Vita, Kristin M. Bass, p. 1
Curriculum Vitae
Kristin M. Bass, Ph.D.
201 Mission Street, Suite 1320(415) 544-0788
San Francisco CA 94105
Current Position
Rockman et al, San Francisco, CA2005-present
Senior Researcher
Research, evaluation and consulting, with specializations in assessment and STEM education.
Post-Doctoral Fellowships and Training
Institute for Education Sciences (IES), Summer Research Training Institute
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN2009
Training in experimental research design and statistical analysis, including power analysis and hierarchical linear modeling
Post-doctoral Research Fellow
Berkeley Evaluation and Assessment Research (BEAR) Center,2004-2005
University of California, Berkeley
Principal Investigator: Dr. Mark Wilson
Training and research in assessment design and psychometrics, including coursework in item response theory and generalizability theory
Post-doctoral Research Fellow
Learning Research and Development Center,2003-2004
University of Pittsburgh
Principal Investigator: Dr. Robert Glaser
Training and research in cognitive science and education with a focus on classroom assessment
Ph.D., Education and Psychology, University of Michigan 2003
Thesis title:Monitoring understanding in elementary hands-on science
through short writing exercises
(Chair: Dr. Phyllis Blumenfeld)
M.A., Psychology, University of Michigan1998
Thesis title:Self-regulation in a middle school project-based science classroom
(Chair: Dr. Ronald Marx)
B.A., Psychology (Intensive), Yale University
magna cum laude with distinction in the major1994
Thesis title:Extending the principles of temporal distinctiveness to memory
for news stories
(Advisor: Dr. Robert Crowder)
Awards and Academic Honors
University of Michigan School of Education Clifford Woody Memorial Award 1997
University of Michigan Rackham Regents Fellowship 1995
Psi Chi (Psychology Honor Society) 1994
Research Interests
- Evaluation of K-12 and postsecondary STEM educationinitiatives
- Assessments of learning (instrument development and validation)
- Project-based learning and digital literacy initiatives
- Research design
- Quantitative analysis
- Technical assistance and capacity-building for evaluation
Papers and Final Evaluation Reports
Bowling, K. G., Miller, L. M., Patel, R. & Bass, K. M. (2017). Impacts of Virtual Clinical Trials simulations on science knowledge and attitudes. Electronic Journal of Science Education, 21(7), 1-19.
Bass, K. M., Hu Dahl, I. & Panahandeh, R. (2016). Designing the game:How a project-based media production program approaches STEAM career readiness for underrepresented young adults.Journal of Science Education and Technology, ITEST special issue, 25(6), 1009-1024.
Bass, K. M., Drits-Esser, D. & Stark, L. A. (2016). A primer for developing measures of science content knowledge for small-scale research and instructional use. CBE-Life Sciences Education, 15(2), 1-14.
Kruse, B., Bass, K. M., & Schultz, G. (2015). The NASA Galileo Educator Network: Using astronomy to engage teachers in science practices.In G. Schultz, S. Buxner, L. Shore & J. Barnes (Eds.), Celebrating Science: Putting Education Best Practices to Work. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, Vol. 500, pp. 223-226. San Francisco; Astronomical Society of the Pacific.
Perazzo, J., Pennypacker, C., Stronck, D., Bass, K., Heredia, J., Lobo, R., Ben-Shalom, G. (2015). Persistent and encouraging achievement gains on math Common Core-aligned items for middle school English language learners: ASAMI— Hands-On Astronomy for After-school Science and Math Integration. Science Education and Civic Engagement, 7(2) 109-119.
Hazer, J. & Bass, K. M. (2015). University of California, Berkeley Museum of Paleontology (UCMP) and Yale Peabody Museum: The Tree Room website evaluation (IMLS) [Final report]. San Francisco: Rockman et al.
Bass, K. M. (2015). Galileo Educator Network final evaluation report. San Francisco: Rockman et al.
