Conference Call Notes

Friday, November 15, 2013

2pm Eastern; 1pm Central; 12pm Mountain; 11am Pacific; 8am Hawaii

1-719-457-6899 or 1-866-485-7855: participant pass code: 846500

The Practice Group is grateful to SCRA for supporting the costs of our conference calls. Thanks.



Bill B.


Susan W.





Ashley B.




Nicole F.




Chris K.

Chris C.

Welcome new members!

Ashley Boal, Portland, Oregon

Nicole Freund-Wichita State University-first year student

Report from our EC Representatives: Olya, Susan

-The Practice Council material for the SCRA P&P Manualwas approved, official description of who we are and what we do

-Are we truly an international organization was discussed? Olya- will learn more on current discussions around use of the word international and report back to the council.

-Bill presented on online learning initiatives

-Susan presented on behalf of professional development and the summer institute


  • Conference line cost is increasing; please switch the order of the toll conference line on agenda items.
  • Nominating Committee Status – who is interested in serving?
  • Tom is willing to relinquish seat, if a PC member is interested in serving in this role.
  • Group assist past president with nominations
  • Duties obligations are minimal and in the past only one phone call was required.
  • SCRA - Awards – ideas on who to propose? Especially for Practice Award.
  • December 1st/2nd (Deadline)
  • Think of individuals you wish to nominate and submit to Victoria by deadline
  • Last year we were informed that multiple nominees are highly encouraged

Agenda Action Items –

Practice Council Leadership evolution:[Sharon Facilitates]

Election of Co-Chair in January – nominations will be taken at December meeting

  • Tom is rotating out of his co-chair position. In search of a new co-chair
  • Newly elected co-chair will serve a shorter term due to earlier election,(January 2014-November 2015) however encouraged to run again.
  • Key member for the practice council
  • Please email Tom and Sharon if you would like to learn more, or want to nominate yourself or someone else.

Annual January Planning Meeting

-Repeating last year’s successful January Planning meeting, our January meeting will be devoted to a review of the past year and creating a vision and agenda for 2014.Overall this method is helpful for organizing, strategizing, and planning goals for the upcoming year

  • Need to address: Membership, Recruitment and Retention
  • Prepare update to be sent prior to the meeting
  • This will be a similar format to last year call
  • Who wants to help plan this meeting? Last year we had a great small team.

1. Improve graduate education for Community Psychology Practice. [Sharon Facilitates]

  1. Report from CEP/Practice Council Liaisons (Kyrah, Ashley)
  2. CEP/Practice joint agenda identified by the CEP
  3. 5 initiatives
  4. Summer institute
  5. Ongoing practitioner list, CEP to play a role of help disseminating
  6. Curriculum mapping
  7. Community psychology in introduction textbooks
  8. Supporting programs in self-evaluation
  9. Creating a Google doc to track initiatives and contact information
  10. Looking for people to volunteer for initiatives
  11. Email Ashley if you want something added to CEP agenda
  12. Ashley to send list of joint initiatives agendafor 2013-2014
  13. Student Competencies Group: Update on articles (Kyrah, Sharon)
  14. Student manuscript submitted
  15. Preview of the manuscript to be sent out
  16. Joint Manuscript with CEP in progress this piece is being written that compares and contrast Student and University survey results (Timeline for completion 6 weeks).
  17. Before published will solicit commentary
  18. Who’s voice is needed for commentary?
  19. Will be published in spring TCP (Deadline Feb. 15th).
  20. Commentaries need to be completed a week prior. Commentators will
  21. Greg will have practicum students write a commentary
  22. Goal of the article is starting conversation and advancing topics
  23. Want practice and academia voices
  24. Ashley volunteered to write with Sharon and Christian
  25. Tiffany said she will have students to write a piece
  26. International student to write a commentary
  27. Initiations to be sent out for people to write commentaries
  28. Community Psychology Institutes
  • Summer Institute – Professional Development Committee (Susan)
  • Susan and the Professional Development Committee can report preliminary results of a survey to gauge interest in members for a CP Summer Institute to be held as soon as next June.

Closed Wednesday

Preliminary survey results:

Completion rates / 32% opened survey
66% (244 members) of those opened completed the survey
Location / 35% fine with college campus
Rustic casual, 41% don’t care
Suggested Sites: Camp Friends in MI, Highlander Center, Milwaukee, Las Vegas, Lynnfield, Pacifica, Portugal, St Louis, Grand Valley State University, Pepperdine, Wichita State University, University WI, Madison, Marymount, Wilmington, University of MI, Michigan
Most Common: Midwest, East, and no preference
Dates and Duration / June or July
2 full day workshops, some one day
38% will attend a workshop for 2-3 days
Over 3 day weekend
Cost / 4 people would pay $600
Some were only willing to pay less than $100, even for a 3 day workshop
Most common was$100-$200, for a 1- 2 day workshop
Content / Grant writing, resource development
Incentives / 8 colleges said yes to receiving college credit, 35 said maybe
34% wanted Continuing Education Credits: mostly psychology, some mentioned counseling, and would look good on resume
34.9student said college credit would make it more appeasing

Next steps will happen fast – who can help?

