VISTA Assignment Description (VAD) Definitions and Template
Below are the definitions for each section within the VAD and the VAD template. See an example VAD in Appendix 5 of RFP that includes examples of each of the sections. These are just examples and you should not feel limited by them.
Executive Summary(100 words): Pull executive summary from proposal narrative.
Equity Gap Needs Statement (70 words): Provide an abbreviated version of your equity gap needs statement as articulated in the narrative.
Alignment with Graduation Initiative 2025(100 words):Please describe how the proposed VISTA project, as outlined in your VAD, aligns with your Graduation Initiative 2025 campus plan. View campus plans here.
Equity-Focused Attainment Goals: Projects are required to identify 3 equity-focused attainment goals. At least one of your three identified STEM equity-attainment goals must be from the following list of one-year outcomes for VISTA project’s target population (students of color, women, low income, and/or first generation students). Please see Project Requirements section of the RFP (page 7) for more details.
Assessment Evidence: Consider the assessments and activities participants will complete in order to demonstrate evidence of understanding and learning. There should be assessment evidence listed for each desired result. For example, host site will submit student one-year retention/persistence data for activities that took place Summer 2018 – Summer 2019 (Mid-year progress report in February 2019 and final report in August 2019). Questions to consider: How will you know if we have achieved the desired results? By what criteria will performance and learning be evaluated? What will we accept as evidence of understanding? How will you guide participants in reflection and self-assessment of their learning?
Modifications or Enhancements to STEM Strategies (250 words): To meet the unique needs of your individual students andembrace their cultural capital,describe at least two modifications or enhancements that you will implement. Your selected strategies should also meet your equity gaps needs. See Project Requirements (page 7) and Appendix 5of the RFP for additional details.
Projects and Step: This section should detail the major projects and steps that the VISTA member will focus on for the year. VADs should have a minimum of three (3) major projects. You may insert additional project rows as needed. Steps should be the activities and benchmarks that will lead to achieving or completing the overall project goals. Sets of steps (4+ steps) should be identified for each project. Example projects and steps are include in the VAD template below. VISTA projects should be realistic (can be completed in one year) and provide opportunity for creativity and ownership.
Questions to consider: What learning experiences, activities, programs, and instruction will enable participants to achieve the desired results and equity-attainment goals? What knowledge and skills will participants need to perform effectively? What activities, sequence, and resources are best suited to accomplish your goals?
Target Groups: Indicate which groups are being targeted by the activity (K-14 and CSU students, faculty and staff, etc.). Include target group demographics (race/ethnicity, gender, Pell-eligibility, first time freshman, transfer, etc.).
Estimated # Affected: Indicate the estimated number of participants affected (e.g., 250 transfer students, 150 African American Students).
Stage of Project: Identify which stage each VISTA project is in - explore, develop, strengthen or expand. You may select multiple stages for each project. Refer back to the Project Requirements Section of the RFP (page 7) for more details.
Activity Type: See Appendix 3of the RFP for activity type examples. Select all that apply.
VISTA Position Title:Campus Name:
Host Site:
Executive Summary: (100 words)
Equity Gap Needs Statement: (70 words)
Alignment with 2025 Graduation Initiative: (100 words)
Equity-Focused Attainment Goals:
Assessment Evidence:
Modifications or Enhancements to STEM Strategies: (250 words)
VISTA Projects and Steps / Target Group(s) / Estimated # of Student Affected / Stage of Project
(Mark all that apply) / Activity Type
(must select at least 1)
Project #1:
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4: / Explore
Expand / Programs and Services
Organizational Structure
Resource Allocation and Infrastructure
Project #2: Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4: / Explore
Expand / Programs and Services
Organizational Structure
Resource Allocation and Infrastructure
Project #3:
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4: / Explore
Expand / Programs and Services
Organizational Structure
Resource Allocation and Infrastructure