VRC Minutes DRAFT Page 7 of 7

June 21, 2002



State Legislature, Room 3143 in Carson City

Grant Sawyer Building, Room 4006 in Las Vegas

June 21, 2002

VRC Minutes DRAFT Page 7 of 7

June 21, 2002


Dr. Bill Bauer

John Giefer

Ed Guthrie

Beth Horrigan

Linda Lueck

Karla McComb

Charlette Serline

Gillian Wells

Pat Williams


Dr. Ralph Baker

Barbara Cegavske

Lorraine Marshall

Jean Peyton

Myrn Wiebe

Maynard Yasmer


Libby Jones, Acting Administrator

Barbara Legier, Chief, BSBVI, BVR

Program Services

Jim Hadwick, Chief, BVR, BSBVI

Operations and Special Services

Rob Johnston, Deputy Chief, BSBVI

Howard Castle, BVR Manager, Las Vegas

Bob Nichols, BVR Manager, Rural NV

Dennis Adair, BVR/BSBVI Manager,


Al Roybal, BSBVI Manager, Las Vegas

Shirley Kleiman, BSBVI Rehabilitation

Coordinator, Las Vegas

Bill Hamilton, Rehabilitation Division


Birgit Baker, Administrator, DETR

Employment Security Division

Jack Mayes, Nevada Disability and

Advocacy Law Center

Anita Puentes, Nevada Disability and

Advocacy Law Center

VRC Minutes DRAFT Page 7 of 7

June 21, 2002


Draft minutes of March 15, 2002 meeting

VR Council training notes

VR Council committees

Caseload numbers and federal definition of employment outcome

Reports on: Disability resources Website; 2002 needs assessment/satisfaction survey; Medicaid

infrastructure grant; Developmental Disabilities Council; Nevada Department of


Draft copy of State Plan updated from VR Council training May 2-3, 2002

BVR & BSBVI performance indicators

2001 satisfaction survey/needs assessment action plans from BSBVI & BVR districts

Las Vegas BSBVI reports on chambers of commerce luncheons, one-stop collaboration,

transition services, and employer contacts and marketing for job placements

Las Vegas, Reno and rural BVR reports on transition services

Las Vegas BVR memo on co-location and JobConnect offices

Nevada JobConnect one-stop office assistive technology equipment memo

VRC budgets for SFY 2002 and SFY 2003 (tentative)

Council membership letters & resumes of Karla McComb (continuing), Denyse Lizer, Dr. Tom

Venardos, and Jack Mayes

VR Council roster

Parent Forum budget for SFY 2003


Chairman Bill Bauer called the meeting to order at 9:35 am. A quorum was present at 9:45 am.


Those in the audience introduced themselves, including Jack Mayes, candidate for Council membership. He is director of the Nevada Disability and Advocacy Law Center, is involved in ticket to work employment advocacy at NDALC, and said that his attendance at VR Council meetings would be a priority if he becomes a member.


The minutes of the March 15, 2002 meeting were approved unanimously following a motion for approval by Karla McComb, seconded by Charlott Serline.


Birgit Baker, Administrator, Employment Security Division, commented on the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998. A central purpose of the Act is to remedy the fragmented public employment training programs and create a system useful and responsive to the needs of employers for skilled workers. The Act also addressed the education and employment needs of individuals. She discussed the State Workforce Investment Board and regional boards, their leaders, responsibilities and goals.

A major responsibility is creation of a one-stop service delivery system in facilities like the Old Town Mall in Northern Nevada, the Sahara campus of the Community College of Southern Nevada in Clark County, and a network of affiliated sites both physical and electronic in nature. This network is now called Nevada JobConnect. Its vision is to be the first choice for business and job seekers in Nevada. Affiliate sites previously were called Nevada JobLink, where VR offices were located. Now they will be integrated with Nevada JobConnect.

There are mandated partners (public training and employment programs) in this system, including the rehabilitation programs identified in the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as Amended 1998, incorporated into WIA.

