9th Grade (Advanced) Vocabulary – Weeks 1-5

Lesson 1

Preclude: to prevent; make impossible

Epiphany: sudden understanding, insight, or revelation about an underlying truth

Fortuitous: occurring by chance, accidental; lucky, fortunate

Lament: to mourn or express sorrow

Assimilate: absorb or be absorbed (often by another culture); make similar

Ambivalence: mixed or constricting feelings; simultaneous conflicting feelings

Lesson 2

Analogous: two or more items that are similar

Audacious: bold or daring; not restrained

Fortitude: strength to face adversity

Resilient: able to survive and rebound from difficult circumstances

Conviction: belief

Adversity: misfortune or hard luck

Lesson 3

Anecdote: a short narrative of an interesting, amusing, or biographical incident

Malevolent: wishing evil to others; hostile, marked by desire to cause pain or distress to


Precocious: exceptionally early in development –

Plethora: over-fullness; superabundance; a lot

Gesticulate: use gestures (movement of limbs) instead of or to reinforce speech

Discern: to detect or recognize; make out

Lesson 4

Condone: to excuse or overlook an offense, usually a serious one, without criticism

Imperative: absolutely necessary

Zealous: very eager; enthusiastic

Dire: dreadful; terrible

Fervent: having or showing great intensity of feeling, passionate

Parsimony: parsimonious; stinginess, stingy


Instigate: to stir up or cause to happen

Prudence: cautious, good judgment

Coveted: desired strongly, wished for longingly

Impunity: freedom from punishment, harm, or bad consequences

Infallibility: the state of being incapable of making an error

Precariously: dangerously; insecurely

9th Grade (Advanced) Vocabulary – Lessons6-10

Lesson 6

Oppress: keep in subservience; govern; control; treat cruelly

Bigot: one who is intolerant of others

Nostalgia: a sentimental yearning to return to the past

Impartial: not biased; treating all equally

Impervious: not able to be affected or disturbed

Implausible: not believable; provoking disbelief

Lesson 7

Disingenuous: crafty, not straightforward, sneaky

Solace: comfort during a time of sorrow or disease

Unpretentious: modest; lacking pretention

Melancholy: sadness, depression, gloom; thoughtful reflection

Irresolute: unsure of how to act, undecided; indecisive

Malicious: with evil intent

Lesson 8

Tenacious: that which holds together with strength

Pernicious: causing insidious harm or ruin, hurtful or fatal

Avarice: greed for riches, miserly desire to gain and hoard money

Contemptuous: showing or expressing disdain, scornful

Petulant: moved to or showing sudden, impatient, irritation

Ebullience: high spirits, exhilaration, exuberance

Lesson 9

Impalpable: incapable of being perceived by the sense of touch, difficult for the mind to

grasp easily

Taut: tense; emotionally or mentally strained

Incredulity: inability or unwillingness to believe

Cynicism: distrusting or disparaging the motives of others; showing contempt for

accepted standards of honesty and morality

Skepticism: inclined to doubt or question accepted opinions, ideas, beliefs, etc.

Derision: ridicule or mockery

Lesson 10

Propitiate: to make favorably inclined: appease; conciliate

Beguiled: to influence by trickery; to take away from by cheating or deceiving

Rancor: bitter resentment or ill will; hatred

Suppress: put an end to, especially forcibly; prevent from being done, seen, heard or


Marginalize: make or treat as insignificant; minority cultures have often been

marginalized by majority cultures

Philanthropy: concern for fellow humans, especially through gifts that encourage and

promote social welfare