Hazer, J. & Bass, K. M. (2014). Youth Radio’s Do IT! initiative summative evaluation. [Final report]. San Francisco: Rockman et al. Available from:
Drits-Esser, D., Bass, K. M., & Stark, L. A. (2014). Using small-scale randomized controlled trials to evaluate the efficacy of new curricular materials. CBE-Life Sciences Education, 13(4), 593-601.
Bass, K. M. (2014). A summative evaluation of Pathways: Promoting access to the health sciences through partnership[Final report]. San Francisco: Rockman et al.
Bass, K. M. (2014). Stakeholders’ perspectives on the theory and practice of agency in elementary science classrooms [Final report]. San Francisco: Rockman et al.
Hazer, J. & Bass, K. M. (2013). Monterey Bay Advanced Networking Education Consortium (MBANEC). [Final report]. San Francisco: Rockman et al.
Hazer, J., & Bass, K. (2013). University of Kansas: Euteleost Tree of Life - curriculum activity and web module evaluation (NSF) [Final Report]. San Francisco: Rockman et al.
Bass, K. M. (2013). Universe Quest evaluation.[Final report]. San Francisco: Rockman et al.
Kirtman, N. & Bass, K. M. (2013). Mississippi Academy for Science Teaching – MAST5.[Final report]. San Francisco: Rockman et al.
Patel, R. & Bass, K. M. (2013). Tech Choices K-3 Engineering Modules: Evaluation report. [Final report]. San Francisco: Rockman et al.
Bass, K. M., Yumol, D., & Hazer, J. (2011). The effect of RAFT hands-on activities on student learning, engagement, and 21st century skills. [Final report]. San Francisco: Rockman et al.
Panahandeh, S., Bass, K. M. & Bandy, E. (2011). Bay Area Video Coalition: Advanced Digital Pathways evaluation. [Final report]. San Francisco: Rockman et al.
Bass, K. M., Drits, D. & Lee, R. (2011). Educators’ implementation of the Genetic Science Learning Center’s curriculum supplement modules. [Final report]. San Francisco: Rockman et al.
Bass, K. M. & Drits, D. (2010). A randomized controlled trial study of the efficacy of two Genome Science for Health curriculum modules. [Final report]. San Francisco: Rockman et al.
Bass, K. M. & Bandy, E. A. (2009). Digital pathways to learning through collaborative media production. In K. Tyner (Ed.), New Agendas for Media Literacy. (pp, 28-50), New York: Routledge.
Bandy, E. A. & Bass, K. M. (2009). Youth Radio Science and Technology Program evaluation. [Final report]. San Francisco: Rockman et al. Available from:
Hazer, J., Manning, E., & Bass, K. (2009). University of Kansas: Fish Survey report [Final report]. San Francisco: Rockman et al.
Bass, K. M., Puckett, C., & Rockman, S. (2008). Models of digital collection use in a university community. Educational Technology, 48(1),44-49.
Bass, K. M. & Mushlin, S. (2008). Findings from the summative evaluation of the Genetic Science Learning Center’s 21st Century Biology program. [Final report]. San Francisco: Rockman et al.
Bass, K. M., (2007). Findings from the evaluation of the Bay Area Video Coalition’s YouthLink program. [Final report]. San Francisco: Rockman et al.
Rockman, S., Bass, K. M., & Borse, J. (2007). Media-based science learning in informal environments. Commissioned paper prepared for the Learning Science in Informal Environments Committee of the National Research Council, National Academy of Science.Available at
Bass, K. M. (2005). Reality's limits. Measurement, 3, 84-88.
Margerum-Leys, J. & Bass, K. M. (2005). Electronic tools for online assessment: An illustrative case study. In S. Howell (Ed.), Online assessment and measurement: Case studies from higher education, K-12, and corporate (Volume II). (pp. 62-81). Hershey, PA: Idea Group Publishing.
