WA Joint Steering Committee

Monday 16 March 2015

1:30pm – 3:00pm (AEST)

10:30am – 12:00pm (AWST)

Members: Tom Leeming (DPC), Felicity Hand (DSS), Marita Walker (NDIA), Ron Chalmers (DSC), Peter Edwards (Community representative – Perth Hills), Simone Flavelle (Community representative – Cockburn-Kwinana), Eric Dillon (MHC)

Secretariat:Meagan Smith(DSC)

In attendance:Robyn Massey (DSC), Simone Spencer (DSC), Louise Glanville (NDIA), Helen McDevitt (PMC), Nick Hartland (DSS), Rae Markham (DPC), Alison Bentley (DPC).

Apology: Rebecca Cross (PMC)

Guest: Gregg Marshman (Stantons International)


Item / Objective/s / Papers
  1. Opening and welcome
/ Welcome / Nil
Previous meeting minutes approved and all actions completed.
  1. Trial sites update
a)WA NDIS My Way
b)WA NDIS NDIA / Overview of Quarterly Report for WA NDIS My Way and any other updates
Overview of Quarterly Report for NDIA and any other updates / -WA NDIS My Way Quarterly Report (second quarter)
-NDIA Quarterly Report
-NDIA Report on the sustainability of the scheme
  • Key challenges and achievements for the second quarter of the WA NDIS My Way trial site (Lower South West) and the NDIS National Disability Insurance Agency trial site (Perth Hills). In particular,there will be continued monitoring and investigation of:
  • rates of plan approval;
  • average committed package costs;
  • actual payments; and
  • continuity of support.
  • Initial indications from both trial sites that the number of expected participants in the bilateral agreementsmight have been overestimated; and
  • Significantly lower average committed package costs in the WA NDIS My Way trial site warrant further investigation.
  • NDIA and DSC to provide analysis and methodology forexpected participant numbers at the next JSC meeting.
  • DSC to monitor and provide analysis of potential causes of comparatively lower average package costs at the next JSC meeting.
  • NDIA to provide an out-of-session update on work to address delays in service provider claims in the Perth Hills with an update to also be provided at the next JSC meeting.

  1. Financial arrangements
/ Identification of any issues requiring resolution / Verbal update
The JSC NOTEDthat:
  • Accounting for in-kind contributions continues to be a challenge in both trial sites.
  • WA Government has suspended payments to NDIA pending the activation of a separate bank account.
  • DSS and DPC to discuss out-of-session WA State payments to NDIA for the NDIA Perth Hills trial site.

  1. WA independent evaluation
/ Update from WA independent evaluator (Stantons International) / -Evaluation Progress Report (circulated independently)
  • Theupdate from Stantons andthat the evaluation is progressing to schedule.
  • The data collected so far indicates there are more differences between the two models than originally expected and that Stantons is taking care to ensure that the interim report is well evidenced.
  • Stantons will be connecting with service providers in the next few weeks.
  • Stantons will be contacting participants at a later stage in the evaluation.

  1. NDIS Integrated Reporting Framework (IRF) workshop
/ Overview of workshop
Agree on addendum to NDIA/DSC quarterly reports to inform JSC Quarterly Statements / -NDIS Integrated Reporting Framework workshop minutes
-Draft template addendum
  • The overview of the IRF workshop on 13 January 2015.
  • For future quarterly reports, the agreed Addendum would be provided to facilitate comparability between the NDIA and My Way quarterly reports.
  • The Addendum will be completed by NDIA and DSC and be provided to DPC to inform the JSC Quarterly Statement.
  • A review of the IRF is required to reduce the number of performance indicators and ensure these are measurable and appropriate.
  • DSC and NDIA to complete the Quarterly Report Addendum and provide to the JSC with Q3 reports.
  • Commonwealth to undertake a review of the IRF with input from Disability Services Commission and the National Disability Insurance Agency.

  1. JSC Quarterly Statement
/ Discuss draft JSC Quarterly for second quarter / -Draft JSC Quarterly Statement (second quarter)
The JSC NOTED the draft JSC Quarterly Statement and AGREED that feedback would be provided to DPC by COB Wednesday 18 March 2015.
The Joint Chairs will finalise the report to be provided to the respective Ministers.
  • Feedback on the draft JSC Quarterly Statement to be provided to DPC by Wednesday 18 March 2015.

  1. Any other business
/ Feedback on HACC referrals
WA Actuarial Review (for noting) / Verbal update
-WA Actuarial Review (Q2)
  • Ongoing challenges in relation tothe interface with HACCand referrals in the NDIA trial in the Perth Hills
  • The need for timeliness of quarterly reporting.

  1. Other business

No other business was noted.

w:\ndis\governance\wa\joint steering committee\minutes\joint-steering-committee-minutes-16march2015.docx

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