Per. ____ Teacher______
_____ 1. An official team consists of ______players per side.
A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8
_____ 2. Which one of these is NOT when a fault occurs.
A. Passes under the net B. Lands out of bounds C. Ball hits the top of the net and goes over the net
D. Ball touches the ceiling, rafters, or curtain and goes over the net
_____ 3. Players on the court rotate in what direction
A. Counter Clockwise B. Clockwise C. Right D. Left
_____ 4. Which is NOT a legal hit of the serve
A. Set B. Forearm Pass C. Spike
_____ 5. Which is a correct final score of a set.
A. 25-23 B. 25-24 C. 21-20 D. 21-19
_____ 6. A ____ occurs when the serving team does not score and the serve goes to the other team
A. Sideout B. Spike C. Overhead Set D. Underhand Serve
_____ 7. A team is allowed a maximum of ______hits to return the ball over the net
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. There is no maximum number
_____ 8. Pass made with hands and thumbs together, arms are straight and the ball contacts between the wrist and elbow.
A. Set B. Overhand Serve C. Forearm Pass D. Spike
_____ 9. Pass made where the ball is contacted with the fingertips of hands that form a triangle above the setter’s forehead
A. Set B. Overhand Serve C. Forearm Pass D. Spike
_____ 10. Which of the following is NOT a rule.
A. Players can never touch the net B. A ball landing on the line is considered good
C. A ball may be recovered from the net as long as the player does not touch the net
D. The same player may hit the ball two times in a row
_____ 11. When returning the ball to the other team, the ball should go ______the net.
A. Over B. Under C. Around D. Through
_____ 12. A match consists of ______sets.
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
_____ 13. A serve that touches the net before going over is called a ______serve.
A. Let B. Touch C. Top Spin D. Float
_____ 14. The server is in the _____ position of the rotation.
A. Back Right B. Back Middle C. Back Left D. Front Middle
_____ 15. It is a foot fault if the server steps on or over the service line before contact with the ball.
A. True B. False