Vocabulary & Study Guide for Beowulf, by Michael Morpurgo


allies agony ambush ancestors avenge

cherished condemned corpses fiend gratitude

grotesque hoard hindrance lair omens

ornate piteous prevail ruthless salvation

triumphant vengeance vile wield writhing


with synonyms and quotes from text

1.  ancestors families, great-great-grandparents

“. . . it troubles and terrifies us now as much as ever it did our ancestors. . . “ (7).

2.  fiend villain, monster

“. . . first with that foul fiend Grendel, . . . “ (8).

3.  corpses dead bodies, stiffs

“He left not one of them alive, but carried them off home to his lair to feast on their bloodied corpses at his leisure.” (12).

4. allies associates, helpers, friends

“They had heard about it too across the water in the land of King Hygelac of the Geats, for a long time faithful allies of the Danish kingdom.” (13-14).

5. omens signs, warnings

“But all advice, all omens, only whetted Beowulf’s determination . . . “ (14).

6. piteous pathetic, sad, heartbreaking

“All the world knows of the piteous misfortune that has befallen this land . . . “ (16).

7. salvation rescue, escape

“. . . I am praying, that you might have been sent here to us by God himself as our salvation, . . . “ (20).

8. vile dreadful, despicable

“. . . and offer to rid you of Grendel, this vile and loathsome destroyer” (21).

9. prevail triumph, overcome

“There will, I fear, be nothing of us left to bury, should this flesh-eating monster prevail over us” (22).

10. ruthless cruel, brutal, heartless

“Sadly my hall and hearth-companions have been sorely dwindled in numbers by the ravages of this ruthless killer” (22-23).

11. lair home, den

“Up from his lair and through the shadows came Grendel, . . . “ (27)

12. hindrance interference, obstruction, obstacle

“Rage/wracked, on wreckage bent, Grendel ripped open the iron/studded doors – they were no hindrance to him” (28).

13. agony misery, torment

“. . . for these they knew were not human cries but rather the strident sobbing of the beast in agony and terror” (30).

14. gratitude thankfulness, appreciation, gratefulness

“Know also that your deeds will bring you greater riches still, which are my undying honor and gratitude and love, and that of all my people too” (36).

15. grotesque bizarre, misshapen

“Long they gazed at the grotesque arm up there, . . . “ (37).

16. ornate decorative, elaborate, flowery, lavish

“then came the time of gifts. Two arm/wreaths were brought, and robes and more gold rings, but best of all, the richest collar, the finest prize, more ornate and finely wrought than any I ever saw, the most treasured jewel Hrothgar possessed” (40).

17. vengeance revenge, retaliation

“With vengeance brimming in her soul, she came to Heorot in the dead of that night, . . . “ (42).

18. hoard supply, stockpile, stash

“I shall reward you as I did before, with golden treasures from my hoard” (45).

19. avenge retaliate, revenge

“But I can and will avenge your loss” (46).

20. ambush trap, waylay

“Ready in ambush, she sprang on him, . . . “ (51).

21. wield apply, brandish, wave around

“on the wall he saw hanging an ancient war/trophy, a giant sword, so huge, so heavy, that only a giant could wield it in battle / play. . . he brought it down on her neck . . . The monster / mother was united in death at last with her monster/son” (54).

22. triumphant successful, victorious

“. . . and most now believed that the famous hero could not this time be triumphant, . . . “ (55).

23. writhing squirming, twisting

“. . . unhindered now by sea-serpents and writhing monsters of the deep, . . . “ (55).

24. condemned sentenced, destined

“Condemned to a flogging and on the run from his warrior master, . . . “ (68).

25. cherished precious, esteemed

“Wind-fanned, the flames roared up through the pyre and consumed their cherished lord” (90).

Test on ______. Know these words. Know what is going on in these quotes, and how they relate to the Hero’s Journey. Remember that the steps of the Hero’s Journey do not always occur in order.