Quarter 1 – Week 3Date: ______Period:______


  1. Rate your prior knowledge of the vocabulary word.
  2. Using your copy of Boy of the Painted Cave, locate the vocabulary word in the text.
  3. Copy the entire sentence from the text into the “In Text Citation” box using quotation marks.
  4. Write your own sentence with the same word on the back of this page.
  5. Since many sentences we are seeing do not come across with the correct meaning you will need to have your sentence checked by the teacher during office hours or have a parent check it at home.

Vocabulary Word / Never heard it / Heard it / Have some idea / Know it well / In Text Citation of Vocabulary Word
pelts (p.45) / “She (Kala) smiled with good strong teeth, strong from chewing on pelts and skins to make them soft.”
ritual (p.47) / “But I must find out,” said Tao, “if I am ever to enter the ritual of manhood.”
whimpering (p. 50) / “He was thinking about what Kala had said when he heard a soft whimpering sound coming from beyond the light of the fire.”
(p. 53) / “Stumbling, lurching through the forest, Tao heard their pounding feet as the hunters picked up the trail.”
crevices (p.55) / “It was not easy, but he was able to cling to the crevices and stunted pine shrubs growing out of the cliff wall.”
kindling (p.56) / “Certain that he had found what he wanted Tao spent four days filling his cave with dried grass, firewood and kindling.”
loam(p.58) / “The black loam was think with uncoiling ferns, and the dank bottomland smelled sweet and earthy.”
torrents (p.61) / “Far to the north, in the high mountains, the retreating glaciers sent down torrents of cold water to form crystal-clear lakes…”
glistening (p.63) / “He watched the screaming fish-eagles swoop down to snatch squirming eels and perch out of the glistening waters.”
bristling (p.64) / “Ram spun around, snarling, the hair along the back of his neck bristling with anger.”

Write your own sentences on the back of this page

Vocabulary Word / Never heard it / Heard it / Have some idea / Know it well / In Text Citation of Vocabulary Word
pelts (p.45) / Noun: animal skins used for clothing and blankets
ritual (p.47) / Noun: an established procedure for a certain rite
whimpering (p. 50) / Verb: a soft cry or sound
(p. 53) / Verb: an awkward swaying or staggering motion
crevices (p.55) / Noun: a crack forming an opening
kindling (p.56) / Noun: material used in starting a fire
loam(p.58) / Noun: a rich soil
torrents (p.61) / Noun: a stream that is flowing rapidly
glistening (p.63) / Noun: to reflect a sparkling light, to shine
bristling (p.64) / Verb: to stand or rise stiffly with anger or rage

Alphabetical order – bristling, crevices, glistening, kindling, loam, lurching, pelts, ritual, torrents, whimpering