Developing two groups for the planning committee

EC may be able to assist with logistics

Email Susan if you would like to volunteer!

2. Enhance the visibility of Community Psychology Practice within the field by increasing number of publications and conference presentations focused on Community Psychology Practice and related issues. [Tom Facilitates]

a. Practice Section of the new website (Carlos, Kyrah, Gina): Essential To-Dos

Volunteers Needed for writing and gathering information, and Migrating Content.

See attached “needs” sheet / Action Plan

Kyrah sent spreadsheet to all Practice Council Members, please respond and fill in spreadsheet for task you are able to assist with. Technical skills are not needed

  1. Olya and Jasmine – writing up the Summit
  2. Draft is now out for edits and planning for article to be in the spring TCP.
  3. Careers Book (Judah, Olya)
    317 surveys completed. Contacted department chairs to request surveys to be sent out to Alumni to reach practitioners not related to SCRA. If you have not completed survey you may still do so. Next steps are underway outlines are developed for next chapters, and looking to fill gaps. Practice Council expressed interest in receiving to send out recruitment document to reengage lost practitioners.
  4. SCRA Book Series appeal (Tom)

3. Engage in outreach efforts to those outside of SCRA., including members of allied fields, members of other divisions of APA, and the general public.[Sharon Facilitates]

  1. Summary of new online community psychology learning proposal (Bill B.)

Submit by Thanksgiving – third version by Nov 1

  1. Update: an online learning task group is established. Current members are Olya and Carlos. Currently seeking and recruiting new people to expand online learning initiative.
  2. Looking for people to continue, lots of work to be done. If you have some interest please contact Bill.
  3. Al, Vince, and Tiffany are interested.

4. Support the career development of Practitioners and the market for Community Psychology Practitioners. [Tom Facilitates]

  1. Gathering Practice Resources/List of Practitioners – Survey for consultation etc. to academic departments (Dave J.)
  2. Draft of survey has been sent. Be ready with edits so we can finalize this.
  3. How do we best get practitioners to describe their areas of expertise? (Competencies, Sectors, etc?)
  4. Having a way of capturing the resources that practitioners can bring to academic departments
  5. How does this coordinate with a survey Sylvie is proposing and our existing Vignettes?
  6. To assess work done, mentor, guest lecture, topics can cover, consulting business, to give results to CEP
  7. Ashley will send the draft to the cep and ask the CEP what do they need to get from the survey results that will help them invite practitioners to assist their program.
  8. Membership and Finding Lost Practitioners (Tom W)
  9. Social networking approach. Ask faculty and students to identify their colleagues in practice – brainstorm how we actually do this
  10. See sales pitch attached
  11. Peer Consultation calls – summary of last call
  12. Professional Development Committee and APA Program Committee (Susan)

5. Positively impact the communities we live and work in through the use of Community Psychology principles.

Update items:

1. Improve graduate education for Community Psychology Practice.

  1. Highlander Institute Training (Gloria)
  2. New Program Interest Group (Shep, Tiffeny)

2.Enhance the visibility of Community Psychology Practice within the field by increasing number of publications and conference presentations focused on Community Psychology Practice and related issues.

a.. Summit Visibility Three Subgroups

1.Create a product, "What Community Psychology Can Do for You" (Olya, Kate, Karen, and Darren)

2. Identify mainstream publications that would be good venues for CP (Carlos, Gina, Danielle, and Mike) - Working on a list and creating an action plan

3.Partner with the Council on Education Programs to get at least one paragraph about community psychology in introductory textbooks (Suzanne and Lindsey)

  1. Community Psychology Practice Book (Susan, Victoria)
  2. The Community Practitioner (TCP) (Susan)
  3. New Community Ideas (TCP) (Gina)
  4. GJCPP

3. Engage in outreach efforts to those outside of SCRA., including members of allied fields, members of other divisions of APA, and the general public.

  1. Theory into Action Outreach Group (Bill B, others)

New folks needed

  1. Facebook page (Mike)
  2. AEA – TIG (Susan)

4. Support the career development of Practitioners and the market for Community Psychology Practitioners.

  1. Support for early career practitioners (Gloria)
  2. Profiles Project (Kyrah)

5. Positively impact the communities we live and work in through the use of Community Psychology principles.

  1. Community Toolbox – Ask and Advisor (Bill B)
  2. New ideas from the Summit Radical Community Psychology Group (Gloria,Kyrah,Tom)
  3. Mini Grant: Summary of Grants and Year Wrap-up (Mike)

6. Advocate for organizational level actions within Division 27.

  1. Awards Process
  2. MOOCs (Online Courses) (Roger)

Next Meeting: December 13

Next Peer Consultation Call: December 20