Processing of the Results of Elections to the National Council of the Slovak Republic in 2006

Processing of the Results of Elections to the National Council of the Slovak Republic in 2006

Processing of the Results of Elections to the National Council of the Slovak Republic in 2006

Polling District Commission
(5900) / Electoral Register
Contents of the Ballot Box / Evaluation of voter turnout in the polling district
Counting of votes cast for political parties and preferential votes for candidates
Act 333/2004 (Coll.) on Elections to the NC SR
Methodological Instruction for Processing the Voting Results of Elections to the NC SR in 2006 / Record of the Polling District Commission
(or output on medium, too)
District Electoral Commission
(50) / Records of Polling District Commissions / Collection and verification of Records of Polling District Commissions
Recording of data from Records of Polling District Commissions
Act 333/2004 (Coll.) on Elections to the NC SR
Methodological Instruction for Processing the Voting Results of Elections to the NC SR in 2006
Project for Automatic Processing of Results of Elections the NC SR in 2006 / Record of the District Electoral Commission
Central Electoral Commission / Records of District Electoral Commissions / Collection and verification of Records of District Electoral Commissions
Processing of election results, allocation of seats to political parties and determination of elected members of the NC SR
Act 333/2004 (Coll.) on Elections to the NC SR
Project for Automatic Processing of Results of Elections the NC SR in 2006 / Record of the Central Electoral Commission
(Expert Summary Body for the Central Electoral Commission)
CD and publication containing election results

•Voting results are surveyed in polling districts. Polling District Commissions, whose members are nominated by political parties running in elections, bear full responsibility for correctness of the results. A key document about the election result is the Record of the Polling District Commission – Record of the conduct and result of polling in a polling district in the elections to the National Council of the Slovak Republic on 17 June 2006 (form T/12) and its annexes (form T/13).

•Expert Summary Bodies (ESB) of Polling District Commissions ensure verification of the Records of Polling District Commissions (formal correctness, completeness – annexes, logical verification of data, etc.) and recording of data from the Records of Polling District Commissions and inserting them to the database. Each Polling District Commission after submitting the Record receives a transcription of the Record created from the data recorded and inserted to the database and the chairperson of the Polling District Commission confirms by his signature that the recorded data correspond with the Record of the Polling District Commission. The data recorded for polling districts are once more completely compared with originals of Records after receiving all the Records of polling districts. The SO SR guarantees that the recorded data correspond with the content of the Records of Polling District Commissions and guarantees correctness of their summarization for a district.

•The election results in the district are definitive only after signing the Record of the District Electoral Commission.

•The Expert Summary Body of the Central Electoral Commission (ESB of CEC) summarizes the data from the Records of District Electoral Commissions. The SO SR guarantees the correctness of data summarization from the Records of District Electoral Commissions.

•The Expert Summary Body of the Central Electoral Commission after signing the Record for a district submits to the CEC a transcription of the district Record for verification and comparison with the transmitted original of the Record. After having signed all district Records the ESB of CEC submits the proposed Record to the CEC for approval. The results of the elections are definitive only when the Record is signed by the CEC.