Visitor to Patients Policy

CDDFT Policy

Reference Number / POL/N&Q/0021
Title / Visitors to Patients Policy
Version number / 2.0
Document Type / Policy
Original Policy Date / October 2005
Date approved / October 2005
Effective date / October 2005
Approving body / Quality & Innovation Committee
Originating Directorate / Nursing & Quality
Scope / Trust wide
Last review date / February 2009
Next review date / September 2010
Reviewing body / Governance Department, Patient Experience Team, Matrons Forum
Document Owner / Director of Nursing
Equality impact assessed / Yes
Date superseded / n/a
Status / Approved
Confidentiality / Unrestricted
Business Criticality / n/a
Keywords / Visitors, patients


Signature of Chairman of Approving Body
Name / job tile of Chairman of approving Body: / Chair – Quality & Innovation Committee
Signed paper copy held at (location): / Library

POL/N&Q/0021Version 2.0Page 1 of 7

Visitor to Patients Policy

Document Control Information

Version control table

Date of issue / Version number / Status
October 2005 / 1.0 / Superseded
July 2009 / 2.0 / Approved

Table of revisions

Date / Section / Revision / Author
July 2009 / Full / Full / L Robson, J Todd, S Lonie, H Rutter


1 / Policy statement / 3
2 / Scope of policy / 3
3.1 / Visiting times / 3
3.2 / Number of visitors / 4
3.3 / Children visiting / 4
3.4 / Visitors access / 4
3.5 / mealtimes / 5
3.6 / Infection control / 5
3.7 / Smoking / 5
3.8 / Staff responsibilities / 5
App 1 / Equality Impact Assessment Tool / 7

1.Policy Statement

It is the policy of CountyDurham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust that the Trust works in partnership with patients and their visitors to ensure that visitors are made welcome whilst also promoting safety, privacy, dignity and infection control. It is recognised by the Trust that visiting times are important for patients and their relatives; not only are they opportunities to stay in touch with each other, they are also useful opportunities for relatives to talk to staff about progress and treatment. The policy is also designed to ensure that patients receive adequate rest and that mealtimes are uninterrupted.

2.Scope of the Policy

This policy applies to all wards and departments where patients are housed and visitors are received.

The policy must be applied with due sensitivity to some special needs of the patient. Examples of special needs may include:

-Patients who are very sick or known to be dying

-Patients whose carers make a significant contribution to care and whose presence is desirable in the patient’s interests outside of visiting hours

The policy must also be applied with due sensitivity to visitor needs as long as there is no ill effect to the patient. Examples of special needs may include:

-Visitors who have travelled long distances to see a patient

-Visitors who due to age or disablement cannot travel after dark

The policy applies to the Trust’s own staff who may wish to visit patients within the Trust.


3.1Visiting Times

Visiting times are staggered within CountyDurham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust, in order to ease parking and life pressure. Notices of visiting times will be clearly displayed at the entrance of each ward. Visiting hours may be altered with the agreement of the Ward Manager, Matron and the Director of Nursing, if the ward can demonstrate that this would be more appropriate to their client group.

Visiting outside the stated times must only be with the permission of the Nurse or Midwife in charge or by prior agreement with the Ward Sister/Charge Nurse (who must ensure that all staff are aware of that agreement and record it).

Responsibility for negotiating visiting times for visitors or patients with special needs lies with the Ward Manager or in their absence the Nurse in Charge. The Trust expects this policy to be applied with common sense and courtesy in order to meet individual needs.

3.2Number of Visitors

Patients should normally only receive two visitors at any one time. Maternity will make the exception by allowing Grandparents and the Father to visit together.

Exception to only two visitors must be agreed with the Nurse or Midwife in charge.

In special circumstances, for instance where there are issues around control of infection, visiting may be restricted still further.

3.3Children Visiting

Children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

Children under the age of 12 may only visit with the permission of the Nurse.

In Maternity only the patient’s own children irrespective of age can visit.

Small children must be carefully supervised by the accompanying adult and must not be allowed access to other patients or equipment.

3.4Visitors Access

Visitors may be asked to leave at any time if a patient’s condition is judged to be deteriorating, if the patient is becoming fatigued or a clinical intervention is necessary.

