VSI Ireland Programme 2009

Anti-Racist and Ethnic Minorities

IE-VSI 1.1 MOSNEY (Co. Meath)

11/07 - 25/07. 14 volsKIDS, SOCI

*Mixed Age*

IE-VSI 1.2 MOSNEY (Co. Meath)

08/08 - 22/08. 14 volsKIDS, SOCI

*Mixed Age*

Mosney is a former holiday resort, which now provides housing for almost 700 residents from 50 different countries seeking asylum in Ireland. There are approximately 100 children and young people aged 6 – 16yrs resident in Mosney, volunteers are needed to help run a Summer Activity Camp for some of these children.

W: Organising activities: sports, arts, drama etc. for the children, day trips are also planned.

S: Asylum-seeking process in different countries (please bring info from your country), interculturalism.

A: Shared, in former holiday chalets on the site. Volunteers will prepare their own breakfast in the chalets, other meals provided by the centre.

Q: Volunteers should have experience of working with children, preferably on summer camps. Skills in arts/ crafts, drama and/or sports are very welcome but not essential.

T: Approximately 48 km north of Dublin in Co. Meath. The centre is quite isolated, there is a regular bus service to Drogheda, the nearest large town, which takes about 15 minutes. The centre is located next to a beach; there is a small supermarket on the site.

X: Important: Child and Vulnerable Adult Protection procedures will be applied; on receipt of volunteers' application forms VSI will request two references and a declaration form stating the absence of a criminal record that would preclude the volunteer from working with children or vulnerable adults. We will also request a one-page motivation letter.

Work with People with Disabilities

IE-VSI 4.1 CUISLE (Co. Roscommon)

09/03 - 20/03. 4 volsDISA

IE-VSI 4.2 CUISLE (Co. Roscommon)

07/04 - 14/04. 4 vols DISA

IE-VSI 4.3 CUISLE (Co. Roscommon)

17/05 - 23/05. 4 vols DISA

IE-VSI 4.4 CUISLE (Co. Roscommon)

01/06 - 19/06. 4 vols DISA

IE-VSI 4.5 CUISLE (Co. Roscommon)

04/07 - 24/07. 4 vols DISA

IE-VSI 4.6 CUISLE (Co. Roscommon)

10/08 - 31/08. 4 vols DISA

The Irish Wheelchair Association is a voluntary organisation dedicated to the achievement of full social, economic and educational integration of people with physical disabilities, Cuisle is their holiday centre (

W:Socialising and interacting with the holiday guests and accompanying them on trips. The age and background of the guests varies, all the guests are physically disabled and some of the guests may have speech impairments and / or learning disabilities. Activities will include lots of entertainment and music, if you play a musical instrument please bring it with you. Vols are also asked to help in the kitchen for approximately one hour each day.

S: Disability issues.

A:Dorm. Meals are provided by the centre.

L: Fluent English is essential in order to communicate with the guests.

Q: Volunteering at Cuisle is a lot of fun and is a very rewarding experience. Vols need flexibility, initiative and independence.

T: Cuisle is in an isolated area in the countryside, in the grounds of DonamonCastle, 15km from RoscommonTown.

X: Important: Child and Vulnerable Adult Protection procedures will be applied; on receipt of volunteers' application forms VSI will request a Police Check, two references and a declaration form stating the absence of a criminal record that would preclude the volunteer from working with children or vulnerable adults. We will also request a one-page motivation letter. Important: Please send the volunteer application form first and VSI will send details of these extra requirements, this will ensure a place is reserved for volunteers.

