SCFC Meeting Minutes

Thursday,November 12, 2015 2-3PM UC216


Voting Members:Non-Voting Members:Voting Members:Non-Voting Members:

Nathan AndersonValerie CrepeauIsaac L’aaBarb Seekins

Josef CrepeauMatt Riley

Christian Decan

Chuck Harris

Martin Horejsi

Stephen Kalm

Jennifer Mills

Jesse Neidigh

Wyatt Smith

Approve minutes from 10/22/15 SCFC meeting. – Approved

Minutes from the 10/22/15 SCFC meeting were approved

Review Missoula College Diesel Technology ShopKey software expenditure request.– Approved

The Missoula College Diesel Technology ShopKey software expenditure request was reviewed and approved.

Review Law School Port Subsidy request. – Tabled

Law school port subsidy request was reviewed and tabled pending a visit to the law school by Chuck Harris and Jesse Neidigh to get further information.

Chemistry computers for spectrophotometer instruments for two separate lab courses.

Chemistry request to purchase computers for spectrophotometer instruments for two separate lab courses was reviewed and approved. Expenditure will be from the “in lieu of course fee” SCF Chemistry allocation.

Review following requests from Jared Sheffield, Griz Tech Manager.

*Biological Sciences Lab Computers in HS101 – Approved

Approved $22,122 for 18 iMacs

Denied $2,502 for Applecare

*Math Lab Computers in Math 206 and Math 306 – Tabled

Pending further information

*Explanation of why the choices were made with specific machines and why laptops are being

Chosen for 306 instead of desktops.

*Geography Lab Computers in SH 219(Christiane VonReichert visitor)– Approved

*Geography port moving (Christiane VonReichert visitor)– Approved

*Psychology Lab Computers in Skaggs 141– Tabled

Pending further information

*Detailed description of machines requested and whether the three machines requested are new additions or replacements.

SCFC website and on-line forms suggestions

There was a brief discussion on the SCFC website and on-line forms.

*Jenifer Mills requested some items for the FAQ page

*The online form will be revised as follows

- “maintenance plan?” will be replaced with “Who will be providing tech support for the requested equipment?”

The following agenda items were tabled to the next meeting.

Discuss revision of the SCF funds allocation process and review draft proposal for changes in FY16 and FY17.

Tech Lounge report – Tom Battaglia

Bitterroot College port subsidy requests report.

Port Subsidy discussion:

*Review Port Subsidy eligibility for consistency

*Plan for an audit of current subsidized ports.

*Discuss creation of a document for port subsidy management to be posted on SCFC website.


The need for an additional SCFC meeting to discuss the SCF funds allocation process was determined and set for Thursday, December 3rd, 2-3 pm.