Grade 5 Trophies Theme 3 “A Changing Planet” Vocabulary Lists

Grade 5, Theme 3, Everglades Vocabulary Words

1. eons periods of time that total many decades or centuries

2. scurried moved quickly

3. pondered considered something deeply and thoroughly

4. multitude a great number of persons or things

5. peninsula an area of land almost completely surrounded by water

6. plenitude fullness or adequacy; abundance

Grade 5, Theme 3, Summer of Fire Vocabulary Words

1. geyser a natural spring that shoots up a fountain of hot water or steam

2. veered shifted or changed direction

3. canopy any covering overhead, such as a tree

4. tinder anything dry that will easily catch fire on contact with a spark

5. dwindled became steadily smaller or less; shrank

6. embers something no longer in flames but still glowing

7. policy a plan or method of action or conduct

Grade 5, Theme 3, Oceans Vocabulary Words

1. gravitational an adjective describing one type of force by which two bodies attract each other

2. bulge a part that swells outward

3. inlet a narrow strip of water leading into land

4. shallow not deep

5. energy the capacity for doing work or supplying power

6. generated produced

Grade 5, Theme 3, Seeing Earth from Space Vocabulary Words

1. sensors devices that react to a stimulus by recording it or sending an electrical signal

2. atoll a doughnut-shaped coral island enclosing a lagoon

3. reef a ridge of sand, rocks, or coral at or near the surface of the water

4. lagoon a body of water enclosed by a ring-shaped coral island

5. meander to wind and turn in a course, as does a river

6. barren having no vegetation

Grade 5, Theme 3, The Case of the Flying-Saucer People Vocabulary Words

1. advanced highly developed or complex

2. features facial characteristics

3. translation spoken or written words that have been changed from one language to another

4. piercing penetrating

5. publicity information intended to attract public interest