Request for UWBA Policy Involvement/Endorsement
Instructions for Requestor: Complete the top section and “Information by Requestor” column.
Organization, Name + Title, Contact Information:
Date of request:
Date response needed:
Note that the UWBA policy team tries to respond in a timely manner to all requests. We may decline or not be able to respond to requests made with a short turnaround time. A lead time of at least 5 business days is recommended.
What is the issue: (e.g. “SB 391 - CA Homes and Jobs Act”)
UWBA action being requested: (e.g. support/oppose legislation, write position letter or sign petition, join a coalition, etc.)
Information by Requestor UWBA Analysis
Issue summary:Provide pertinent background information on the issue. What problem does this policy seek to address? Who is the author/proponent?
Organization Background: Provide a brief summary of your organization/ coalition’s work on this issue.
At what level of government is advocacy needed (Local, State, Federal)? Who are the targets?
UWBA’s goal is to cut Bay Area poverty in half by 2020. How will this policy cut poverty? How is policy aligned with Roadmap? *Policies will be ranked by high, moderate, or low impact. High impact means it moves the most # of people out of poverty.
Do critical populations of poverty benefit? How? *These are female headed households, families with young children, immigrants, men and boys of color, seniors.
How is issue aligned with UWBA’s policy agenda or programs?
Who are key supporters and what are their main arguments?
Who is on the other side of the issue or is likely to be? What are the key opposing arguments?
Who should UWBA talk to about this issue?
What is the likelihood of success? What are the key challenges?
Requestor: Do NOT complete the sections below.
UWBA Policy Staff Recommendation
Prepared by:Should UWBA approve this request? Why or why not?
What are the opportunities/benefits vs. risks/costs for UWBA?
Is this a new issue for UWBA or are high risks involved?
Other options for action besides what is requested?
What “tier” priority for UWBA (1, 2, or 3)? Why?
Tiers: Setting UWBA Policy Priorities
The tier assignments do not indicate that one issue is more or less important than another, they merely clarify where UWBA and the public policy staff will focus their efforts based on available capacity and resources.
Tier 1: Legislative Leadership
UWBA will assume a leadership role in advocacy and devote resources to proactively advocate on the issue, and engage our stakeholders – board members, volunteers, partners, and other supporters – to advocate for the issue.
Tier 2: Legislative Advocacy
UWBA will develop a position, advocate, and generate grassroots support on an as-needed basis.
Tier 3: Legislative Support
UWBA will monitor and respond to requests for support through such vehicles as “sign-on letters” and support the work of partners who are the thought leaders on Tier 3 issues.
Internal Review
Step 1: VP of Public PolicyAgree or disagree with staff recommendation? Is more information needed?
Step 2: Chief Community Investment Officer
Agree or disagree with staff recommendation and Sr. Director’s review of issue? Is more information needed?
Step 3: Executive Office
Approve or deny request? Is more information needed? Should issue be referred to the Policy Committee, or if urgent action is needed, to the Executive Committee?
Policy Committee/Board Review
*Issues referred for further review by Executive Office*
Public Policy CommitteeRecommend issue to board?
Board of Directors
Action on policy committee recommendation?
Updated 7.11.14
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