Volunteer Application –______(enter role)

Ms / Mr (Please underline chosen title)

First name:______last name:______





What kinds of volunteering are you interested in? You can tick more than one

To tick the box, double click on it and select “checked”


(BaCC) Basic Caring Communities Volunteer

Helpline Volunteer

Courts Volunteer

Youth Worker Volunteer (Saturdays only)

Mentoring/ Befriending Volunteer

Other______(please specify)

How much time would you like to volunteer? (Please indicate what day/s you are available and for how many hours)

Time / Mon / Tues / Wed / Thurs / Fri / Sat / Sun

How did you find out about pact?

Pact website ______

Newspaper advert ______

Other website ______

Other organisation/event

Volunteer Centre ______

Word of mouth ______

Please tell us about yourself, e.g. employment, voluntary work, education, travel, hobbies, interests

Describe any experiences or skills you have that you feel will be useful to this volunteering role.

What do you hope to gain from becoming a pact volunteer? How will it benefit you?

Employment (Preferably no more than five years ago)

Name/Address / Dates: Month & Year / Role and main duties / Reason for leaving

Education (secondary onwards)

School/College / Subject/
Course / Grade/
Level / Year obtained

Other qualifications or unaccredited courses

Because of the nature of the voluntary work for which you are applying, this post is exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974. Applicants are therefore not entitled to withhold information about convictions, reprimands and final warnings, which for other purposes are ‘spent’ under the provisions of the act.

Have you ever been convicted of an offence? Yes / No

If yes please give full details below

If your application is successful every volunteer will undergo a police check. Your completion and signature on the relevant form will be regarded as giving permission for such a check to be made.

Please give the details of two people that you have known for two years who we could approach for references. Please note that we are unable to accept relatives or partners as referees.




Your connection with this person:Your connection with this person:


The information given in this application is true and accurate. If I have deliberately provided false or misleading information then my Volunteer role will come to an end.


Applications should be returned to the

Pact Volunteering Team

29 Peckham Road, London, SE5 8UA

Thank you for your time!

Volunteer Recruitment Monitoring Form

Please complete this form to enable us to undertake monitoring of our volunteer recruitment process and compliance with our equal opportunities policy. Please note that this form is detached from the application form and is held strictly confidential. These details will not be used to assess your application.

1. Gender:M F 

2. Ethnic Origin: British

Black CaribbeanBlack African

Black BritishBlack other

AsianWhite British

Asian otherWhite other 

European Eastern European

Other - please specify: ______

3. Do you have a disability? Y N 

If you have a disability, what access/ facilities do you require?

4. Your date of Birth:

5. Your age group:

18-2526-3435-4445-54 55 

6. Your current work situation:



Working part-time (under 16 hours)

Working full-time (over 16 hours)

