Volunteer Wilderness Ranger Project Check List
ü Documents Download Location at http://lpforest.org/volunteer-rangers/documents/
In Order To Request A Project
ü Have a VWR Agreement for Individual Voluntary Services (OMB 0596-0080) on file with the district. Must attend and complete VWR training or other forest service approved training.
Before Starting A Project
ü Initiate a project request with District Representative. This can be by email or by phone.
o SBRD – Jasonn Beckstrand <>
o SBRD (Front Country Trails) Chris Orr <
o SLRD – Joe Duran <>
o ORD – Heidi Anderson <> or < >
o MPRD – Loreigh Brannan <>
o MRD – Tom Murphy <>
ü District representative approves and logs project. Receive a dispatch radio call number.
ü Print Basic Information for Volunteers document.
ü Print Overnight Form.
ü Print Volunteer Hour And Signatures Form.
ü Print Job Hazard Analysis Sheet covered for each project.
ü Print Emergency Response Plan.
ü Print Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan
Conducting A Project
ü Beginning of project contact Los Padres dispatch and “go in service”.
o Verify they received your overnight form. If needed.
o Give your name and cell or home telephone number
o Give your dispatch radio call number
o Give your destination and estimated time of return
ü Have on hand documents printed above.
ü Cover JHA before project begins and have all attendees sign the volunteer signature sheet.
ü End of project contact Los Padres dispatch and “go out service”. If it is the end of the project of a multi-day project. “close out your overnight form”.
ü All projects require the group leader to go “in and out of service” daily. Contact LP Dispatch by cell phone, satellite phone, or radio in the morning and again in the evening.
After Project
ü To complete project volunteer must submit the following to District Representative
o Create a Project Report
o Volunteer Hour and Signatures Form
o Incident Report (if necessary)
o Return Keys, Radio, Spot, and Satellite Phone
o Create a Project Report and Log volunteer hours - http://www.hikelospadres.com/vwr-project.html