November 2003 Portal Author/Publisher Training Workbook

Chapter 1

Portal Author/Publisher Training Workbook


This workbook will assist you in creating the hands-on exercises that are part of portal authoring and publishing training. This is not a detailed manual. For detailed instructions, please see the authoring and publishing user manuals under the Help link in your myUFL menu.


By the end of this session, you will be able to:

·  Personalize your myUFL Top Page.

·  As an author, create a Text/HTML news article.

·  As an author, create a URL article.

·  As an author, upload a PDF file to the portal as an article.

·  As a publisher, publish an article to your section.

·  As a publisher, send an article back to the author to rework.

·  As a publisher, reject an article submitted for publication.

Sign on to the Training Portal

  1. Start Internet Explorer if it is not already started.
  2. You should see the training portal sign-on page. (This is not the production portal.)

Fig. 1-1

  1. Enter your training username and password. (See Fig. 1-1)
  2. Your username is AUTHORn. (Replace “n” with your own number, for example, AUTHOR1. Type it in UPPERCASE.)
  3. Use the password provided by the instructor.

Personalize your Top Page

If you do not see a pagelet titled “Sample Training Pagelet” on your Top Page, perform the following steps to personalize your Content to get the pagelet.

Step 1 Click on the “Personalize Content” link. (See Fig. 1-2)

Fig. 1-2

Step 2 Scroll down until you see the “News” category.

Step 3 Click to check the box next to “Sample Training Pagelet.”

Fig. 1-3

Step 4 Click on the “Save” button. (See Fig. 1-3)

Now, you should see the “Sample Training Pagelet” on your Top Page.

Change the Layout of your Top Page

Let’s rearrange the pagelets so that our “Sample Training Pagelet” is easier to see. We will move it to the top of the right column.

Step 1 Click on the “Personalize Layout” link. (See Fig. 1-2)

Fig. 1-4

Step 2 Rearrange the pagelets.

Move the pagelets in the Right Column to the Center Column or Left Column by selecting them (click on a pagelet title once), then clicking on the left arrow. (See Fig. 1-4)

Fig. 1-5

Click on “Sample Training Pagelet” in the Center Column and move it to the Right Column by clicking on the right arrow. (See Fig. 1-4 and Fig. 1-5)

Step 3 Click on the "Save" button.

Create Your First Article

We are going to create the following article, and this is what it will look like after it is published on the “Sample Training Pagelet.” (See Fig. 1-6)

Fig. 1-6

1.  Return to your Home page if you are not already there (click on the “Home” link).

2.  To view the article, go to the “Sample Training Pagelet” and simply click on the title of the article called “AUTHORn First Article” in the Top Section.

3.  After you have looked at it, return Home.

Use Manage Content in the myUFL Menu

We are going to create a new article by using the Manage Content function in your myUFL menu.

  1. Click on the “Manage Content” link. (See Fig. 1-7)
  2. Click on the “News Publications” link.

3. Click on the “Edit My Articles” link. You will see a list of publications for which you are an author.

Fig. 1-7

4. Click on the "Add Article" button.

Create a Simple Text/HTML News Article

Our first article will be a text article with some very basic HTML commands.

  1. Choose your Publication from the dropdown. (See Fig. 1-8)
  2. Choose "Text or HTML" and click the "OK" button.

Fig. 1-8

You will see six tabs.

Fig. 1-9

  1. Fill out the information in the tab panels from left to right. Fields marked with an *asterisk are required fields and cannot be left blank.
  2. To create your sample article, fill in the tabs as shown in the following illustrations.

Article Tab

Fig. 1-10

Fill in the fields as shown in the example above. Instead of AUTHORn, use your actual AUTHOR number (for example, AUTHOR17).

Do not click either of the “Save” buttons yet.

Notice the little blue book icons on the right side (See Fig. 1-10). These are spell checks for the field next to which they appear.

