Exam 4 Review
Supplemental Instruction
Iowa State University / Leader: / Kalyca
Course: / BIOL 211
Instructor: / Raich
  1. Vocabulary practice! Define the words.
  2. Quorum sensing:
  3. Autotroph:
  4. Heterotroph:
  5. Stoma:
  6. Cuticle:
  7. Chlorophyll:
  8. Vascular system:
  9. Gymnosperms
  10. Angiosperms
  11. Symbiosis
  12. Saprobes
  13. Hyphae
  14. Bacteria and Archaea are ______(prokaryotic or eukaryotic)
  15. True or false: Archaea are more closely related to Bacteria than Eukaryotes.
  16. Compare and contrast features of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells? (Hint: for comparison think about the four things all living organisms have in common)
  17. What is horizontal gene transfer? What are the three types of horizontal gene transfer in bacteria? For each type also state how genes are transferred from one cell to the other.
  18. True or false: Bacteria are almost always pathogenic.
  19. What are Koch’s four postulates? Which postulates shows the causative link between microorganisms and the ability to cause disease?
  20. What is the germ theory? Who came up with the theory and who validated it with experiments?
  21. What is the endosymbiosis theory? What two modern day eukaryotic cell organelles likely arose due to endosymbiosis?
  22. Draw out phagocytosis and the process of endosymbiosis. What are some similarities and differences you notice?
  23. Prokaryotes are everywhere and they perform a variety of functions. What are some essential tasks prokaryotes perform – for humans or the environment?
  24. Malaria is caused by a:
  25. Bacterium
  26. Mosquito
  27. Protist
  28. Virus
  29. Unknown
  30. What are three characteristics of all protists?
  31. Protists are ______(prokaryotic or eukaryotic)
  32. Why was the transition from an aquatic to a terrestrial environment difficult for plants
  33. What are some adaptations plants had to acquire to make this transition?
  34. Land plants arose from what aquatic ancestor?
  35. Draw out alternation of generations. Make sure to label the ploidy number of each phase as well as whether a phase/ component arose from mitosis or meiosis.
  36. Sporophytes have ploidy of ______and go through the process of ______to give rise to ______which have a ploidy of ______. Gametophytes have a ploidy of ______and go through the process of ______to give rise to ______which have a ploidy of ______. Gametes come together in the process of ______to form ______with a ploidy of ______.
  37. What are the three components of a seed? What is the purpose of each these components?
  38. What is the only monospecific phylum in plants?
  39. What is the purpose of flowers?
  40. What is heterospory and homospory? In what type of plants can you find these types of spores?
  41. What is the most diverse group of land plants today?
  42. Flowers contain two major reproductive structures, what are they? What are the specific components of these structures?
  43. Which of the following organisms are decomposers or use absorptive feeding?
  44. Protists
  45. Bacteria
  46. Fungi
  47. Plants
  48. What are the five groups of fungus? Give one or two characteristics of each.
  49. Are fungus spore produced through mitosis or meiosis? Explain your answer.
  50. Penicillin comes from a(n):
  51. Fungus
  52. Bacteria
  53. Plant
  54. Animal tissue
  55. What does it mean for a plant and a fungus to be a mutualistic relationship? The fungus gives what to the plant? The plant gives what to the fungus?
  56. Give a description of fungus. (Hint: are they autotrophic or heterotrophic, etc.)
  57. What are the two growth forms of fungi?