IE-VSI 4.7 SHINE (Co. Galway)

19/06 - 26/06

6/16 volsDISA

IE-VSI 4.8 SHINE (Dublin)

03/07 - 10/07

6/16 volsDISA

IE-VSI 4.9 SHINE (Dublin)

11/07 - 17/07

6/16 volsDISA

IE-VSI 4.10 SHINE (Dublin)

07/08 - 14/08

6/16 volsDISA

IE-VSI 4.11 SHINE (Dublin)

15/08 - 21/08

6/16 volsDISA

'Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus Ireland Nurturing Empowerment' (SHINE), is an annual residential Summer Independence Training Project which caters for teenagers and young adults with Spina Bifida and/or Hydrocephalus (www.iasbah.ie).The primary aim of SHINE is to encourage participants to develop their independence and social skills in a fun and safe environment whilst also offering valuable respite for participants.Activity categories: the Arts, (dance, music, drama, art, film), well being, sports and recreation (extreme and mainstream sports, shopping, educational tours, day trips, quizzes, theme nights, discos), personal development.

W: Includes encouraging and supporting participants in every way so that they have a confidence building and fun experience, assisting participants with personal care, taking part in activities and encouraging participants to take part, ensuring physical and emotional safety of participants, kitchen duty – setting up and clearing away after mealtimes (this is done on a rota basis), clamping wheelchairs onto buses (training provided).Volunteers and team members always work in pairs when helping participants.

S: Health, Education, Social Care, Disability Awareness, Occupational Therapy.

A:Dorms or twin rooms. Meals provided by the centre

L: Very important: Advanced to fluent English is essential in order to be able to communicate with the participants.

Q: Volunteers must be motivated, enthusiastic and have a sense of fun for this extremely worthwhile and enriching experience. Volunteers working and/or studying in the Health, Education or Social Care disciplines are particularly welcome. However, experience is not essential as training is provided.

T: Important: All the meeting times are in the mornings of the arrival days so volunteers must therefore spend the previous night in Dublin (or in Galway for 4.7).

X: Training will be provided by IASBAH at the beginning of each week of the project. In addition to the SCI application form, volunteers must send us a motivation letter, providing details for two referees for both written and verbal references, each volunteer will be interviewed by phone. We will also ask the volunteer to complete a Declaration Form. Important: Please send the volunteer application form first and VSI will send details of these extra requirements, this will ensure a place is reserved for volunteers.

Ecological, Environmental and Agricultural

IE-VSI 6.1 SONAIRTE (Co. Meath)

08/06 - 28/06. 6 volsENVI

*Mixed age*

W: Gardening involving planting, harvesting and weeding; maintenance on the old farm buildings. Assisting at the reception desk, eco shop and cafe on days Sonairte is open to the public. Assisting with event days and Farmers Market. There will be an opportunity to assist leading tours of school groups around Sonairte (Energy, Nature, Organic Gardening), training provided. Important: police checks are required for volunteers working with children, please contact VSI for more info.

IE-VSI 6.2 SONAIRTE (Co. Meath)

20/07 - 09/08. 6 volsENVI

*Mixed age*

W: Work at this time will involve mainly dealing with visitors by helping in the Eco shop, Reception and Mustard Seed Cafe. Gardening involving planting, weeding and harvesting vegetables and soft fruit. Assisting with event days and Farmers Markets.

IE-VSI 6.3 SONAIRTE (Co. Meath)

31/08 - 13/09. 6 volsENVI

*Mixed age*

W: Sonairte becomes an apple lovers paradise at this time. Harvesters and peelers please apply! Gardening including planting, harvesting and weeding. Assisting at the reception desk, eco shop and cafe on days Sonairte is open to the public. Assisting with event days and Farmers Market.

IE-VSI 6.4 SONAIRTE (Co. Meath)

05/10 - 18/10. 6 volsENVI

*Mixed age*

W: Sonairte becomes an apple lovers paradise at this time. Harvesters and peelers please apply! Gardening including planting, harvesting and weeding. Assisting at the reception desk, eco shop and cafe on days Sonairte is open to the public. Assisting with event days and Farmers Market.

Sonairte ( was established in the late 1980's, it is a visitor centre
promoting ecological awareness and sustainable development. As well as an Energy Courtyard, there is a walled organic garden and nature trail. The reception area provides free info on sustainable living to the public and there is an Eco-shop and cafe.

