VSRA Auditor Companies
“Auditor” privilege must be assigned to the Company Profile by VSRA once they have been found eligible and approved to be an auditing company and in order to be added to the Audit Schedule as an auditor company. The following access options and privileges are available to VSRA Auditor Companies:

  • QA Editor
    With this privilege assigned in a user’s profile by either VSRA or the VSRA QA Chairman, the individual has access to the QA Audit Database upon completion of QA Audit Training, and can perform VSRA QA Audits and input the results in the online system, but only if they have QA Auditor Trained also checked in their profile. QA Editor privileges affects the QA Auditor Rotation and increases the number of audits an auditing company will be assigned in the rotation.
    Note: Individuals in an auditor company who do not wish to be an auditor but wish to have access to the QA Audit Database to see information will not be given QA Editor access since this will affect how many audits their company will be assigned in the rotation. Instead, we will assign them QA User privileges.
  • QA Editor Manager

With this privilege assigned in a user’s profile by either VSRA or the VSRA QA Chairman, the individual has access to the QA Audit Database upon completion of QA Audit Training, is able to perform QA Audits, and also is given the responsibility of assigning a specific auditor to each audit assigned to their company. They must also have QA Audit Trained checked in their user profile in order to have access to the QA Audit Database.

  • QA Audit Trained

VSRA, when authorized by the VSRA QA Chairman, will mark QA Audit Trained in an individual’s user profile once confirmation has been received that the individual has completed the necessary requirements and training to perform the VSRA QA Audit.

  • QA User
    This privilege is typically assigned to Auditee Company Users, however, VSRA or the QA Committee Chairman can assign this privilege to an individual’s user profile for those individuals who work for an Auditor Company and who do not wish to be an auditor, but only desire to access the QA Audit Database without affecting the Auditor Rotation. This will provide limited access.
  • View Current QA Audit Letters
    For VSRA Auditor Companies, all individuals with VSRA “User” accounts with that company have access to view the current QA Audit Letters. These individuals can view the QA Audit Letters two ways: 1) Log onto the VSRA Website, hover over the QA Audit Database tab and a dropdown will appear with “View QA Audit Letters,” 2) Log onto the VSRA Website, on their “My Dashboard” welcome page to the right in the dark blue box, “My Account Options,” click on “View QA Audit Letters.” Auditors with QA Editor privileges in their “User” account can also view QA Audit Letters two additional ways, 1) Log onto the VSRA Website, click on the QA Audit Database tab, and on their “QA Dashboard” welcome page in the QA Audit Database there is a link to: “View Completed Audits,” and also by hovering over the Audits/Findings tab and a dropdown will appear with an option, “Download Audit Letters (from last 24 months).”

VSRA Auditee Companies
“Auditee” privilege must be assigned to the Company Profile by VSRA in order for a company to be added to the Audit Schedule. Note: If a company joins under the Ship Repair Sub-Contractor member category, “Auditee” is automatically assigned in their company profile. The following access options and privileges are available to VSRA Auditee Companies:

  • QA User
    With this privilege assigned in a user’s profile by VSRA or the VSRA QA Chairman, this individual has access to the QA Audit Database to start the audit process for their company by completing the QA Pre-Audit Interview. The following automated e-mail alert messages will be sent from the QA Audit Database to this individual’s e-mail: Auditee Interview Alert (sent 60 days prior to audit expiration/due by date, 90 days prior for new members); QA Auditee Assignment Alert; Past-Due Pre-Audit Interview Alert (Audit 90 days past due); and Action Needed Alert: Review finding resolution for audit.
  • View Completed QA Audit Letters for Auditee Companies
    All individuals with QA User privileges within an auditee company can view their company’s QA Audit Letter by logging onto the VSRA website, clicking on QA Audit Database, and a link to view the letter will be on their “QA Dashboard” welcome page.

Other Available Data - QA Audit Database System:

QA Database System Access Request
To request access to the QA Audit Database for the following: QA User; QA Editor; or QA Editor Manager, those individuals who work for Auditor and Auditee companies must first log onto the VSRA website, then hover over the QA Audit Database tab, and a dropdown will appear with a link to, “QA Database System Access Request.”

List of VSRA Member Companies who currently have Completed Quality Audits:

To access this list, click on the Membership tab, then click on the Member Directory, and check the box “Has Completed Quality Audit,” and then click on search. If logged in, there is the ability to click on the Export to Excel tab to download a list of all VSRA Member Companies with “Completed Quality Audits,” If not logged in, the list is still visible, but not able to be exported to excel.

QA Audit Checklist Form

To view a PDF copy of the QA Audit Checklist, an individual may go to the VSRA website and hover over the QA Audit Database tab and in the dropdown there is a link to the QA Audit Checklist. For those with the following privileges: QA User, QA Editor; and QA Editor Manager, the QA Audit Checklist can also be found by logging onto the VSRA website, click on QA Audit Database, click on the “Links & Forms” tab and in the dropdown, “QA Audit Form.”

QA Support Request Form

To submit a QA Support Request Form, you must already have QA User, QA Editor, or QA Editor Manager privileges. To access this form, you must first log onto the VSRA website and hover over the QA Audit Database tab and in the dropdown you will see the QA Support Request Form option, or you may click on the QA Audit Database tab and then locate and click on the QA Support tab to open the form.