UNIV1301 CRN 32541
Visual Culture
Semester Term and Year: / Summer 2011Professor: / Daniel Duarte
Office: AAC rm 113
Office Hours: W 3:00 – 5:00 or by appointment
Phone: 747-7300
Course Description: / This section of Univ 1301 will examine visual culture. Examination of visual culture may include but is notlimited to the following media: photography, painting, sculpture, fashion, advertising, virtual reality, and otherelectronic imaging systems.
Required Texts: / Borders: Crossing into Your Future (3rd edition)
Course Packet found in BlackBoard
Online articles
Course Objectives: / This course will also place a significant emphasis on acquiring and practicing the skills needed tohelp you successfully make the transition into college. We will specifically focus on strengthening academicskills such as time management, reading for content, writing, note taking, test taking, and overallorganization. The most important skill that will be emphasized in this course is “critical inquiry.” The activitiesand assignments in this course will promote student interaction and involvement with various members of theUTEP community including other students, staff and faculty members.
Grading Breakdown: (exams, papers, etc.) / Class Participation and Attendance Students will earn points based on completion of in class assignments, punctuality, participation and attendance.10pts per week x 15 (150)
Centennial Museum Exhibit Visit and Paper A two page reflection paper on the visual aspects and meanings you gained from the exhibit(s). 50 pts
Rubin Center Museum Exhibit Visit and Paper A two page reflection paper on the visual aspects and meanings you gained from the exhibit(s). 50 pts
Discussion/Activity Questions (Borders Book) Discussion responses are informal but require your full attention. Discussion questions will assist you if you apply your energy to writing about your experiences in the class and experiences with course materials. 100 pts.
Quizzes will be conducted after each article assignment is due, 5 total 25pts x 5 (125)
(3) Campus Events Students are required to attend three campus events (one per month) and write a two page reaction paper to the event. You may choose to go to a sporting event, play, film, art exhibit, lecture or other campus event. Each event must be different. 150 pts
Career Portfolio: to include job resume, DISCOVER, CAPP report, and Career Expo paper The career portfolio is compiled by completing assignments to include Academic advising activities, job inventory (DISCOVER) completion, use of JobMine database, and attending Career Expo. 150 pts
Group research assignment This assignment will include agroup research paper and presentation. The group assignment should be over some of theissues discussed in the films, readings and other material covered in the course. Theresearch paper should include at least 5 references from different sources (magazines,journals, books) using the MLA citation style. The group presentations will be held duringthe last week of class and should use Microsoft Powerpoint 200 pts
Teaching Method: / Students are taught using lectures, online course materials including BlackBoard, team activities, individual assignments, journaling, portfolios, participating in campus activities and art exhibitions, and student research.
Brief Description of Course Content: / Students will complete individual and team activities and also utilize learning skills. Students will be required to attend activities outside the classroom, to include exhibits at the Rubin Center, Centennial Museum, and Union Gallery.