S: Study theme is Organic Gardening.

A: Accommodation is basic and mixed, in 2 rooms in the Centre on foam mattresses; bring a sleeping bag. In line with the ecological ethos of the Centre, food is vegetarian only. Volunteers cook and clean for themselves on a rota basis.

L: Fluent English is essential in order to communicate with the public.

Q: Volunteers must enjoy working with the public and have an interest in
sustainable living.
T: Sonairte is in an isolated area, situated in a farm complex of noted historical interest on the banks of the River Nanny, within walking distance to the small coastal town of Laytown. Local sites of interest include Newgrange Megalithic Passage Tomb, Knowth and Dowth. Laytown is one hour north of Dublin city by train or bus.

X: Unsuitable for wheelchairs. Volunteers are encouraged to use alternative forms of transport to air travel.

IE-VSI 6.5 BALLYBAY (Co. Monaghan)

25/07 - 08/08. 6 vols ENVI

Camphill Ballybay ( is one of 60 Camphill communities around the world and one of 14 in Ireland offering people with intellectual disabilities a sheltered environment in which their educational, therapeutic and social needs can be met. At the community there is a small farm building, a weavery, candle-making workshop, a wood workshop and garden buildings, complete with glasshouse and plastic tunnels. The farm and vegetable garden are run along organic/ bio-dynamic lines.

W: Picking fruit and general gardening work.

S: Vols will learn about the Camphill philosophy and life in the community.

A: Bunk-beds in a small house. Vols will cook for themselves in their own kitchen.

T: Ballybay is in an isolated area, located in the countryside, just south of the border with Northern Ireland.

X: Important: Child and Vulnerable Adult Protection procedures will be applied; on receipt of volunteers' application forms VSI will request two references and a declaration form stating the absence of a criminal record that would preclude the volunteer from working with children or vulnerable adults. Important: Please send the volunteer application form first and VSI will send details of these extra requirements, this will ensure a place is reserved for volunteers.

IE-VSI 6.6 SUNRISE (Co. Clare)

10/08 - 22/08. 8 volsENVI

Hosted by the Sunrise Education Trust, this project takes place on a small organic farm, focusing on attaining inner and outer peace through work and cooperative development ( Skills in gardening, construction and forestry will be useful but not essential.

W: Alternative construction, gardening and landscaping.

S: Volunteers will learn about sustainable ecology, vegetarianism and nutrition and homeopathic first aid. If vols are interested they can also learn and practice yoga.

A: Dorm-style or camping if preferred. Important: Food is strictly vegetarian only. Compost toilets and washing facilities basic. No internet available at Sunrise.

T: Sunrise is very isolated in a rural area with no local public transport; it’s situated in the Slieve Aughty, excellent for hill-walking. Local attractions include Lough Derg and the area is well known for traditional music.

X: The accommodation is wheelchair accessible, worksite has partial wheelchair access, please check with VSI.

IE-VSI 6.7 BALLYTOBIN (Co. Kilkenny)

6 vols ENVI

Early October

Ballytobin ( is one of 60 Camphill communities around the world and one of 14 in Ireland which offers those in need of special care a sheltered environment in which their educational, therapeutic and social needs can be met. The Ballytobin Community cares for approximately 50 children and adults, most of whom will be on holiday during the camp. Ballytobin is involved in the Bio Energy and Organic Fertiliser Services Project which provides fuel and energy needs of the Community through the production of biogas (methane) by the anaerobic digestion of farm wastes.

W: Manual/ gardening work on the grounds of Ballytobin.

S: Volunteers will learn about the Camphill philosophy and life in the community.

A: In the houses of the community.

T: Ballytobin is in an isolated, rural area in the south east of Ireland near Callan town, approximately 15 km from KilkennyCity.

X: Important: Child and Vulnerable Adult Protection procedures will be applied.


