Arleta High School
Vocabulary Study Chart
English: List #15
9th Grade
/ Synonym/Explanation / Example/Image/Showing SentenceConvince (v)
Convinced (adj) / to make someone feel certain that something is true; to persuade someone to do something
Syn: persuade, justify, talk into / Teachers try to convince students to ______by ______.
Subordinate (adj) (v)
Subordination (n) / less important that something else or lower in rank or authority
Syn: dependent, under
Ant: main, dominant / The superintendent of LAUSD has many people who are subordinate to him, including ______.
Qualitative (adj)
Qualitatively (adv) / relating to the quality or standard of something, rather than an amount or number
Syn: subjective
Ant: objective / Teachers could grade essays by quantitative measure, such as counting sentences, but usually they use more qualitative measures like looking for ______.
Modify (v)
Modification (n) / to make small changes in something in order to improve it
Syn: change, alter, vary / Teresa decided to modify the ______in her narrative essay.
Paradigm (n) / a model or typical example of something that explains an idea or process very clearly
Syn: model, example / The paradigm of high school is different from elementary school, for example ______.