WA/WM PTA Council
Interest Survey
Name: ______Phone: ______
Member of ______PTA/PTSA Best time to call: ______am/pm
I would be interested in the following WA/WM PTA Council Executive Board position(s):
All positions are for a two year term; see Bylaws & Standing Rules for a complete description of expected duties.
President–assumes general supervision of the work of the Council, preside at monthly board meetings, approve all Council publicity, represent the Council at educational and child welfare meetings, etc.
1st Vice President – responsible for Council Programs, Council Leadership Training, School Board Candidate Forum, 1st alternate to WI State Convention, support President and fill in if President is unable to perform duties of office.
2nd Vice President – responsible for the Council Directory, monthly newsletter—Councilor, updating the Council website & Facebook page.
Secretary – responsible for reporting minutes of each board meeting and executive committee meetings, keep a current list of board members and delegates, keep a current committee list, a member of the Survive Alive Nominating Committee, serve as Sunshine Chair, and conduct correspondence at the direction of the President.
Treasurer – is responsible for preparing books and reports for monthly meetings and the annual audit, empowered to pay expenses incurred by PTA Council Board, serve as Budget Committee Chair, and shall be the keeper of the button maker and all other Council-owned property.
None at this time, but in the future I may be interested in the position of: ______.
I know of someone who is qualified for the position of: ______. Please provide name & phone number below:
Next year, I would be interested in the following committee(s):
Bylaws/Standing Rules
Community Health Education
Founder’s Day Carnival/Event
Health & Safety
Legislative Committee
Audit Committee
Ways & Means
Public Relations
Scholarship Committee
Budget Committee
Comments/Questions: ______