Visual Arts Intermediate (ART 2)

Welcome to Visual Arts Intermediate, formerly Art 2. In order to take Proficient (Art 3Honors,)Advanced (Art 4 Honors), IndependentStudy (Art 5), or Advanced Placement Studio Art you must complete Art 2. You will continue to develop skill in the areas of drawing, painting, printmaking, and sculpture. We will discuss and gain understanding of our art, and art of the past through group critiques and art history. Each 9 weeks will include an art history focus.

This class is structured so that maximum learning can occur. You are expected to respect class rules and procedures and complete the given assignments.

Please consider the following:

1.Attendance and Tardies: You are expected to be in your seatwhen the tardy bell rings. Directions and the focus for the day will always be given at the beginning of the period. An agenda will be on the board to help you in accomplishing the day’s goals. Those who are late will be subject to the SHS tardy policy. Your class attendance is important to your success in the course. You are expected to be in class unless you are sick. You will lose 2 points from your participation grade for each absence. Always ask me about missed work.

2.Grades: Effort is always crucial to your success in the arts. Those students who are willing to work will do very well in this course.

Class participation 40%daily grade

Class work 30 %drawing, painting, journal

Notebook10 %Art History due at the end of the 9 weeks

Homework 5 %due at the end of the 9 weeks

9 week test15 %end of 9 wks. Portfolio presentation 100%

Every day that you work in class you will maintain “100” as a daily grade. If you choose not to work you will lose 10 points for each day during the 9 weeks that you do not participate.

3.Supplies: The school furnishes the art supplies. The only items needed are:

a sketchbook/journal, an art gum eraser, a set of colored pencils, (Prisma is preferred) and a folder to use as a notebook. Art paper is available for homework assignments. We would greatly appreciate a donated box of tissues, hand sanitizer, or a bar of soap.

4.Procedures: You are expected to work each day that you are in art class. You are to be in your workspace unless obtaining or returning supplies.

Please show respect for each person in the class. Rudeness is not tolerated.

Each person is expected to share in the clean up process.

The teacher, not the bell, will dismiss you.

The normal school procedure of referral to the principal’s office will result if these procedures are not followed.

I look forward to this year and the privilege of teaching each of you.

Laura Greenhill Perry