Visitors cannot stay overnight in side rooms with the patient unless the Ward Sister feels that the patient’s condition warrants this.

Nurses and Midwives will always take into account the patient’s wishes when allowing visitor access.

Visitors should not routinely be allowed access to clinical rooms, sluices, kitchens or offices. Where such access is appropriate, visitors must be accompanied.

The Trust operates a zero tolerance policy in respect of violence. This policy must be adhered to by staff and visitors displaying threatening or abusive behaviour will be required to leave.

Visitors must not bring alcohol or drugs into the Hospital and will be asked to leave if they fail to comply with this rule.

Visitors should only escort patients from the ward with the express permission of the Nurse or Midwife in charge.

Visitors including children are not allowed to use patient toilets.


The Trust’s policy is to protect patient mealtimes so that patients can enjoy their meals in a calm atmosphere without interruptions from medial staff, therapists, cleaners or visitors. Visiting will therefore normally only be allowed at mealtimes when the visitor is by arrangement with the Nursing Staff going to assist with the patient’s meal.

3.6Infection Control

Visitors should wash hands or use alcohol gel before and after visiting. Each bay or cubicle has a sink that can be used to wash hands and alcohol gel is available as an alternative at the bottom of each bed.

Visitors should not visit if they or their family have symptoms such as diarrhoea, vomiting or heavy colds.

Visitors should not touch wounds, catheters or any other devices that are being used in the care and treatment of the patient

Visitors should not share their relatives/friends toiletries, tissues or items of hospital equipment with other patients unless a member of the nursing team has approved it.

Visitors should not sit on beds.

Visitors should clean their hands with alcohol gel before visiting other patients and on leaving the ward.


Visitors are reminded that smoking is not allowed on Trust premises.

3.8Staff Responsibilities

Ward staff must behave at all times in a courteous manner.

Staff should circulate through patient areas at visiting times ensuring visibility and availability.

Visitors should be made welcome.

Enquiries should be dealt with politely and every effort made to resolve queries or complaints within the bounds of confidentiality.

Staff must ensure that careful explanations are made to visitors or patients who are cared for under infection control restrictions and that warning advice is clearly visible.

Only medical staff, registered Nurses or Midwives should deal with clinical enquiries e.g. results of investigations.

Other staff may deal with general enquiries or inquiries related to patient care e.g. eating and drinking.

Staff should wear ID cards at all times.

It is the responsibility of the ward staff to ensure that patient care is continuous through visiting times and that the safety, privacy and dignity of any patient is not compromised by visitors.

If behaviour is causing concern, for instance too many visitors, the Nurse or Midwife in charge must take action. If the Nurse or Midwife in charge is unable to manage the situation advice must be urgently sought from the Matron or during out of hours the local bleep holder.

All staff should be aware of visiting times, which should also be clearly displayed and available in ward literature and displayed at the ward entrance.

Date of issue: October 2005

Review date: July 2009.

Next review:September 2010

To be reviewed by: Governance Department, Patient Experience Team, Clinical Matrons.


Name of Policy, Procedure or Function: Visitors to Patients Policy

Department / Directorate: Nursing and Quality

Clinical Service Manager/Head of Service/Associate Director: Laura Robson

1. Could the policy, procedure or function affect people differently in terms of their :- /

Yes / No

  • Disability (please note that this includes long-term illnesses)
/ No
  • Race
/ No
  • Religious Belief
/ No
  • Gender
/ No
  • Sexual Orientation
/ No
  • Age
/ No
2. Does it influence relations between any different groups in the above categories? / No
3. Could some groups be affected differently? / No
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, please answer the following questions. If not, please proceed to Question 4. / na
  • Is there any evidence that some groups are affected differently?
/ na
  • If not, do you need to gather evidence?
/ na
4. Is the impact of the policy, procedure or function likely to be negative on any group? / No
If you answered yes to Question 4, please answer the following questions. / na
  • Can the negative impact be avoided in any way?
/ na
  • Is it unlawful?
/ na
  • Can it be reasonably justified?
/ na
  • What alternatives are there to delivering the policy, procedure or function without the impact?
/ na
  • Can you reduce the impact by taking different action?
/ na

Completed by:Clinical Governance / Patient Experience

Date:July 2009

POL/N&Q/0021Version 2.0Page 1 of 7