Jefferies Avenue


Wiltshire SN2 7HJ

Headteacher - Mrs M Clarke

Phone - 01793 332400

email -

website -


8th March 2018

Dear Parent/Carer

‘Voice in a Million’ – Wembley Arena – 14th March 2018

Students name:

I hope your child is excited about attending Voice in a Million next week! This letter contains information about the trip, which should answer any questions you have.

  • You have agreed to collect your child at the end of the concert from one of the following:
  1. From the school gates. We aim to arrive back at midnight. If we are delayed we will try to inform you if this is the case. Please be courteous to neighbours of the school by parking considerately and keeping noise to a minimum.
  1. From Wembley Arena. The concert finishes at around 10pm. The audience will be released from Wembley Arena first and should wait by collection point V in the square for your child.
  • You have provided a contact number on the reply slip. It is essential that we are able to contact you on that number if needed. Please be aware we may phone from an unfamiliar number so please answer unknown or withheld numbers for the duration of the evening.
  • We will be leaving school at approximately 12.00 midday from school. Students who are in receipt of free school meals will have a packed lunch provided; all other students will need to take a packed lunch with them.
  • It is important that all students take an additional packed tea with them, and also a refillable water bottle. There is hot food available at Wembley, but it is quite expensive and the queues can be long, so it is advisable that everyone brings a packed tea.
  • Students are allowed to take their mobile phones or cameras, but it is their responsibility to take care of the phone. We will be unable to charge flat batteries!
  • Students should wear normal school uniform on the day, including black trousers/leggings and black shoes. The event T-shirt will be given out when we arrive. The T-shirt will be worn only for the evening performance, beginning at 7.30pm. The school have paid for this T-shirt.
  • If you have ordered a merchandise pack from the website, this will be given to your child with the t-shirt on arrival. If you have not ordered a pack other merchandise will be available to buy at the event, so your child may wish to bring some money. Glowsticks are available at the venue at a cost of £2 each, but students can purchase them in advance.
  • At the Voice in a Million website ( it is possible to download words for the songs, or onto MP3 players, for practice. You need to create a choir member account to do so which requires an email address.

Yours sincerely

Mr Mercer

Trip Organiser