Bass, K. M., & Glaser, R. (2003). Developing assessments to inform teaching and learning. CSE Technical Report 628. Los Angeles, CA: National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing.
Bass, K. M., Magone, M. E., & Glaser, R. (2002). Informing the design of performance assessments using a content-process analysis of two NAEP science tasks. CSE Technical Report 564. Los Angeles, CA: National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing.
Baxter, G. P., Bass, K. M., & Glaser, R. (2001). Notebook writing in three fifth grade science classrooms. Elementary School Journal, 102, 123-140.
Baxter, G. P., Bass, K. M., & Glaser, R. (2000). An analysis of notebook writing in elementary science classrooms. CSE Technical Report 533. Los Angeles, CA: National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing.
Krajcik, J. S., Blumenfeld, P. C., Marx, R. W., Bass, K. M., & Fredricks, J. (1998). Middle school students’ initial attempts at inquiry in project-based instruction. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 7, 313-350.
Krajcik, J. S., Blumenfeld, P. C., Marx, R. W., Bass, K. M., & Fredricks, J. (1996). The development of middle school students’ inquiry strategies in project-based science classrooms. In D. C. Edelson & E. A. Domeshek (Eds.), International Conference on the Learning Sciences, 1996. (pp.450-455). Charlottesville, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.
Bass, K. M. & Drits-Esser, D. (2017). Monitoring the alignment of program objectives to instruments. Session presented at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Annual Conference for Science Education Projects, Washington DC, May 2017.
Ufnar, J., Bass, K. M. & Rockhold, R. (Facilitators) (2017). Science of learning: How do SEPA projects incorporate theories of learning into curriculum?Session presented at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Annual Conference for Science Education Projects, Washington DC, May 2017.
Marriott, L. & Bass, K. M. (2017). Tried and true evaluation instruments.Session presented at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Annual Conference for Science Education Projects, Washington DC, May 2017.
Drits-Esser, D. & Bass, K. M. (2016). An introduction to survey design. Session presented at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Annual Conference for Science Education Projects, Rockville MD, May 2016.
Bass, K. M., Drits-Esser, D., Imondi, R. & Santschi, L. (2016). Strategies for validating evaluation instruments. Session presented at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Annual Conference for Science Education Projects, Rockville MD, May 2016.
Bass, K. M., Morell, L. & Drits-Esser, D. (2016). Demystifying science assessment in SEPA projects. Session presented at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Annual Conference for Science Education Projects, Rockville MD, May 2016.
Stark, L. A., Barber, N., Bass, K. M., Malone, M., & Roseman, J. E. (2016). Designing a New Next Generation Science Standards–aligned high school biology curriculum unit and associated teacher professional development. Poster presented at the at the American Educational Research Association’s Annual Meeting, Washington DC, April 2016.
Bass, K. M. & Wyss, J. M. (2015). Project evaluation: Sharing evaluation instruments and designs. Session presented at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Annual Conference for Science Education Projects, Washington DC, May 2015.
Bass, K. M. & Smith, R. (2015). Setting the stage for science identities through partnership programs. Session presented at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Annual Conference for Science Education Projects, Washington DC, May 2015.
Bass, K. M. & Smith, R. (2015). Changing students’ perceptions of scientists through partnership programs. Session presented at the International Teacher Scientist Partnership Conference, San Francisco CA, February 2015.
Kruse, B., Bass, K. M., & Schultz, G. (2014). The NASA Galileo Educator Network: Using astronomy to engage teachers in science practices. Poster presentation at the Astronomical Society of the Pacific’s 126th Annual Meeting, Burlingame CA, July 2014.
Bass, K. M. (2014). Sample size for efficacy studies. Session presented at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Annual Conference for Science Education Projects, Bethesda, MD, May 2014.
Bass, K. M. (2014). Using common assessment tools across projects. Session presented at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Annual Conference for Science Education Projects, Bethesda, MD, May 2014.
