Dear Parents:
In the week since the Newtown tragedy, schools and school districts all over the country have reviewed, clarified and augmented security plans. This has been especially true in Glen Ridge, where we have been in contact daily with local police, the State Department of Education and other authorities. Today, before the holiday break, I want to give you an update on important aspects of our School Security Plan.
Visitor Policy: All school visitors must be buzzed in to individual buildings at a single designated access point. Other access points will be kept locked at all times. When classes are not in session, users of school facilities will have limited and defined access to specific school areas. Other areas will be locked and inaccessible.
Contact: In the event of an emergency, the District will contact you via the emergency phone system already in place. This method reaches land line, cell phones, phone texts, and email. Regular updates will be provided in the same way.
Emergency Pick-Up: If an emergency situation occurs and a school or schools are evacuated, you will be notified via the emergency contact system and told where to pick up your children. In order not to compromise the safety of students and staff, information about the pick-up location will not be provided to the public in advance of or during emergency situations.
District Security Plan: The District has a Security Plan that was developed in partnership with law enforcement (including the Glen Ridge Police Department). The Plan covers response procedures for a variety of types of incidents, including lockdowns and active shooter situations. Drills on these procedures occur regularly throughout the year.
Transparency: Specifics of the District’s Security Plan are confidential and not open to requests made through the Open Public Records Act (OPRA). This measure is necessary to avoid compromising security and thereby endangering students and staff.
In the days and weeks to come, we expect to make further changes to the School Security Plan. As I announced at the Board of Education Meeting on December 17, the Glen Ridge Police Department’s Crime Prevention Bureau will conduct a security survey very shortly. I, in association with Glen Ridge Police Chief Sheila Byron-Lagattuta, will make recommendations to the Board at a January Board of Education meeting.
We continue to make every effort to ensure that our students are educated in a safe and secure environment. Please feel free to contact me at with any questions or concerns.
John Mucciolo