Voluntary, Precautionary Boil Advisory ______ System

Voluntary, Precautionary Boil Advisory ______ System



Public Water Supply ID:______

Due to ______[describe reason for boil order] in the water system and the potential for contamination as a result of this situation, the drinking water supplied by ______[system] may be unsafe for human consumption. As a precaution, it is advised that the consumers of the this water system bring the water to full, rolling boil for at least one minute before consumption, food preparation, dish washing, tooth brushing, wound care and bathing infants who may ingest bath water.

This advisory will remain in effect until further notice. Questions concerning this situation should be addressed to ______[contact person] at ______[phone number].

Address of the PWS:______





Further general information can be found t the DEQ website: www.DEQ.State.ok.us