Text or HTML Tab

Click on the "Text or HTML" tab. Enter the following text and HTML tags as shown in the example below, or copy and paste the HTML into the HTML text box from "firstArticle.html," which is on your desktop.

<B>Headline Attention Getter Goes Here</B>

<P>First paragraph: who, what, why, when, where, and how.

<P>Next paragraph: now you can get into the details. You can include

<A HREF="" target=”_blank”> URL links, </A> too!

<P> Use a <i> mailto: </i> tag to include

<A HREF="MAILTO:">contact</a> information.

Fig. 1-11

Don’t forget to include the Comment. (See Fig. 1-11)

Publish Date Tab

Click on the "Publish Date" tab at the top.

To fill in the dates, click on the small icon to the right of the date field to get the pop-up calendar.

Fig. 1-12

Select today’s date as the “Publish Date.”

Select a future date as the “Expiration Date.”

Next, click on the "Locations" tab.

Locations Tab

You will see a list of all publications and sections for which you have authoring privileges. For this article, choose just your section.

Fig. 1-13

Make sure that “Sample Training Pagelet,” Section n (where “n” is your number), is checked. If it isn’t, click in the box next to it. Do not choose any other sections.

Note: You can submit an article to more than one section at a time, but this is not recommended. The portal keeps only one copy of each article, which means that two different publishers could potentially edit the same article.

Viewers Tab

Click on the "Viewers" tab. There is only one option on this tab for now, and it is checked by default. This allows everyone who is an authenticated user to the portal (which means being signed on) to view your article.

Fig. 1-14

The Image tab is the last tab and is used only by pagelet administrators. To include an image in your article, put it in your HTML (<img src = "name of image">).

Save Your Work!

Now you are ready to send your article to your publisher!

Fig. 1-15

Click on the "Save and Submit" button.

Your article has been sent to your publisher!

Upload a Document PDF File

Your second article will be a PDF file (which has already been created for you) that you will upload to the portal.

  1. Return Home by clicking on the "Home" link on the upper right of the page.
  2. In the myUFL menu, click Manage Content > News Publications > Edit My Articles.
  3. Click on the "Add Article" button.
  4. Choose your Publication from the dropdown. (See Fig. 1-16)
  5. Choose "File Attachment," and then click the "OK" button.

Fig. 1-16

Now, you must fill in the tabs. Use the information that follows to fill out the tabs from left to right.

Article Tab

Title: AUTHORn Second Article

Description: A PDF file

Summary: This PDF file contains important information about the Computer Challenge.

Author: AUTHORn

Publish Date

Use today’s date as the “Publish Date.”

Use a future date as the “Expiration Date.”


Be sure to check “Sample Training Pagelet,” Section n (where “n” is your number). Don’t select any other sections.


There should already be a check by UF_PA_AuthUsers.

File Attachment

This is where you specify which document to upload.

1.  Fill in the Comment field as shown. (See Fig. 1-17)

Fig. 1-17

2.  Click on the “Add Attachment” button.

3.  Click on the "Browse" button. (See Fig. 1-18)

Fig. 1-18

Note: If you know the full path name of the file, you can type it in the box, but browsing is usually easier and it is accurate!

The name of the file is “Shameless.pdf,” and it is on your desktop.

4.  Click on the "Upload" button. (See Fig. 1-18) It takes a few seconds for the file to upload. After it gets uploaded, you will see the following screen. From here, you can view the attachment or delete it.

Fig. 1-19

Save and Submit For Publishing

Click the "Save and Submit" button to send your article to the publisher.

Fig. 1-20

Create a URL Link

Your third article will be a Web page reference outside of the portal.

  1. Return Home by clicking on the “Home” link.
  2. Using Manage Content, navigate to your "Add Article" button and click it.
  3. Choose the Publication. (See Fig. 1-21)
  4. Choose "Web Site URL," and then click the" OK" button.