Mrs. Baker said that, in cooperation with the Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation’s Bureau of Research and Analysis, a work group and method for contacting employers is being developed. One goal is to reduce the number of different programs surveying employers. Ed Guthrie cautioned that the Council’s employer survey had been done in the past by the Bureau of Research and Analysis and/or by the Rehabilitation Division and that the quality was not what the Council desired. The Council and Division, therefore, went to the Cannon Center for Survey Research. He recommended that the Council should entertain proposals from the Cannon Center and from DETR for the next employer survey after the Council decides what it wants, then decide which proposal seems to best help the Council evaluate the VR programs. Mrs. Baker said that the work group for now will focus on reducing the number of surveys of employers by DETR entities. She added that surveys of job seekers also could be a part of the work group’s scope. The work group could return to the Council with a proposal for Council examination. Chairman Bauer asked Bill Hamilton to be part of the work group regarding an employer survey. Ed Guthrie and Gillian Wells said they could be available.


A handout Bill Hamilton mailed summarized the comments of featured speaker Fredric Schroeder, supporting speaker Gilbert “Doc” Williams, and notes of the Council’s discussions and action on the second day of the training.

Linda Lueck took exception to Dr. Schroeder’s comment about the Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act (TWWIIA) being “bad policy.” An example he gave was the length of time for reimbursements to reach entities that would perform work to achieve employment outcomes for Social Security recipients. Linda said that reimbursement has been as quick as three to four months in Arizona. Separate from that, she urged Nevada’s VR programs to join Nevada’s employer network under TWWIIA because it had refused to date. Libby Jones and Jim Hadwick said that the Rehabilitation Division by law is part of the employment network. Ms. Jones offered to talk with Kitti Barth and Linda Lueck about this.


Chairman Bauer referenced a handout on committees after the May 2-3, 2002 training and asked members for their interest in membership on the committees.

A.  Annual Report. Karla McComb volunteered to join Lorraine Marshall and Bill Bauer.

B.  Needs Assessment/Satisfaction Survey. Gillian Wells volunteered to join Linda Lueck and Lorraine Marshall, with Ed Guthrie available as a resource.

C.  Council/VR Staff Collaboration. Charlott Serline (Chairman), Jean Peyton and Beth Horrigan. Libby Jones and Bill Hamilton will work with the committee prior to the next meeting, at which time a report will be made and how realistic is the identified goal.

D.  Legislative. Members are Lorraine Marshall, Ed Guthrie and Barbara Cegavske. They are to meet, bring to the August Council meeting a statement regarding goals.

E.  Information Technology. John Giefer will chair the subcommittee, with Lorraine Marshall and Beth Horrigan as members. They will develop a mission, purpose and goals. Emphases appear to be on the disability resources Web site and list serve idea discussed at the Council training.

F.  Parent Forum. The mission appears to be intact, while purpose(s) and goal(s) need further development and presentation to the Council. Gillian Wells will chair the group, with Pat Williams and Barbara Cegavske as members.


A.  Marketing and Advocacy

1.  Legislative. No report.

2.  CD/Technology. As discussed at the VRC training, the CD no longer is a project.

3.  Parent Forum. Gillian Wells said that the subcommittee will provide the VR Council and the Rehabilitation Division with direct consumer and partner input about transition and VR services. The input will help the Division ensure that client services are provided in accordance with the law and regulations. The Parent Forum will review counselor practices with clients, policies, direct consumer access to systems change, and consumer input. She said that there will be 30 group participants (see the July 10, 2002 e-mail to Bill Hamilton accompanying these minutes). The Parent Forum will stimulate community collaborations and new funding sources to create better services for disabled students transitioning into the adult world. Gillian distributed a budget for review and discussion at the next meeting.

Council discussion points:

Ø  In the budget, identify the funds and meaning of administrative costs;

Ø  The project and budget are appropriate for consideration by Bob Ranney, chairman of the Youth Council of the State Workforce Investment Board;

Ø  Are parents going to the Client Assistance Program for assistance with complaints or concerns;

Ø  Gillian was asked to provide to the VR Council a list of members on the Parent Forum prior to or at the next VRC meeting;

Ø  The proposed mechanism for parent concerns is to be given to the VR programs for VR program response;

Ø  A copy of the monitoring questions Gillian mentioned in her presentation, and a copy of Gillian’s presentation to the Council, should be e-mailed as separate attachments to Parent Forum subcommittee members Linda Lueck and Jean Peyton before the next VRC meeting.

4.  Web Site for Disabled Nevadans. Bill Hamilton submitted a written report. Lorraine Marshall, John Giefer and Mr. Hamilton need to address some issues before moving ahead on the concept.

