DATE: / 13 November 2012
SUBJECT: / RFP: RAF/2012/00028

Questions and Answers: Pack 1

Question 1:
What is the average volume of responses to be handled per position?
Answer 1:
Check on the costing model bidders are requested to provide with different volume.
Question 2
With regards to the contract are bidders allowed to make comments, amendments or changes on the SLA?
Answer 2:
Bidders are not allowed to change the attached SLA, any amendments or change by the bidder on the SLA signify non acceptance of the SLA in its current form. If a bidder changes the SLA they will be disqualified. Accept the conditions at set out in the SLA.
Question 3:
Page 16 of the bid document paragraph 2.6.3 there is a statement that says no penalty interest shall be charged in the event of the requirements referred to in 9.1 and 9.2
Answer 3:
Bidders are requested to ignore the statement in page 16 paragraph 2.6.3.
Question 4:
Can bidders type in the bid document?
Answer 4:
Yes, the bidders can type in the bid document but are not allowed to change or retype information.
Question 5:
How many bids must be separated?
Answer 5:
You will have to submit 3 responses (1 original and 2 copies) of each category you are bidding, however you can submit 1 separate envelope with the original documents and mark it as such. Please make sure that you bind your documents together.
Question 6:
Are we allowed to type-in details into the spaces provided in the tender document by computer in stead of completing it by hand without changing the original tender?
Answer 6:
Yes you may type in your response.
Question 7:
Please clarify page 59 point 12?
Answer 7:
Bidders are requested to list the names of Firms/ person, address, contact person and the amount or type of contribution made by the enterprise.
Question 8:
Please clarify page 58 are you a value adding supplier?
Answer 8:
Bidders are requested to indicate Yes or No and the information can be obtainable from SARS to confirm if you are a value adding Supplier.
Question 9:
On page 61 you are requesting banking details why at this stage?
Answer 9:
Bidders are requested to provide banking details and also complete the attached vendor from in the bid document to allow the RAF to capture the bidders on the system if there are successful and baking details will be used to pay the bidders.
Question 10:
How long is the bid Valid for?
Answer 10:
The bid is valid for 90 days.
Question 11:
Because it is approaching December when will the Bid be finalized?
Answer 11:
The bid is estimated to be finalized by the end of January 2013.
Question 12:
The bid is looking for advertisement in print media how big is that looking into the technology this days why not using internet?
Answer 12:
The RAF is looking into recruiting or reaching people that are in disadvantages area were people do not have internet but use print media.
Question 13:
With regard to the foot print are bidders requested to bid for a specify providence?
Answer 13:
No bidders are not suppose to bid for a specific province the bidder must be able to recruit in all provinces but that does not mean bidders are required to have offices in all province. In the bidders proposal bidders can indicate the provinces that they have offices and the provinces that bidders are strong at.
Question 14:
Is the time for closing to ask questions 13 November 2012?
Answer 14
Question 15:
With regards to the requirement of audited financial statements for the past three years, kindly advise if we need to submit statements for 2012, or whether it will be sufficient to submit statements up to 2011.
Answer 15:
Submit the financial statements that you currently have and it must be recent financial statement.
Question 16:
We have recently submitted the form for supplier registration is this not the same?
Answer 16:
No it is not the same that was for registration on the supplier database and this one is a tender to be listed on panel of recruitment services for a period of three years..
Question 17:
If the company is new and does not have financials what do they do?
Answer 17:
In case of a newly formed company you can submit management accounts with a covering letter from a registered accountant, either IRBA or SAICA accredited.
Question 18:
Do I have to submit original documents with each separate bid?
Answer 18:
All documents which are required to be original should be placed in a separate envelope clearly marked as originals. Copies of these documents should be included in each separate bid or response. The document which is required to be original is a valid tax clearance certificate (TCC) only.
Question 20:
Do we have to submit the SLA with the Bid document?
Answer 20:
Yes, the SLA must be returned signed and initialled on each page. The commencement date is 1 January 2013.
Question 21
I have perused the tender document on the RAF website and I see that the tender doc requires information on training of staff, social development projects etc. My company is a small one and I am not operating on that level.
I however have 15 years of Recruitment experience and have the relevant documentation; SARS tax clearance certificate, is VAT registered and hold a SANAS approved BEE level 3 certificate. My company is 100%, black female owned.
Please advise if I will be disadvantaged in this process due to the size of the company and as per paragraph one above
Answer 21:
Please do submit your bid and it will be evaluated accordingly.

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