Fig. 1-21

Now, you must fill in the tabs. You know what to do! Use the information that follows to fill out the tab panels from left to right. (See Fig. 1-22)

Article Tab

Title: AUTHORn Third Article

Description: A URL link

Summary: This links to the UF Bridges page.

Author: AUTHORn


Web Site URL

This is where you specify the URL. It needs the entire address. You can only include one per article

Fig. 1-22

Publish Date

Use today’s date as the “Publish Date.”

Use a future date as the “Expiration Date.”


Be sure to check “Sample Training Pagelet,” Section n (where “n” is your number). Don’t select any other sections.


UF_PA_AuthUsers is checked by default.

Save and Submit

Send it to your publisher! Click the “Save and Submit" button.

Fig. 1-23

Sign Off

At the top right corner of your screen, click the “Sign Out” link to log out as the author.

Now, you will sign on as the publisher.

Publish Your First Article

If you have not already signed off as an author, do so now. Do not close your browser. Make sure you are at the training portal sign-on screen. (Fig. 1-24)

1.  Sign on as PUBLISHn, where “n” is your number. Use the password provided by your instructor.

Fig. 1-24

2.  Click on Manage Content > News Publications > Publish Articles.

List of Articles

You should see our three articles under “Sample Training Pagelet,” as in the screen below.

Fig. 1-25

These articles have not been published, reworked or rejected yet.

First Article

Preview “AUTHORn First Article” by clicking on the title link. (See Fig. 1-25)

Fig. 1-26

  1. Click on the “Return to Article List” link to return to Publish Articles.
  1. Now that you know what it will look like after it is published, you should review all of the tabs just to make sure the information in all the fields is correct. Now, click on the "Edit" button next to "AUTHORn First Article." (See Fig. 1-25)
  2. As you did as an author, go through the tabs from left to right. Click on the "Return to List" link when done to go back to Publish Articles.
  3. Check the box next to “AUTHORn First Article.” (See Fig. 1-27)
  4. Click on the "Publish" button, then look for "Processing" on the top right side.
  5. When this is done, click on the "Refresh" button and it will take this article off of the Publish Articles list.

Fig. 1-27

  1. Click the "Home" link to return to your Top Page. Verify that the article appears in the “Sample Training Pagelet” under your section.
  2. Read the article by clicking on its title. Congratulations! You published your first article!

Second Article-PDF

For this example, you as the publisher will decide that you should not publish this article in your section.

  1. Return to Manage Content > News Publications > Publish Articles.
  2. Preview the PDF document article. To see the actual PDF file itself, you must click on the title link of the PDF document in the preview. (See Fig. 1-28) Click on "Shameless.pdf." This will open a new browser window and open Acrobat Reader.

Fig. 1-28

To close Acrobat Reader, click on the X in the upper right corner of your screen. (If you have another screen that shows the article without the link, close that screen, too, by clicking on the X in the upper right corner.) Now, you should be back at the “Preview” screen.

  1. Click on the "Return to Article List" link to return to Publish Articles.
  2. Click on the "Edit" button to review the tabs.
  3. This article is not appropriate for your section, so include a comment under the “File Attachment” tab that you are rejecting it. Type in the comment as shown below.

Fig. 1-29

  1. Click the “Save and Submit” button, then on the "Return to List" link.
  2. You should be back in Publish Articles. Check the box next to “AUTHORn Second Article,” then click the "Reject" button.
  3. Wait for the "Processing," then click on the "Refresh" button.

Third Article-URL

You should still be in your Publish Articles screen.

  1. Preview “AUTHORn Third Article.”
  2. Click on the Web Site title link. You should see the UF Bridges home page in a new browser window. Review the tabs by clicking on the "Edit" button on the right of the article.
  3. You want to send this article back to the author to rework, so under the "Web Site URL" tab, add a comment as shown in the example. (See Fig. 1-30)

Fig. 1-30