Volume XXIV, Number 4 October 2010
Published by the Montgomery County Republican Party ~ POB 45 ~ Conroe, TX 77305-0045 ~ 936-441-5621 ~ Fax 936-539-5858
Party Headquarters: 310 Metcalf (formerly Collins) Street ~ Conroe, TX 77301-2856
The fourth quarterly meeting of the Montgomery County Republican Party Executive Committee (CEC) has been scheduled for Tuesday, October 5th at 7:30 p.m. in Room 402 of the Alan B. Sadler Commissioners Court Building at 501 North Thompson Street in Conroe. There will be no Vacancy Committee meeting or Munch & Mingle Social prior to the CEC meeting but, early arrivers may stop by the County Headquarters for a brief tour and inspection of the renovation of the center of Republican activities in the County. The public is welcome to attend the meeting and tour. The Agenda will be as follows:
Call to Order County Chairman
Invocation Party Chaplain
Pledges of Allegiance Sergeant at Arms, Clint McClaren
Introductions County Vice-Chairman, Linda Fox
Presentation of Minutes Secretary, Holly McClaren
Candidate Presentations
Alan B. Sadler, Candidate for County Judge
Charles A. Kreger, Candidate for Justice 9th Court of Appeals, Place 2
Treasurer’s Report Jim Wiggins
Finance Chairman’s Report Randy Bates
County Chairman’s Report Dr. Wally Wilkerson
Organization Committee Report Dr. Jim Schulze
GOTV Report Melinda Fredricks, Executive Assistant
Other Business
The planned renovation of the Party Headquarters that began July 1 during the annual month-long vacation has nearly been completed. The original Headquarters space opened in 1965, has been gutted and completely made over into a business and data operations center. An entrance between the present Headquarters and the old site has been constructed, and the former business space in the rear of the present Headquarters has been converted into a library that will house all of the archival materials that have been collected since the 1950s. The old counter used by the former hotel owners has been removed to make room for a volunteer desk. This has created a larger open space for meetings and receptions. “Miss Ellie”, the seven foot paper Mache elephant, will still occupy a corner of the room. The entire area has been painted and new electrical wiring and carpet has been installed.
Most of this work has been accomplished with the help of many volunteers. “The Party is truly blessed to have so many members with multiple talents”, County Chairman Wilkerson noted. The overall cost of the renovation was greatly reduced by the generosity of the following volunteers: Mary Arrington, Donna Barr, Paul & Susan Cravey, Dan Durrenberger, Brigitte Izzo, K. T. Jackson, Bill Leigh, Chris Lumpkin, Pearl Maggio, Alice Melancon, Helena Van Orden, Gary Reynolds, Shirley Rogers, Mario Rosales, the TARS, Mark Turnbull, Jim Wiggins, the MCYRS and all the scheduled Headquarters volunteers.
An official open house and fundraiser will be held before the election. “We hope to have a number of Republican state officials in attendance”, the County Chairman announced. “Republicans will be proud of this facility, and we trust that many will donate funds to help defray the cost of the project”.
The County Party’s GOTV campaign got underway in early August with a meeting of the Organization Committee. The Committee approved a campaign plan and voted to recommend a budget of $ 7,000 to finance the plan. A Republican Primary voter list for each voting precinct has been forwarded to the Precinct Chairman who will direct phase one of the campaign, the update of telephone numbers on the lists. Phase two of the campaign consists of voter contact by telephone and by targeted precinct walks. This phase began September 13th and ends October 29th, the last day of the early voting period. The goal of the telephone program will be to inform the Republican voter base of the importance of early voting, the location of the early voting sites and the dates and times the sites will be open. Precinct volunteers are able to access the voter list online at home and complete the GOTV calls. 20,000 door hangers with the names of the thirty-seven (37) Republicans on the ballot and early voting information are being distributed as part of phase two. Finally, phase three will consist of automated GOTV calls on November 1st to all voters who did not vote during the early voting period. “There will be a job for every volunteer in this campaign. The Party needs more volunteers to step forward and participate in the effort to ‘take our country back’. The time for talking is over”, Organization Committee Chairman, Dr. Jim Schulze said. Call the Headquarters at 936-441-5621 or email to and volunteer today!
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