WA NDIS My Way Reference Group Minutes

Meeting 9

10 December 2014, 10:00am to 12:00pm

Barry MacKinnon Room, Disability Services Commission (DSC), West Perth


Ron Chalmers, Simone Spencer, Bruce Langoulant, Rachel Skoss, Simone Flavelle, Julie Waylen, Paul Coates, Eric Dillon (for Lindsay Leek), Carmen Pratts-Hincks (for Samantha Jenkinson), Claire Harding (Secretariat)

In attendance: Fleur Hill, Chris Parry, Veronica Divencenzo, Giles Tuffin, Jacquie Daisley

Apologies: Tom Leeming, Robyn Massey, Kerry Hawkins, Gordon Trewern, Marcus Stafford, Anita Peiris, Joan McKenna Kerr, Lindsay Leek, Taryn Harvey, Rod Astbury, Shauna Gaebler, Fiona Payne, Grant Avery, Peter Seaward , Samantha Jenkinson


Item / Outcome / Actions / Responsibility
1.  Welcome and introductions / Key points:
·  Ron Chalmers welcomed Reference Group members.
·  Previous meeting minutes endorsed.
·  Ron Chalmers provided a brief overview on how DSC can best support a number of proposals put forward by various service providers to compliment work being done in the WA NDIS My Way trial in the mental health space.
·  An update will be provided once agreement on approach has been confirmed.
·  Update on proposals to be provided at a future meeting. / Ron Chalmers
2.  WA NDIS My Way trial sites update / Key points:
·  Reference Group members were provided with an overview of key highlights and challenges from the first Quarterly Report to the Commonwealth Government on the WA NDIS My Way trial.
·  Members discussed the 97 WA NDIS My Way plans that are currently being used to guide supports and services without the need for funding at this stage. These include individuals with high support needs across a range of disability types.
·  The importance of building on natural supports and mainstream connections, as well as the relationship established with the My Way Coordinator in the planning process to explore these options, were noted as strong contributing factors to this outcome.
·  Preparations for the commencement of the WA NDIS My Way Cockburn-Kwinana trial site are well underway:
o  A forum for service providers was held in November 2015.
o  Negotiations underway to secure new office space to meet the increased numbers of staff required for the trial.
o  15 new service providers were successful in securing a Panel Contract for Individually Funded Services through the open tender process. These will be published on the Commission’s website and members notified.
o  The DSC will be working in partnership with the sector to develop a pricing framework for Cockburn-Kwinana.
·  DSC to notify members once the list of endorsed providers has been published on the Commission’s website. / Claire Harding
3.  Advocacy / Key points:
·  Reference Group members were provided with an overview of current proposed approaches to advocacy services in the context of an NDIS:
o  A Commonwealth paper on advocacy has been developed for consideration by Ministers at the Disability Reform Council meeting on 12 December 2014.
o  The NDIA’s proposed approach is at an individual level (e.g. support for decision-making and individual capacity building). Does not include funding for systemic advocacy.
o  In WA, a wide range of activity is currently undertaken in this space. However, analysis indicates that the provision of these advocacy services could be more efficient and equitable.
o  Similar to the national approach, the WA proposal is focused on individual advocacy and generalist disability advocacy services (rather than diagnostic specific).
o  Funding will increase and grants for advocacy services offered; but the number of organisations will likely be reduced in order to consolidate services provided.
o  Update to be provided in January 2015, once position has been established.
·  Update on WA position on disability advocacy services to be provided in early 2015. / Ron Chalmers
4.  NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Framework / Key points:
·  Reference Group members were provided with an overview of the current status of the proposed national approach to quality and safeguarding:
o  A discussion paper led by the Safeguards and Quality Assurance Expert Group was produced in March 2013 to initiate discussion on a Quality and Safeguarding Framework in the context of an NDIS (to be circulated out of session).
o  An NDIS Quality and Safeguards Consultation paper for a proposed national approach will be presented to Ministers at Disability Reform Council.
o  A period of stakeholder and public consultation will commence from early February 2015 (for approximately three months).
o  DSC has noted that the overall framework being proposed is weaker than the approach taken in WA currently.
o  WA’s well regarded approach to quality and safeguarding has been retained for both WA NDIS trial sites, as a precondition to WA’s participation in the trial.
o  It was NOTED that the development of a proposed national approach is separate from DSC’s Quality System, which is underpinned by the National Standards for Disability Services.
·  DSC to circulate discussion paper out of session. / Claire Harding
5.  WA NDIS My Way Review and Appeals process / Key points:
·  Reference Group NOTED the WA NDIS My Way Review and Appeals process.
·  DSC is in the process of recruiting an external pool of people for the Appeals Panel. People will be drawn from a specifically recruited and trained pool of external personnel and government experts on the issue in question.
6.  Information and Support Network / Key points:
·  Reference Group members NOTED the proposed strategies outlined in the Information and Support Network paper.
7.  Any other business / Key points:
·  No other business noted.
·  Next meeting to take place on 19 February 2015.

File path: w:\ndis\governance\wa\wa ndis my way reference group\minutes\wa-ndis-my-way-reference-group-minutes-10december14.docx