Volunteering Form

We cannot do what we do without the amazing support of our volunteers.If you are interested in volunteering, please complete the form below. The information you provide will remain confidential, and will not be used for anything other than helping us to plan your involvement.

Personal Information / Date:
Full name: / For volunteer drivers only:
Car type:
Postcode: / Next of kin name and tel. no.: (for emergency only)
Tel number:
How did you find out about us?
Anything else you think we should know? (including specific skills/areas of interest etc.)
Volunteering options / Check what appeals!
Christmas – applications are open all year:
Head Elf: for each of our Christmas Day venues we require a Head Elf to take overall responsibility for ensuring drivers and guests are connected and turn up at the right time, and in the right place! You’ll be the main liaison person with the venue and help with the smooth running of the event. / ☐ /
Rudolf: As a Rudolf you will collect a guest from their home and take them to their Christmas Day lunch. You will stay for the duration of the meal to help the Head Elf and ensure all guests are having an enjoyable time! You’ll return your guest home after the lunch.
NB. It is possible to be a Rudolf if you don’t drive. Please check this box ☐ if you do not drive and we will discuss this with you. / ☐ /
Reindeer: As a Reindeer you will collect a guest from their home and take them to their Christmas Day lunch. You will return 2-3 hours later to drive your guest home. It is possible to carry out just one journey but we prioritise volunteers who can do both journeys. Please indicate whether you can do one-way or two-ways. / Two way☐
One way (a.m.)☐
One way (p.m)☐
Buddy: (opportunities for this voluntary position are restricted to recruitment times)
Become a buddy and help support people to make new friendships in their own community, on a one to one basis. If you are interested in this role we will send you further info by email/post. / ☐ /
Fundraising: As a small, local charity your support with fundraising is greatly appreciated
Organise a fundraising event – e.g. a cake sale; dress down day in the office; raffle; pub quiz, take part in a 5k run etc. / ☐ /
Would you like to be sent our fundraising ideas pack? / ☐ /
Skills based volunteering: Do you have a skill we could use?
We offer an innovative skills based volunteering program, where you can use your skills to help us on short term projects. E.g. Do you work in marketing and can help us to design a new leaflet? Do you have a love of photography and could help take new pictures for us? If you have a skill you’d like to share please complete the sections below and we will contact you. / ☐ /
I have experience/interest in……
I could help you with…….

Please return this form to:r post to: Marmalade Trust, c/o Entrepreneurial Spark, RBS Building, Avon Street, Trinity Quay, Bristol, BS2 0PT.

Thank you.

©Marmalade Trust Sep 2017 v2