestell, University of Western Australia
- The Neuropsychology of Autism Spectrum Disorders: Clinical and Forensic Implications
Associate Professor Carmela Pestell is a registered Clinical Psychologist and Neuropsychologist with over 25 years’ experience working with children and adults with neurodevelopmental disorders, neurological conditionsand acquired brain injury. She is a Member of the Australian Psychological Society, including Full Membership of the College of Clinical Neuropsychologists. Dr Pestell was the Director of the state-wide Neurosciences Unit(NMHS) for over 14 years, and was involved in setting up their paediatric programme. She has been in part-time private practice since 2003, and this has included more recently working for ‘Patches Paediatrics’ participating in multi-disciplinary child assessment clinics in remote North West locations, as well as metropolitan justice system and child protection services. Since 2013 Dr Pestell has had a position as an Associate Professor at the School of Psychology (University of WA). This tenured appointment as Director of the Robin Winkler Clinic (RWC) includes coordinating clinical services at RWC, as well as a neuropsychology training clinic andsupervisinginterventions (such as the recent 'Cool Kids' anxiety groups for children with ASD). Carmela is also actively involved in clinical post-graduate supervision, teaching and research in areas that include brain injury, concussion, ADHD and FASD. She has a record of successful research collaboration, as evidenced by numerous co-authored publications and research funding (over $5 million to date). Carmela is also currently an Honorary Research Fellow with the Telethon Kids Institute. Additionally, Carmela understands firsthand the challenges families face when they have a child with a disability, as she has a younger brother with Down’s Syndrome who has a comorbid severe intellectual disability and an ASD.
Professor Andrew Whitehouse, Telethon Kids Institute, University of Western Australia
- Rethinking the Clinical Pathway for Autism Spectrum Disorders: Challenging the Status Quo Through ‘Very Early’ Intervention
Professor Andrew Whitehouse directs the Autism Research Team at the Telethon Kids Institute (University of Western Australia), and one of the youngest ever Professors at the University of Western Australia. His research team use a range of methodologies to investigate the early identification and intervention of children with ASD, including molecular genetics, neuroscience, endocrinology and behavioural experiments. Andrew has published over 100 peer-reviewed journals and attracted over $35 million in competitive research grants. He currently writes a popular column on child development for The West Australian and the news website The Conversation, which have attracted over 1 million hits since 2012. He is currently Associate Editor of the Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, and on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, and Research into Autism Spectrum Disorders. Andrew has published one edited book with his twin-brother (Ben), and a popular science book that examined the science behind some of the myths of pregnancy and child development (Will Mozart Make My Baby Smart?). Andrew has won numerous local, national and international scientific prizes, and prior to coming to the Telethon Kids Institute he was a Fellow at the University of Oxford.
Associate Professor Andrew Whitehouse, Telethon Kids Institute, University of Western Australia
Clinical Associate Professor John Wray, Western Australian Child Development Service
- Creating a National Diagnostic Protocol for Autism Spectrum Disorders
Clinical Associate Professor John Wray is a Western Australian trained paediatrician who undertook a Fellowship in Neurodevelopmental Paediatrics at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia in the United States of America. John is the Senior Clinical Advisor for the Western Australian Child Development Service. John sees a wide range of children with developmental concerns and his main research interest is in the biological basis and treatment of children with autism. Other professional interests for John include developmental disorder prevention and enhancement programs. He is active in a number of community and professional organisations.
Date Monday 17 October 2016Registration 8.45am - 9.15am Sessions commence 9.15am – 4pm
Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea provided.
(Please indicate special dietary requirements on the registration form).
Venue East Fremantle Yacht Club, Petra Street, East Fremantle
Cost (incl GST)
Early Bird by 3rd Oct: WAADF Members $175 Non-members $245
Student $100
Standard WAADF Members $205 Non-members $275
Student $100
To join WAADF go to: www.waadf.org.au and apply via the members section.
Registration https://www.trybooking.com/MOWM
Places are limited so register early to secure your attendance at this event.
Cost (incl GST)
*Early bird prior to 3rd Ocober 2016
Non-Member (early bird) $245
WAADF Member (early bird) $175
Student (early bird) $100
Non-Member (full) $275
WAADF Member (full) $205
Student (full) $100
TOTAL $______
Please return this form with payment.
Payment options:
1. Attach cheque or money order with completed registration form. Cheques made out to WAADF Inc. A receipt will be forwarded.
2. Electronic Payment: WAADF, Westpac, BSB: 036 310, Account No: 178722. Please send completed registration forms to: WAADF. PO Box 1597, Subiaco, WA, 6904, Australia or email to:
Cancellation Policy:
1. WAADF aims to provide quality professional development training at low cost, please help us to maintain the affordability of future PD events by ensuring prompt payment and attendance. Payment must be received by WAADF prior to your attendance at the session. 72 hours notice of cancellation is required (by 9 am 14th October) otherwise full fee is charged. Please notify the treasurer of cancellations
Dietary/special requirements: ______
Registrations close 14th October or subject to numbers. Enquiries to Robyn Weinstein ()