Bass, K. M., Kruse, B. & Schultz, G. (2013). The effects of Galileo Educator Network workshops on teachers’ knowledge, confidence and practices. Presentation at the Astronomical Society of the Pacific’s 125th Annual Meeting, San Jose CA, July 2013.
Kruse, B., Schultz, G. & Bass, K. M. (2013). Engaging classrooms in science practices through the NASA Galileo Educator Network. Presentation at the Astronomical Society of the Pacific’s 125th Annual Meeting, San Jose CA, July 2013.
Buxner, S., Bass, K. M., Castori, P. & Wenger, M. (2013). Assessing meaningful impact — Moving beyond the numbers. Invited plenary session at the Astronomical Society of the Pacific’s 125th Annual Meeting, San Jose CA, July 2013.
Buxner, S., Bass, K. M., Wenger, M., & Castori, P. (2013). Selecting and using tools to assess meaningful impact. Workshop at the Astronomical Society of the Pacific’s 125th Annual Meeting, San Jose CA, July 2013.
Bass, K. M. & Drits, D. (2013). Challenges and opportunities in evaluating program implementation. Session presented at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Annual Conference for Science Education Projects, Omaha, NE, May 2013.
Drits, D. & Bass, K. M. (2013). Evaluation designs: When is it appropriate to use randomized controlled trials, quasi-experimental designs, and non-comparison designs? Session presented at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Annual Conference for Science Education Projects, Omaha NE, May 2013.
Bass, K. M., & Patel, R. (2013). Evaluation 101. Presentation for the Girl Scouts of Northern California, Oakland CA, May 2013.
Bass, K. M., Mushlin, S., Fadavi, M., Kirtman, N., Cooper, J. B. & Mills, G. (2013). Project MAST’s science teacher professional development observation protocol. Session presented at the National Science Foundation’s Math Science Partnership Learning Network Conference, Washington DC, January 2013.
Bass, K. M. (2012). Evaluation resources for science education projects. Session presented at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Annual Conference for Science Education Projects, Bethesda MD, May 2012.
Bass, K. M., Cooper, J. B., Fadavi, M., Mushlin, S., Yumol, D. & Kirtman, N. (2012). Creating coherence: Working with university faculty and school administrators to support effective high school science teaching. Session presented at the National Science Foundation’s Math Science Partnership Learning Network Conference, Washington DC, January 2012.
Kirtman, N., Bass, K. M., Cooper, J. B., Fadavi, M. (2012). Bridging research and knowledge to application in an effort to improve and refine strategic goals, program implementation, and evaluation methods. Session presented at the National Science Foundation’s Math Science Partnership Learning Network Conference, Washington DC, January 2012.
Bass, K. M. & Drits, D. (2011). Using cognitive interviews to assess instrument quality. Session presented at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA) Program Annual Conference, Seattle WA, May 2011.
Drits, D. & Bass, K. M. (2011). Mixed data design and analysis - What's right for your project? Session presented at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA) Program Annual Conference, Seattle WA, May 2011.
Cooper, J. B. & Bass, K. M., Mushlin, S., Fadavi, M. (2011). Making it work: Cases of successful participants in a professional development program for high school science teachers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST), Orlando FL, April 2011.
Bass, K. M., Bandy, E. A., Scott, B. M., & Borland, J. (2010). Digital media and learning for youth: What do they know, when do they know it, how do we evaluate it? Think tank session presented at the American Evaluation Association’s Annual Meeting, San Antonio TX, November 2010.
Bass, K. M. (2010). Designing assessments to inform program evaluation and support student learning. Session presented at the Consortium for Research on Educational Accountability and Teacher Education’s (CREATE) National Evaluation Institute, Williamsburg VA, October 2010.
Bass, K. M. & Drits, D. (2010). Rigorous evaluation models: Randomized controlled trials and closely-matched comparison studies.Session presented at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA) Program Annual Conference, Birmingham AL, April 2010.
