FEBRUARY 28, 2014
The Mayor and City Council of the City of Washington, Georgia, held an Appeal Hearing on Friday, February 28, 2014, to consider the budget elimination of the Director of Community Development position of David Jenkins. Mayor Barnett presided.
Present were: Mayor Barnett and council members T. Armour, Cullars, Scarborough and Tutt. Council member S. Armour and Rainey were not present. Also present were City Administrator Crawford, City Clerk Danner and City Attorney Fleming.
Visitors present were David Jenkins and Robbie Ross of WLOV radio.
Mayor Barnett asked that the meeting agenda be amended to let the City Clerk address an alcohol license issue. On motion by Armour, second by Scarborough, council approved 3 to 1 to amend the meeting agenda. Council member Cullars voted against the motion.
City Clerk Danner advised council that the Hospital Foundation had made application for a Charitable Organization alcohol license for an event to be held on March 15, 2014, at the Pope Center. The necessary paperwork had been completed but the application did not meet the City ordinance requirement of making the application 30 days prior to the event.
After discussion in reference to waiving the 30 day application requirement, Council member Cullars made a motion to approve the license, second by Scarborough, council voted 4 to 0.
APPEAL HEARING: City Attorney Fleming requested an executive session to advise council on legal proceedings. On motion by Cullars, second by Scarborough, council approved 4 to 0 to enter into executive session.
On motion by Tutt, second by Scarborough, council approved 4 to 0 to re-enter open session.
Mr. Jenkins requested that council re-consider his termination.
On motion by Tutt, second by Scarborough, council approved 4 to 0 to enter executive session to deliberate on this appeal.
On motion Scarborough, second by Cullars, council approved 4 to 0 to re-enter open session.
Council member Cullars asked several questions of Mr. Jenkins concerning the Austin Dabney statue event and the City of Zebulon, the Gordon Street school resolution and the job title change that happened in fall of 2013.
On motion by Scarborough to uphold the termination, second by Armour, council approved to motion 2-2-1. Voting against the motion were council members Cullars and Tutt. Mayor Barnett voted for the motion breaking the tie vote.
On motion by Scarborough, second by Cullars to amend the meeting agenda to receive information from the City Administrator concerning a personnel matter, council approved 4 to 0.
On motion by Cullars, second by Scarborough, council approved 4 to 0 to re-enter open session.
On motion by Cullars, second by Scarborough, council approved 4 to 0 to have Mayor Barnett sign an executive session affidavit for the personnel appeal hearing and receiving personnel information.
ADJOURNMENT: On motion by Cullars, second by Scarborough, council approved 4 to 0 adjournment at 5:51 PM.