Vocabulary for Catcher in the Rye

Vocabulary for Catcher in the Rye

Vocabulary for Catcher in the Rye

For your comprehension while reading!

Chapters 1-5

  1. Ostracize (verb)- to exclude from a group by common consent
  2. Grippe (noun) - an acute febrile contagious virus disease; especially influenza
  3. Posture (noun) - a conscious mental or outward behavioral attitude
  4. Crude (adj)- marked by the primitive, gross, or by uncultivated simplicity or vulgarity
  5. Compulsory (adj) - mandatory, enforced
  6. Ironical (adj) - relating to, containing, or constituting irony [the use of words to express something other than and especially the opposite of the literal meaning, a usually humorous or sardonic literary style]
  7. Qualm (noun) - a sudden access of usually disturbing emotion (as doubt or fear)
  8. Innumerable (adj)- too many to be numbered : countless; also : very many
  9. Moron (noun) - a very stupid person
  10. Putrid (adj) - rotten
  11. Hemorrhage (noun) - a copious discharge of blood from the blood vessels
  12. Rostrum (noun)- an ancient Roman platform for public orators
  13. Chiffonier (noun) - a high narrow chest of drawers
  14. Falsetto (noun) - an artificially high voice
  15. Conceited(adj) - having an excessively high opinion of oneself
  16. Aggravate (verb) - to make worse, more serious, or more severe
  17. Muffler (noun)- a scarf worn around the neck
  18. Monotonous (adj) - tediously uniform or unvarying
  19. Halitosis (noun) - a condition of having fetid breath

Chapters 6-10

  1. Linoleum (noun) - a floor covering made by laying on a burlap
  2. Hospitality (noun)- welcoming treatment, reception, or disposition Bottom of Form
  1. Fiend (noun)- a person of great wickedness or maliciousness
  2. Corridor (noun)- a usually narrow passageway or route
  3. Canasta (noun)– a card game, a form of rummy using two full decks
  4. Incognito (adj./adv.)- with one's identity concealed
  5. Brassiere (noun)- a woman's undergarment to cover and support the breasts
  6. Burlesque (noun)- theatrical entertainment of a broadly humorous often earthy character consisting of short turns, comic skits, and sometimes striptease acts
  7. Psychic (adj.)- lying outside the sphere of physical science or knowledge : immaterial, moral, or spiritual in origin or force
  8. Brassy (adj.)- being shamelessly bold
  9. Intoxicate (verb) - to excite or stupefy by alcohol or a drug especially to the point where physical and mental control is markedly diminished
  10. Verification (noun)- the act or process of verifying and/or being correct
  11. Jitterbug (noun)- a jazz variation of the two-step in which couples swing, balance, and twirl in standardized patterns and often with vigorous acrobatics

Chapters 11-15:

  1. Snub - to treat with contempt or neglect
  2. Necking - to kiss and caress amorously
  3. Newsreel - a short movie dealing with current events
  4. Rile - to make agitated and angry
  5. Galoshes - a high overshoe worn especially in snow and slush
  6. Nonchalant - having an air of easy unconcern or indifference
  7. Rake - to censure/ reprimand Bottom of Form


  1. Frock - a woman's dress or outer garment worn by monkBottom of Form
  1. Atheist - one who denies the existence of God
  2. Chisel - to employ shrewd or unfair practices on in order to obtain one's end
  3. Banister - handrail with its supporting posts
  4. Rubberneck - an overly inquisitive person
  5. Matinee - a musical or dramatic performance or social or public event held in the daytime and especially the afternoon
  6. Bourgeois - of, relating to, or characteristic of the social middle class; often marked by a concern for material interests and respectability and a tendency toward mediocrity
  7. Convent - a local community or house of a religious order or congregation; especially : an establishment of nuns

Bottom of Form

Chapters 16-20:

  1. Screech - a high shrill piercing cry usually expressing pain or terror
  2. Bosom - the human chest and especially the front part of the chest
  3. Raspy - HARSH, GRATING
  4. Clinch - to make final or irrefutable : SETTLE
  5. Blasé - apathetic to pleasure or excitement as a result of excessive indulgence or enjoyment, UNCONCERNED
  6. Enlightening - to furnish knowledge to : INSTRUCT
  7. Sacrilegious - gross irreverence toward a hallowed person, place, or thing
  8. Louse – singular of lice and a contemptible person
  9. Flitty – someone or something that passes quickly or abruptly from one place or condition to another
  10. Boisterous - noisily turbulent : ROWDY
  11. Stagger - to reel from side to side : TOTTER

Chapters 21-26:

  1. Racket (noun)- confused clattering noise : clamor; also a fraudulent scheme
  2. Spontaneous (adj) - arising from a momentary impulse
  3. Digression (noun)- a going aside
  4. Pedagogical (adj)- of, relating to, or befitting a teacher or education
  5. Provocative (adj)- serving or tending to provoke , excite, or stimulate
  6. Pervert (verb)- to cause to turn aside or away from what is good or true or morally right, corrupt
  7. Moccasin (noun)- a soft leather heelless shoe
  8. Cockeyed (adj)- askew, awry b : slightly crazy
  9. Carrousel (noun)- merry-go-round
  10. Bawl (verb)- to cry out loudly and unrestrainedly