Agenda item 10/7.11.11
In the summer of this year I was approached by a resident (on behalf of a group of people) to ask whether a new bus shelter could be put up in Honiton Bottom Road near Mill Water School as this stop was well used but very exposed to the weather.
The Town Management Advisory Committee raised this matter with Devon County Council at its meeting on 21 September as historically bus shelters have been provided on request by Devon County Council and then maintained by Honiton Town Council. TMAC members were informed that, due to the cutbacks, this would no longer be the case and that any new bus shelters would need to be provided by the Town Council at a cost of £3,500 - £4,000 and it was decided not to recommend that this be taken further.
The resident has followed this up with me and asked that it be looked at again. I have therefore approached Fernbank, which is the company now responsible for the advertising and maintenance of Honiton’s bus shelters on behalf of the Town Council. Fernbank advise that a 2 bay (minimum size) bus shelter would cost a maximum of £3,000.
It should be noted that a bus shelter was taken down in Sidmouth Road when the new dark red shelter was erected but Devon County Council appears to have no record of its whereabouts.
The Town Council has £1,000 in its budget for this year for bus shelters but it is likely that this funding will be needed for the refurbishment of a shelter near St Paul’s Road that was in poor condition when the contract was awarded to Fernbank and is therefore still the responsibility of the Town Council until brought up to standard. Therefore any funding for a new bus shelter in Honiton Bottom Road would need to come from Town Council reserves.
Lyn Hargood
Town Clerk
27 October 2011