Bass, K. M. & Drits, D. (2010). Using cognitive interviews to assess instrument quality. Session presented at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA) Program Annual Conference, Birmingham AL, April 2010.
Bass, K. M. & Mushlin, S. (2010). Studying evaluative process: Critical thinking around observing science professional development workshops. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST), Philadelphia PA, March 2010.
Bass, K. M., Burg S., & Rockman, S. (2010). Evaluation 101. Presentation for Pacific Foundation Services, LLC, San Francisco CA, February 2010.
Bass, K. M. (2009). Using science notebooks to embed evaluation into an afterschool science program. Presentation at the American Evaluation Association’s Annual Meeting, Orlando FL, November 2009.
Bass, K. M., Fung, M., Hazer, J., & Rockman, S. (2009). Assessing knowledge of Exploring Time. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association’s Annual Meeting, San Diego CA, April 2009.
Bass, K. M. (2009). Evaluation 101. Presentation for the Youth Pro training workshop, San Francisco CA, January 2009.
Bass, K. M., Fung, M., Hazer, J., & Rockman, S. (2008). Assessing knowledge of Exploring Time. Paper presented at the American Evaluation Association’s Annual Meeting, Denver CO, November 2008.
Stark, L. & Bass, K. M. (2008). Genome science for health: Web-based curriculum for biology, Phases I/II. Presentation at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA) Program Annual Conference, Washington DC, May 2008.
Bass, K. M. & Cogley, P. (2007). YouthLink. Poster presented at the Information Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) Fourth Annual Summit, Washington DC, February 2007.
Stark, L. & Bass, K. M. (2006). Genome science for health: Web-based curriculum for biology, Phases I/II. Presentation at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA) Program Annual Conference, Salt Lake City UT, October 2006.
Bass, K. M., & Cogley, P. (2006). How do we build 21st century skills? The YouthLink experience. Presentation at the National Educational Computing Conference, San Diego CA, July 2006.
Bass, K. M., Cogley, P., & Gilomen, J. (2006). YouthLink evaluation plan. Presentation at the Information Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) Third Annual Summit, Washington DC, February 2006.
Bass, K. M. (2006). The effect of writing exercises on elementary students' perceptions of writing in science. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education, San Diego CA, January 2006.
Bass, K. M., & Bass, G. M. (2006). An educator’s action guide to classroom assessment. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education, San Diego CA, January 2006.
Bass, K. M. & Margerum-Leys, J. (2005). Promoting instructional reform by evaluating the relevance and utility of classroom assessments. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education, Washington DC, February 2005.
Bass, K. M. (2004). Heuristics for developing classroom science assessments. Presentation at the Berkeley Evaluation and Assessment Research (BEAR) Center seminar, Berkeley CA, October 2004.
Margerum-Leys, J., & Bass, K. M. (2004). Tools and techniques for online assessment. Workshop presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education, Chicago IL, February 2004.
Bass, K. M., Baxter, G. P., & Glaser, R. (2001). Using reflective writing exercises to promote writing-to-learn in science. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Seattle WA, April 2001.
Bass, K. M., & Baxter, G. P., & Glaser, R. (2000). A cognitive analysis of a NAEP science performance assessment. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans LA, April 2000.
Bass, K. M., & Baxter, G. P., & Glaser, R. (2000). A cognitive analysis of a NAEP science performance assessment. Presentation at the Learning Research and Development Center (LRDC) Cognitive Brown Bag, Pittsburgh PA, March 2000.
Bass, K. M., & Baxter, G. P. (1999). Elementary hands-on science notebooks: Insights on investigations for administrators, teachers, and students. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal PQ, April 1999.
Bass, K. M., & Baxter, G. P. (1998). Writing in science ... for what purpose? An analysis of notebooks in hands-on science classrooms. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego CA, April 1998.