BIOL 2010 SLA Workshop Syllabus
Fall 2013
Course Instructor: Dr. James F. Thompson SC B210
SLA Leader: Melissa Wirth
Workshop Times:
Section 08SMonday10:10 – 11:05 SSC B223
Section 38SMonday11:15 – 12:10 SSC B223
Welcome to the APSU BIOL 2010 SUCCESS Program! Please keep this copy of the SLA Workshop Syllabus Policies for your records and reference. Any questions may be directed to Melissa Wirth or Dr. James F. Thompson.
“Learning is not attained by chance; it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence.”
-Abigail Adams
The SLA Workshops are a tool for your success in Human Anatomy and Physiology. Use the time during the workshops wisely and ask any questions you have about lecture OR lab material.
Required Materials
- Lecture notes/materials
General Attendance Policies
- All students enrolled in an SLA section are required to attend and participate in the weekly workshop associated with the course.
- A student with more than 3 unexcused absences for the workshops will receive an FA for the lecture course.
- The following will be counted as unexcused absences:
Arriving at the workshop more than 10 minutes late
Leaving the workshop more than 10 minutes early
Being asked to leave for disruptive behavior
- The following types of absences will be excused. Documentation (i.e. Doctor’s note) must be provided withinone week of the absence:
University-scheduled activity (i.e. athletic activity, band, military event, field trip for another course)
Death in the family
Illness/doctor’s appointment or hospitalization
Jury duty
Military deployments or field exercises
Other reasons will be determined by the professor on a case-by-case basis
Late for Workshop Policy
- A student is late if arriving more than 5 minutes after the scheduled start time (more than 10 minutes is considered an unexcused absence)
- Three instances of being late is counted as one unexcused absence
Workshop Rules
- Since the workshop meets in a laboratory, food and beverages are not permitted (ONLY water is allowed)
- Cell phones must be silenced or on vibrate; if there is an emergency, please step outside briefly
- Students are NOT allowed to be on any electronics or Facebook during the workshops
On the first instance, a verbal warning will be given
On the second instance during a workshop, the student may be asked to leave which will count as an unexcused absence
Free tutoring is available through the APSU Academic Support Center. You may stop by the Marks Building, Room 124 or call (931) 221-6550 to make an appointment. Walk-ins are also welcome if a tutor is available to help.
*Another optional study tool is the use of Armando Hasudunganyoutube videos to help you understand processes visually.