A)Read thetextandwrite True(T) orFalse (F).(5x2=10p)
*(Voice:Ses Choir:Koro Headphone:Kulaklık)
1.Esra dislikeseverykind of music. …………
2.She is good at sports. ..………. 4.Esra’sfriendsadmireEsra’svoice. …………
3.Esra thinksmountainbiking is useful. ………… 5.She is intocycling. …………
B)Name theobjectsbelow.(Aşağıdaki nesnelerin adlarını yazınız.)(7x2=14p.)
…………………….. …………………… ………………….. ……………………. …………………. ……………….. …………
C)Matchthequestionswithanswers.(Sorularla cevapları eşleştiriniz.)(8x2=16p)
1. How do youusuallycookchicken? a)Cool! Thatsoundsgreat.
2.Whatkind of music do youlikelistening? b)Sushi
3.Where is spaghetti popular? c)Of course, Sunday
4.How do yougotoschool? d) Folk.
5.Whichdishwouldyouliketotry? e) I roast it
6.How often do youwatchseries? f)InItaly
7.Would you like to come over tomorrow? g)By bus.
8.What is your favourite day? h)Hardly ever
D)Choose the correct word from the box.(Kutucuktandoğrukelimeyiseçin.)(6x2=12p.)
1.Can you……………….thesoupplease ? I am goingtomake a salad.
2.Oh,no!Iforgotthecake in theoven.Itsmellsawful. I think it is ………………………
3. I am cookingthisdishforthefirst time so I havetofollowthe…………………..
4.…………………..thepotatoeswhentheyare hot.
5.Bring theeggstoroomtemperatureifyoudon’twantto……………….theshellswhileboiling .
6.There is no salt in thisstew.Ithink it is …………………….
E)Matchthewordswithdefinitions.(Kelimeleri tanımları ile eşleştirin.)(10p.)
1-) GrillA-)tocooksomething in hot water
2-) SliceB-) to put somethingclosetoverystrongdirectheat
3-) BoilC-) tocutsomethingintothinpieces
4-) PeelD-) tocooksomethingquickly in oil on the top of theoven
5-) Fry E-) totakethe skin of a fruitorvegetable
F.Orderthesentencesfortherecipe.(Cümleleri sıralayınız.)(12p.)
() Pourthemixture on the pasta.
() Finally,bakefortwentyminutesoruntilcheese is brown BAKED PASTA
() Thenadd pasta andcookfor ten minutes.
() Next put somewaterinto a saucepanandboil it.
() Afterthat put pasta in a dish.Stircreamandmilk.Addsomegratedcheddarcheese
() First, heattheovento 180 C
1.Tabloya göre YANLIŞ olanı bulunuz.
A) Mike is goingtohelp mum cooklunch.
B) Fred is goingtohelp his father.
C) John is goingtochat his friendsonline.
D) John is goingtohelpdad in thekitchen.
2.I like trendy clothes. I think they are very ......
a)jealous b)nerd c)impressive d)snob
3.I. Wouldyouliketojoinandhavefunwith us?
II. Love, Lara.
III. Dearfriends,
IV. I’m goingtohave a partytomorrow.
Yukarıda karışık olarak verilen cümlelerin anlamlıbir bütün oluşturacak şekilde sıralandığıseçeneği işaretleyiniz.
A) II - I - III – IV C) III - II - IV - I
B) III - IV - I – II D) III - I- II – IV
4.Alex : ------?
Mark : Twice a day.
A) How do yougotoschool
B) What time do yougotobed
C) How often do yousurfthe Net
D) What do you do afteryougetup
Which one is TRUE?
A)She is crazyaboutmeat.
6.A friendinvitesyoutodinner. What do yousay torefusetheinvitation?
A) Yes. Soundsgood.
B) Cool! Seeyouthere.
C) I’dloveto but I can’t.
D) I’lldefinitely be there.
7. I can sewdressesformyself.
a) b) c) d)
Afişte hangi sorunun cevabı yoktur ?
A) Where is theconcert ?
B) What time is theconcert ?
C) Whatkind of music is it?
D) How much is a ticket ?
9.What is shedoing in thepicture ?
a) Slicingbread
b) Pouringoil
c) Kneadingthedough
d) Boilingeggs
10.Ersin : Ipreferbiscuitsandsomecookies
Duygu : Weusuallyhavecheeseandolives
Semra : Ihave atoast in thecanteen
Öğrencilerin verdikleri cevaplara bakılarak öğretmen hangi soruyu sormuş olabilir?
A) What time do youhavelunch?
B) Where do youeatbreakfast?
C) What do youhaveforbreakfast?
D) Who do youhavebreakfastwith?
H.What is yourfavouriteday?What do you do in themorning,intheafternoonand in theevening?Usefrequencyadverbs (usually,often.etc.) (6p.)