External User Access; High Level Portal View
Suggested reading after today: Design Document, Section 6, pages 45-54 and Section 15, 15.1 pages 123-126.
The most significant difference is that the RCU view is of a single facility unlike the internal view where all the facilities are available. This allows the DAPC user to search across all facilities for the various kinds of objects. There is a provision for consultants to access multiple facilities; however, they must pick one at a time. The RCU view is of only one facility. Therefore there is no need to search Facilities, Permits, Applications, Emissions Reports, Compliance Reports or Invoices.
The second most significant difference is that the RCU has no workflows or To Do list. Therefore there is no search for To Do or Workflows.
The 3rd level menu (on left) permits viewing of data in the read only database which should match what is in the Internal DAPC database due to Oracle Streaming. This is a subset of what is available internally when on a specific facility. It does not include:
- Allowable Emissions,
- Attachments (to facility),
- Correspondence,
- Invoice History (may be added in the future),
- Facility Address History
- Notes,
- Undelivered Mail or
- PER Due Dates (history).
While the Field Audit Log and Submission Log are not available on a third level menu in the internal system, they are not available at all to the RCU. There is no concept of “permissions” so roles or assignment of roles to users is not needed. (There is one exception to this; only a Responsible Official can perform a submit operation).
Those3rd level menu items that are available to the RCU are shown on the Air Services Home page if they are associated with the facility. This list is:
- Owner/Contact
- Applications(s)
- Permit(s)
- Emissions Report(s)
- Reporting Category
- Compliance Report(s)
- Facility Profile History
- Event Logs
- References
These always come from the read-only database. The data grids are similar; they are missing the facility search attribute information and in some cases are somewhat different in other columns to match the differing interests of DAPC and the RCU.
Those associated with a single profile are available when viewing a profile and are the same for DAPC and the RCU and are:
- Emission Units,
- Control Equipment,
- Egress Points and
- Federal Rules.
The View Facility Profile button displays the current facility profile from the read only database.
The command links under New Tasks allow the user to create new objects in the staging area. Clicking one of these brings up a popup which may require additional information to determine exactly what to create. These objects are:
- Facility Profile,
- Facility Contacts,
- Application (several types),
- Emissions Report
- Permit Evaluation Report (PER) and
- Compliance Report.
This is in contrast to the internal system where the creation buttons are at the bottom of each data grid returned upon clicking on the corresponding third level menu button (e.g., at the bottom of the data grid of emissions reports for a facility, there is an Add button to create a new emissions report).
Creation of one of these objects (tasks) creates one or more lines (tasks) in the In Progress Tasks table and each is kept track of by an ITS Dataset. Most of these objects require a facility profile and the facility profile requires facility contacts. This creates dependency relationships (shown) and reference counts (not shown).
When an object is created or when it is visited, additional 1st level menu tabs appear to provide easy navigation to the last instance of that object type viewed. When logging in, only the Air Services Home tab appears.
The ITS Dataset is used to present the list of tasks (My Tasks) prior to entering Air Services and reaching Stars2. (Note that due to an earlier error in Stars2 code, these datasets were not (always) deleted when the Stars2 task was deleted).
A task exists until it is submitted or deleted (plus a special case when an emission report switches away from the current profile). Submission and deletion observe the dependency and reference count rules in submitting all the dependent tasks and removing tasks if no remaining tasks reference them.
You must always be aware of whether you are working with objects in the staging area or the read-only area. You have three ways to view facility profiles:
- Click the View Facility Profile button to see the current profile from read-only.
- If an application or TV/SMTV emissions report in staging, clicking on Facility Profile Change displays the current profile as it exists in staging.
- Clicking on 3rd level menu Facility Profile History and then CURRENT shows the same profile as the View Facility Profile does.
The only difference in the page appearance once you are viewing the profile is that some of the buttons are grayed out or missing if you are viewing a read only copy—because it is not the one in staging and cannot be changed.
In the case of facility profiles, “the current” facility profile can exist in the stagingand the read-only database at the same time. However, applications and emissions reports cannot be in both places at the same time. Once an application (report) is submitted from the staging area it is removed from staging and resides instead in the read-only database, that same application (report) cannot be brought back into staging. A new application (report) can be created in staging from an existing one in the read-only database, but it is not the same one—it has a different identifier.
High Level Portal View: 1