Volunteer induction checklist - template
Volunteer role
Start date
Where appropriate you should ensure that the following areas are covered when inducting a volunteer in to the organisation. An up to date record of the progress of the induction should be kept, with both the volunteer supervisor and the volunteer themselves signing at the bottom once each party is happy that the induction is complete.
Induction Area/ Topics to cover / Date Completed
Welcome to the organisation / Organisation and/or programme aims and objectives
Volunteer support structure
Organisational structure
Meet the team (paid staff & other volunteers)
Give the volunteer their organisational identity card (if applicable)
Give the volunteer their uniform (if applicable)
Map & tour of venue, to cover:
- First aid points
- Emergency exits
- Evacuation meeting points
- Toilets
- Equipment Storage
- Notice boards
- Kitchen/cafeteria
- Any other locations relevant to the role
Explain procedure for use of the organisation’s car park OR give guidance on alternative car parking (if applicable)
The Role / What volunteer will be doing – their role/tasks
Confirm the volunteering ‘offer’ (if applicable)
Confirm times and days/dates for the undertaking of the role
Share key dates relevant to the role; inc. team meetings etc.
Explain about the organisation’s communications procedures, including what the volunteer’s email address and log in details will be (if applicable)
What support is available and from whom
Useful contacts (Volunteer Co-ordinator, volunteer supervisor etc.)
Relevant qualifications checked (first aid/safeguarding/coach etc.)
Training & development needs discussed
DBS check completed on:
Policies, procedures and important documents / Share welcome pack and/or the following documents:
- Welcome letter
- Role outline
- Programme summary (if applicable)
- Volunteer code of conduct
- Volunteer Agreement
- Organisation’s expense claiming policy
- Organisation’s signing in & out procedure/s
- Organisation’s safeguarding child protection policy (inc. reporting procedures & contacts)
- Organisation’s health & safety policy
- Organisation’s equality and diversity policy
- Organisation’s grievance and complaints procedure
- Organisation’s confidentiality policy (if applicable)
- Organisation’s data protection policy (if applicable)
Explain the organisation’s policy and procedure for claiming of expenses
Explain the grievance procedure, including relevant names and contacts details
Explain the organisation’s termination process.
Explain fire regulations, first aider, evacuation procedures (inc. meeting points) and planned fire drills (and any other emergencies e.g. bomb)
Confirm any medical information, allergies and ensure that emergency contacts are correct
Explain how to report an absence and the organisation’s policy around absences
Share and explain the volunteer agreement (sign if applicable)
Signpost to other relevant policies & procedures:
- Organisation’s drinking policy
- Organisation’s smoking policy
- Organisation’s data storage procedure/s
- Organisation’s communications policy
- Organisation’s IT policy (use of email and security etc.)
Additional information / Confirm dress code and expectations around this
Confirm what access to the organisation the volunteer will get (e.g. clubhouse, equipment store etc.) and when they will be able to use this access
By signing this document you are confirming that the above induction has been completed to a satisfactory level.
Volunteer signature: / Date:Volunteer supervisor signature: / Date:
*This document has been adapted from Canoe England’s Volunteer Induction Pack