Vocabulary/Spelling #7

Word / 3 Synonyms / 3 Antonyms / 1 Sentence: Include context clue; circle context
clue and underline vocab word. / Visual Context Clue: Draw a visual representation of the vocab word.
Finesse: Noun. Delicate skill, tact and cleverness. The lady showed finesse when handling a touchy situation.
Flaunt: Verb. To wave or flutter showily; to display in a conceited, offensive way. The conceited boy flaunted his dance skills in front of everyone at school.
Ostracize: Verb. To exclude from a group, banish, send away. Sometimes a person that does not fit in with his/her peers may be ostracized from social activities.
Purge: Verb. To wash away impurities; clean up. Water filters are designed to purge the minerals out of water and make it healthier to drink.
Repercussion: Noun. An effect or consequence of some action or event. Refusing to do your homework can have serious repercussions, such as a failing grade at the end of the quarter.
Plausible: Adjective. Appearing true, reasonable or fair. Telling me that your dog ate your homework does not seem to be a plausible excuse.
Pulverize:Verb. To grind or pound to a powder or dust; to destroy or overcome (as though smashing into fragments). To make cornmeal you must use a mill that will pulverize the corn into fine particles. The tiny ant was pulverized by the gigantic human.
Volatile: Adjective. Highly changeable, fickle, tending to become violent or explosive. It is hard to predict the way a volatile person will behave.
Aloof: Adjective. Withdrawn, standing apart from others (usually as a matter of choice). The man kept aloof from his coworkers, choosing not to participate in social activities outside of his place of employment.
Cower: Verb. To crouch or shrink away from something in fear or shame. The cowardly boy cowered in the corner of the room as his mother said she knew what he had done.
Grapple: Verb. To come to grips with; to wrestle with or fight with. The man grappled with the fact that he lost all his money in a card game.
Instigate: Verb. To urge on; to stir up. The younger sister did her best to instigate a fight with her brother; she thought that getting negative attention would be better than getting no attention.
Perturb: Verb. To trouble or make uneasy; to disturb greatly; to throw into confusion. The lady was perturbed by the customer's rude behavior.
Skittish: Adjective. Extremely nervous and easily frightened; shy or timid; extremely cautious; unstable, undependable. It may be dangerous to ride a skittish horse.
Incognito: Adjective/Adverb. In a disguised state; under an assumed name. Many celebrities will travel incognito to avoid being hassled by fans. The incognito woman wore a huge hat.