B.  Oversight

1.  Satisfaction survey/needs assessment. Bill Hamilton submitted a written report and stated that the document would be ready the week of June 24-28.

2.  Council’s Annual Report. No report


Gillian Wells provided a written report. There were no comments.


Council members were sent a revised copy subsequent to the Council’s review on May 2, 2002. Barbara Legier answered questions raised by Ed Guthrie about sections 4.11 (b) and 4.12 ( c ). Gillian Wells raised questions about items in 4.12 (e). They asked that the Council’s 2002 annual report include a recommendation that the VR programs track whether: 1) clients with a successful employment outcome have retained such work for as long as 18 months; 2) if they have health benefits; and 3) if they have additional service needs during that time period. Ed Guthrie wants added a measurable outcome, such as a qualitative improvement/increase (perhaps 5%, for example). Ms. Legier said that if the Council addresses these items in its annual report the Division would address, as appropriate, the recommendations in its Strategic Plan. The idea of a measure, however, may best be addressed as a performance indicator. Gillian Wells had other ideas regarding federal performance indicators that she might want to address in the annual report. Ed Guthrie moved, and Karla McComb seconded, approval of the State Plan for VR services. The motion passed unanimously.


A.  State Workforce Investment Board. Karla McComb said that the disability subcommittee of the State Workforce Investment Board has met and is looking at issues related to Nevada’s disabled community and whether the Workforce Investment Act is meeting that community’s needs. There has been a need for information sharing among partners, and transition issues will be discussed July 8th. Mr. Bauer asked that rural school districts, such as Lyon County, not be forgotten in the subcommittee’s attention toward transition issues. Karla concurred.

B.  Developmental Disabilities. A written report was submitted by Ken Vogel, Executive Director, Developmental Disabilities Council.

C.  Independent Living Council. No report

D.  Mental Health Planning Council. No report

E.  Department of Education/IDEA. A written report was submitted by Tom Venardos of the State Department of Education.


A.  Number of Clients in a Counselor’s Caseload. A handout from Barbara Legier was mailed to the Council. She reported that at the end of recent quarters the per counselor caseload averaged in the 90s for BVR and in the 60s for BSBVI, but some counselors may have many more, or less, than that at one time. Gillian Wells asked Barbara for sources of referrals by the next meeting, and Ms. Legier will do that.

B.  Performance Indicators and Program Report. Ms. Legier discussed the performance indicators for BVR and BSBVI, which had been mailed to members. In response to questions about year-to-date performance lagging behind projections for some indicators, staff vacancies were cited as the essential problem.

In the program report, Ms. Legier responded and had mailed a handout from the Federal Register on what constitutes an employment outcome. She provided each district office’s action plan addressing the 2001 needs assessment/satisfaction survey results as well as transition planning. District manager written reports were provided to the Council on one-stop facilities and on the VR programs interaction with chambers of commerce. Questions were not asked of Northern Nevada District Manager Dennis Adair. Members were asked to call rural District Manager Bob Nichols (775.289.1675) for questions about his reports. The opportunity to question Southern Nevada district managers will occur at the next meeting.

C.  Counselor VR Program Feedback. Mr. Bauer will report back to the Council about an item from the northern district.


No information was provided.


A.  SFY 2002. Jim Hadwick gave a status update with respect to the budget categories, expenditures and encumbrances. Ed Guthrie raised a question that Mr. Hadwick will answer at the next meeting to understand where grant funds allocated two years ago were assigned this year.

B.  SFY 2003. After Mr. Hadwick presented the tentative Council budget for SFY 2003, Ed Guthrie moved, and Karla McComb seconded, tabling approval of the budget until the next meeting. The motion carried unanimously, but Mr. Hadwick was asked to re-arrange expenditures to provide some funding for the Parent Forum budget.


Libby Jones is serving as Acting Administrator due to a stroke suffered by Maynard Yasmer, and she read from a message he had sent to his work colleagues. She invited Council members to write Maynard through Bill Hamilton. Ms. Jones reaffirmed that some performance indicators were below projection partially because of counselor vacancies and the need to follow Governor Guinn’s directive to substantiate the filling of vacant positions. Some counselors also need to be more productive. She expressed support for the Parent Forum and transition but wants to see more complete information on the project. Ms. Jones complemented Barbara Legier for her work on the State Plan, the Council for asking many good questions about it, and Bill Bauer for his service to and leadership of the Council.