18/07 - 30/07. 10 vols ARTS

Knockanstockan is an independent music festival organised to bring musicians together to celebrate, showcase and share their music with like-minded people. In its third year in 2009, the festivalaims to provide a much needed platform for emerging talent in Irelandand to cut the cost of going to see great music for genuine music lovers. Knockanstockan is a non-profit festival that involves the local community; any net profits are reinvested to provide a platform for musicians, artists and like-minded people to engage and express themselves year round. The festival is run completely by volunteers.

W: SCI volunteers will be part of the 'build and break' team - building and breaking down festival structures including stages; collecting cans and rubbish and building a structure from these, chopping trees, making tipis and stewarding.Volunteers will be able to attend the festival during the times that they are not working.

S: Vols will gain insider knowledge on the running of an independent music festival and will learn how to make tipis.

A: Camping. Bring sleeping bag and mat. Food will be provided.

L: English.

T: The festival takes place in a very scenic area by the BlessingtonLakes in CountyWicklow, approximately one hour south of Dublin city.

X: Please send a motivation letter with your application form.

Northern Ireland Programme 2009

North-South Solidarity

15/07 - 28/07. 8 volsMANU, STUDY
Tools for Solidarity (TFS) refurbishes and ships out old and unwanted sewing machines and hand tools to skilled trades people, organisations, crafts people and vocational schools in Africa. TFS has full time volunteers and some EVS volunteers.

W: During the first week volunteers will check and refurbish sewing machines, full training will be provided. During the second week volunteers will learn how to sew using a sewing machine and will make items.

S: Volunteers will learn about the work of TFS, sustainable consumption andtextile production. This project aims to empower people to refurbish and maintain a sewing machine, learn how to use it and to create something. There will be a tour of Belfast and discussion on topics relating to Northern Ireland.

A: Hostel style accommodation in Belfast. Vegetarian food.

T: The TFS workshop is in Belfast city.

X: The TFS workshop is not wheelchair accessible.

Ecological, Environmental and Agricultural

UK-NI 6.1 GLEBE HOUSE (Co. Down)

31/08 - 11/09. 8 VolsENVI, PEACE

Glebe House is a cross community residential centre on the east coast. It caters for young people, children and adults from catholic and protestant communities. It aims to provide a positive experience for people from all sections, enabling them to live, play and work together, and in doing so, come to understand their different points of view and experience alternatives to violence and conflict and ways of living in peace.

W: A major clear and tidy up after the busy summer children’s programme, including cleaning, redecoration, painting, reorganisation of programme areas, gardening, picking apples, work on the land, weeding, strimming and clearing paths in the wildlife area.

S: There will be time set aside for discussions on topics relating to Northern Ireland politics and history, the Northern Ireland peace process and its future direction.

A: Bunk-beds in small rooms. Some food preparation is done by the volunteers and some by Glebe House staff and volunteers.

T: Glebe House is in a beautiful and isolated area near Strangford Lough.


25/07 - 08/08 12 volsKIDS, SOCI

Barcroft is a housing estate of 4,000 people, on the edge of NewryCity; there are a lack of facilities and activities for children and young people during the summer. The local community centre runs an annual summer scheme for children and young people age 6 - 18 years and needs volunteers to help with the activities. There is a focus on outward-bound activities including canoeing and hill-walking, there will also be sporting events, excursions, arts and crafts, games and leisure activities.

W: Volunteers will help with all the activities. Barcroft would like volunteers to bring some items from their own countries/cultures and to speak to the children about their cultural backgrounds.

A: On camp beds in the main hall of the community centre. Bring sleeping bag.

T: Newry is a city located in a very beautiful part of Northern Ireland; the Mountains of Mourne, Carlingford Lough and the coast are nearby. It is 60km form Belfast.

X: Vols need motivation to work with children - vols will be asked for a motivation letter. Good English an advantage. Child and Vulnerable Adult Protection procedures will be applied - please send in application form first.