A Thriving Community Where Everyone Belongs


26 January 2018

Volunteers shine in Community Achievement Awards

Dedicated volunteers in the City of Melton were recognised for their hard workat Melton City Council’s Australia Day celebrations, at the Willows Historical Park, on 26 January.

City of Melton Mayor, Cr Bob Turner, said the Community Achievement Awards recognised the invaluable contribution made to the local community by individuals, groups and projects over the past 12 months.

“Each and every one of our award winners exhibited generosity and selflessness over the past year, and I congratulate them on their achievement,” Cr Turner said.

“The Community Achievement Award winners all make valuable contributions to the City, and I am proud to say they are part of our community.”

The 2018 winners are:

Citizen of the Year –John Bentley

John Bentley has been the president of the Friends of the Melton Botanic Garden from the day the botanical garden’s initiative began. He has encouraged the people of Melton to participate in this project, which, by its success, has put Melton on the gardening map.

Mr Bentley has encouraged groups of people who work for the dole to take part in the work being done. He has worked with the aboriginal community of Melton to create an aboriginal section in the Botanical Garden. He has also involved other CALD community groups to participate in the activities, together with the Lions Club, Rotary Club of Melton Valley and Scout groups.

The Community Project of the Year Award - Linking Melton South

Linking Melton South has engaged with more than 9,100 community members and 46 local partner organisations since 2013.

The key Linking Melton South projects have been, Dream Big Festival, Linking Melton South Pop - Up Services Hub, Mend it Melton, Little Libraries, Community Stations, Beyond Tunnel Vision mural, the winning community art pieces, gardening and clean up.

Linking Melton South has also worked to increase community participation in the promotion of mental health across Melton South.

Young Citizen of the Year Award –Sharie May Castillo

Even before becoming a school leader at Staughton College, Sharie participated and helped organise school events like Cultural Diversity Week, Music Week, R U OK Day, and the Cultural Family Picnic. She also worked with full enthusiasm in the VICSEG Multicultural Student Engagement and Scholarship Project.

Sharie also helped CALD Haven group activity grow stronger. She also tutors junior students in subjects like English, Maths, and Music.

Woman of the Year Award – Jane Sultana

Jane Sultana has worked tirelessly to advance the status of women in the City of Melton.

Ms Sultana has been instrumental in numerous projects, including:

•Melton Women Making it Happen

•Facilitating the Clothesline Project in the community

•Helping to coordinate the 2016 (Caroline Springs) and 2017 (Melton)Walk

Ms Sultana’s pursuit to prevent violence against women included distributing toilet door flyers, White Ribbon Day activities, Week Without Violence Activities, supporting International Women’s Day events and activities, speaking at several events in the past twelve months, Organising the installation of ‘Walk in her shoes’.

Access and Inclusion Leader of the Year Award - Lesley Jenner

Lesley Jenner has volunteered for the past decade on the Melton Disability Advisory Committee (DAC) to shape the growth of Melton to be inclusive of all people.

Ms Jenner’s passion and love of dogs has infused Council’s dog-friendly parks. Her recent appointment at Djerriwarrh Health Services to advise, as community representative, also demonstrates her love for the community.

Ms Jenner is a proud community advocate for living a life of happiness, participation and inclusion in Melton. She has been a judge and mentor on the Melton Business Excellence Awards for the past 10 years.

She has spoken passionately to groups about the role all business can play to be more inclusive of people with disabilities.


Melton City Council media enquiries (not for publication): Therese Allaoui – Media and Communications Adviser on (03) 9747 7132.

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